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WHAT: A foundational series around undoing the patterns of white supremacy, particularly as they exist in white bodies.
WHO: Any white faculty or staff, interested in building anti-racist community and building culture among white bodies. (You will also be joined by the cohort of faculty/staff who’ve committed to a yearlong cohort experience around this work)
WHEN: Friday September 27th, 9-1pm (lunch included) Friday October 11th, 9-1pm (lunch included) Friday October 25th, 9-1pm (lunch included)
** These sessions will build on each other so we ask that you attend all three, if you wish to participate. We promise we’ll try to avoid Fridays in the future to accommodate who always teach on that day! **
WHERE: Faith Mennonite Church 2720 E 22nd St, Minneapolis, MN 55406 (Just a block south of the Seward Co-op!)
QUESTIONS: Reach out to Allyson Green to learn more!