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Hello Students, Faculty, and Staff!!
Augsburg Asian Student Association (AASA) would just like to announce that we will be launching our first ever ONLINE T-Shirt Fundraiser!
There will be 2 different kinds of shirts that will be made available:
-Short-Sleeve $20
-Long Sleeve $25
This campaign will help fund future AASA events and will only be active for 21 days, so get your AASA T-Shirts before the campaign ends. Because of this, please give Bonfire time to deliver your T-Shirts. Expected delivery date will be between September 30th and October 9th!
For more information, click on the link to read our campaign!!
Please Like and Share with your friends and family! Thank you for supporting Augsburg Asian Student Association
-AASA Core
President: Houa Thao
Vice-President: Linh Nguyen
Secretary: Jacynthe Moua
Treasurer: Zaj Lee
Marketing & Relations Officer: Asheema Alice Yang
Outreach Coordinator: Cindy Vue
Historian: Sienna Skye Lee