
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Teaching and Learning

Last Chance to RSVP for Wednesday’s Talk with Dr. Feng

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Wednesday afternoon you can here CTL Scholarship award winner, Dr. Z. Vivan Feng, speak on “Life at the Nano-bio interface — an Analytical Chemist’s journey towards an environmentally sustainable future”. Register with the link below.

Wednesday, October 2 | Speaking of Scholarship with Dr. Z. Vivian Feng – 2019 CTL Scholarship Award Winner | 3:10 pm – 4:20 pm, Hagfors 150 A

RSVP for Speaking of Scholarship with Dr. Z. Vivian Feng

Paid Summer Program to Study Public Policy

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Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Junior Summer Institutes is an intensive seven-week summer program that focuses on preparing students for careers as policy professionals, public administrators and other leadership roles in public service. Selected participants spend the summer at one of five participating universities (University of Minnesota, Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, Princeton, or University of Michigan) where they take courses, learn from top leaders in the field and build their professional skills. Students must have junior or senior status and be planning to graduate between December 2020 and August 2021. To be competitive for this opportunity, students should have a 3.5 GPA or above. There is no cost to attend and participants receive a $1,000 stipend. Contact URGO at or 612-330-1446 and reference your interest in PPIA before October 6th to set up a meeting to learn more

PPIA Eligibility and Benefits

Summer Language Study with the Critical Language Scholarship

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The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is a fully-funded eight to ten week language and cultural immersion program abroad in which students receive eight credits of intensive language instruction in less-commonly taught languages, as well as structured cultural enrichment experiences designed to promote rapid language gains. CLS is part of a US State Department initiative to expand the number of Americans studying and mastering foreign languages critical to national security and economic prosperity. There are fifteen languages that applicants can select from. Alumni of the program also receive one year of non-competitive eligibility (NCE) status when applying for federal government jobs.

The CLS Program seeks participants with diverse interests, and from a wide range of fields of study and career paths. Competitive applicants will need to be able to illustrate a commitment to language learning, a very strong academic record and potential to succeed in a rigorous academic setting, and ability to adapt to an intensive program and challenging cultural environment. Applicants must be U.S. citizens.

Languages with no previous study required:

Languages with one year prior study required:

Languages with two years prior study required:

To learn more about the program, go to . The URGO office provides advising and application support for CLS. Please contact (reference CLS) to set up an appointment before October 25th.

URGO Academic-Year Research Application Available

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Each year URGO offers $1,000 research grants for undergraduates who wish to gain research experience with an Augsburg faculty member. These grants require 100 hours of research over the course of the academic year and are a great way to ease into research or to continue work on an existing project.

The application is available at the URGO website ( at the “on-campus research” page. Grants are awarded on a rolling basis, so student-faculty research teams are encouraged to submit proposals in the fall. The URGO Advisory Committee meets bi-monthly and will begin reviewing proposals September 23rd.

If you have any questions about undergraduate research opportunities, please contact Dixie Shafer at or x1447.

URGO Conference Travel Grants Available for Student Researchers

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URGO offers up to $850 in travel funding for Augsburg undergraduates who have been accepted to present research at a professional conference. These funds can mitigate the high costs of travel such as airfare and lodging, and can contribute to students’ professionalization.

The application is available at the URGO website ( at the “conference travel” page. Grants are awarded on a rolling basis, so students are encouraged to work with their research mentor to submit a travel application as soon as possible after receiving acceptance to a conference. The URGO Advisory Committee meets bi-monthly throughout the school year and will begin reviewing applications September 23rd.

If you have any questions about undergraduate conference travel opportunities, please contact Dixie Shafer at or x1447.

Off-Campus Course Proposals Due November 1

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Any course with an overnight off-campus (domestic or international) component, must be approved through Academic Affairs (AAC, GAAC, CGEE) prior to offering the course.

Off-campus course proposals are now being accepted for academic year 2020-2021 (Fall 2020-Summer 2021). Proposals are due November 1st.

Learn more about the process before starting an proposal.

Please contact Leah Spinosa de Vega ( with questions. Or schedule a meeting on Leah’s calendar to discuss ideas or review draft proposals.

Begin a Proposal for 2020-2021 Academic Year

New Book in CTL Resource Library

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CTL has acquired a new book that will be placed in Lindell 202 for use by faculty and staff.

The book, Learning From Each Other: Refining the Practice of Teaching in Higher Education by M.L. Kozimor-King and J. Chin comes highly rated and even has a chapter by Professor Pike. A preview of Pike’s chapter, “Without Apology: Reclaiming the Lecture,” was given during her spring 2019 EDTalk. For this and other resources housed in Lindell 202, please see

General Announcements

Augsburg Support for Uninsured Students – The People’s Center

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Augsburg is now working with the People’s Center to provide certain clinic services to students (all academic programs) who don’t have insurance for a $5 co-pay.

The People’s Center is located at 425 20th Avenue South, one block west from Augsburg, off Riverside Avenue.

With a $5.00 co-pay, the following are available to Augsburg students who do not have insurance:

Office visits for acute or chronic medical problems
Annual physical exams – 1 per year
Sexually transmitted diseases screening and lab work done at The People’s Center (lab diagnostics done outside of The People’s Center are not covered)
X-rays performed at The People’s Center
Tetanus immunization
Lab tests performed at The People’s Center
Tuberculosis skin test (Mantoux)
Casts, crutches, splints, slings and ace bandages
Allergy injections (prescription and supply must be provided by student)
Flu shots

If you have health insurance, your insurance provider may cover medical services through The People’s Center. The clinic will bill your insurance for medical services and you will be responsible for any co-pays or deductibles associated with your insurance. You should check with your insurance provider to see if services at The People’s Center will be covered.

Smiley’s Clinic remains available for students – they accept most forms of insurance.

DPS will provide an escort to The People’s Center and/or to Smiley’s Clinic.

Winter break study abroad: Youth culture and Political Activism in the UK – apply by October 1

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Spend winter break in both London and Edinburgh exploring the connections between youth culture, media, and social change, with a focus on Harry Potter and Brexit.


From Harry Potter to #Brexit: Youth, Media, and Political Activism in the UK, 4-credits
Course option: WST 220 – fulfills Humanities and Augsburg Experience

Faculty Leader: Professor Adriane Brown
Travel Dates: December 29, 2019 to January 12, 2020

This program is limited to 15 students, accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. A waitlist will be used as needed.

This 4-credit course is part of the spring 2020 enrollment. It can be taken as part of, or in addition to, your usual course load, and overload fees incurred by this study abroad program will be waived.

Program cost $4,675
includes: international airfare, all meals, all lodging, all program activities, all transportation in the UK. There is no additional tuition fee for full-time undergrad students.

Visit the program page for additional details, course information, and updates!

Spring break study abroad in Guatemala – apply by November 1

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Take a spring semester course that includes 10 days of travel to Guatemala on Spring break!

Human Rights Voices in post-conflict Guatemala, 4-credits

Course options: CCS/SPA 495, or POL 459

Faculty Leader: Professor Joseph Towle

Travel Dates: March 14-22, 2020 (spring break)

Course Description:
Many U.S. citizens know little of Guatemala and the struggles its people face although it is a nation that continuously finds its fortunes bound to the interests and intent of the United States.

This course invites you to hear Guatemalan people’s views of their country, to explore past and present US involvement, and learn from those who lived through and survived the civil war spanning four decades (1960-1996), as well as a new generation of writers and artists–all who creatively and peacefully counteract the culture of fear through art and literature.
This 4-credit course is part of the spring 2020 enrollment. It can be taken as part of, or in addition to, your usual course load, and overload fees incurred by this study abroad program will be waived.


Program cost $3,825
includes: international airfare, all meals, all lodging, all program activities and in-country transportation. There is no additional tuition fee for full-time undergrad students.

Scholarships are available!

Visit the program page for additional details, course information, and updates!

Think ahead to summer study abroad – Greece or the Netherlands

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Short term study abroad is a great way to travel, earn credits, and still have the rest of your summer to work, play, do an internship, etc. There are a few great options coming up for Summer 2020–start planning now. Applications are open and the application deadline is JANUARY 31

***Living Green in Amsterdam***
Course options (students take ONE course):
SOC/URB111: City Life: Intro to Urban Sociology (fulfills Social Behavioral Sciences LAF), or
SOC/URB 295: Living Green in Amsterdam (elective)

This program also fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement

Faculty Leader: Lars Christiansen
Travel Dates: May 7-22, 2020

Program Description:
Today, most of the world’s population lives in metropolitan areas, whether that means a traditional city, a suburb, an exurb or a slum – this is a very recent change in human history. Humans are fundamentally social beings, and urban areas provide the space where most people are born, grow up and interact with one another throughout their entire lifetimes.. We will explore the city as a social and political phenomenon and examine how the design of cities affects social interactions in perhaps surprising ways – the placement of buildings and the design of open space may make us want to be in an area or flee it.

***Economic Crisis, Small Business & Ethics in Greece***
Course options:
KEY 490, ECO 495 , or BUS 495 (students register for one course).
This program also fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement.

Faculty Leaders:
Stella Hofrenning and Phyllis Kapetenakis

Travel Dates:
May 13-27, 2020 Approximately 3 pre-travel meetings will also be held

Visit the Augsburg Study Abroad & Away site to learn more about these programs!

Event Announcements

Final Friday at the Hagfors Greenhouse

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Want to know what we’ve got growing on? The Biology Department Plant Growth Facilities are opening the doors of the Hagfors Greenhouse to the Augsburg community on the last Friday of every month for Final Friday Flower Hour. Greenhouse staff will be available to showcase our plant collections and research projects. Come see our collections of crop wild relatives and species from the Horn of Africa, and marvel at our new living wall.

The next Final Friday is September 27, from noon to 2PM. The Greenhouse is located on the 4th floor of the Hagfors Center.

Questions? Please contact the Hagfors Greenhouse Curator, Dr. Leon van Eck (

Peace in the Middle East: Challenges and Signs of Hope

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Join Interfaith at Augsburg for a Brown Bag Lunch discussion with visiting lecturer Munib Younan, retired bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land and former president of the Lutheran World Federation.

Wednesday, October 2
12:00 P.M. – 1:00 P.M.
Oren Gateway Center, Room 100

Bishop Younan’s parents were Palestinian refugees. His entire life and leadership have been focused on finding a lasting, just solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and building up the civic agency of Palestinian people.

Brown Bag Lunch Website

October 3 – Christensen Symposium: Suffering and Hope in the Midst of Conflict

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Want to support more interfaith friendships in our divided world?

Attend the Bernhard M. Christensen Symposium
Suffering and Hope in the Midst of Conflict

11 a.m – 12 p.m.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Foss Center, Hoversten Chapel

Hamdy El-Sawaf, founder and psychotherapist at the Family Counseling Center and imam of Masjid Al-Iman in Minneapolis
Munib Younan, retired bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land and former president of the Lutheran World Federation

Hamdy El-Sawaf and Munib Younan will share personal experiences and their religious faith perspectives on hope, reconciliation, and resiliency in the midst of suffering and struggles that often are intensified by religious convictions and differences.

About the Christensen Symposium:

Each year, the Christensen Symposium provides the opportunity to explore and apply the lessons rooted in former Augsburg President Bernhard M. Christensen’s legacy:
Christian faith liberates minds and lives.
Diversity strengthens vital communities.
Interfaith friendships enrich learning.
The love of Christ draws us to God.
We are called to service in the world.

2019 Christensen Symposium Website

Volunteers for Taste of Augsburg

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The Environmental Stewardship intern team is helping with Taste of Augsburg by sorting waste at the event! All catering supplies are compostable, but many event attendees can get confused by the options for disposing waste. We’ll come ready with knowledge and cool stickers to encourage learning and increased contributions to our campus-wide sustainability goals! We are looking for more volunteers to help us.

Taste of Augsburg is on September 28th from 11 AM – 1:30 PM at Murphy Square Park. Taste of Augsburg features tasty treats by Augsburg Student Organizations. All sales on tickets are final and all funds go directly to the host organization/student group.

If you are interested please sign up by selecting a shift(s) you are available Any questions or concern, please contact Blongsha Hang, EAC Graduate Fellow, at

Fill out this Google form:

Fall Blood Drive Wednesday 10/2/19

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The Center for Wellness & Counseling (CWC) welcomes Memorial Blood Centers for its annual Fall Blood drive on Wednesday 10/2/19 from 10:00 – 4:00 pm in the East Commons (upstairs Christensen Center). Please consider scheduling a blood donation that day. You can schedule an online appointment at and enter sponsor code 0027. Or you can call the CWC office at 612-330-1707 to schedule an appointment time as well. There will also be sign ups available in Christensen Center TODAY – FRIDAY 9/27 from 12 – 1:00 pm . Please help save lives and donate blood on October 2nd!

Augsburg Campus, Past and Present: A Sesquicentennial Tour on Tuesday, October 1

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Join me and other Auggies for a campus walking tour called “Augsburg Campus, Past and Present.” The tour will start at the site of Augsburg’s original Minneapolis building and move through our indoor and outdoor spaces as we learn about the evolution of the campus from 1872 to the present. We will meet at noon in the Enrollment Center.

Access is limited: we will be walking a few blocks, and we will encounter stairs and some uneven surfaces. Space is limited and an RSVP is required. Contact or call 612-330-1104 to get a space.

Not free for the October 1 tour? The Campus Past and Present tour will be offered again on Wednesday, October 9, and Tuesday, October 29.

Augsburg Nooks and Crannies Tour: Wednesday, October 2, at noon: RSVP required

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The Nooks and Crannies tour includes a visit to the old chapel and gymnasium in Old Main, the Old Main attic, our Art Deco filling station, and other little-known spots of interest around the campus. The tour begins outside of Old Main 105.

Access is limited: we will be walking a few blocks, and we will encounter steep stairs and some uneven surfaces. Space is limited and an RSVP is required. Contact or call 612-330-1104 to get a space.

Not free for the October 2 tour? Nooks and Crannies will be offered again on Tuesday, October 8, and Wednesday, October 30.

Keeping Track of Auggies

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