Campus Cupboard moving to Old Science building, 8A

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The Campus Cupboard (student food shelf) is moving to the Old Science building, room 8A!

It will be co-locating with the ShareShop, a new space on campus for students to share items/ resources (like cooking equipment, camping gear, etc.)

Open Hours: Fall 2019 Cupboard Hours will be posted ASAP on the Campus Cupboard website. The Cupboard will re-open at the end of September. If you need to access the Cupboard before it officially opens, feel free to email Natalie Jacobson or Nick Keener.

Free produce: Campus Kitchen distributes free, local produce to the Augsburg community on Mondays from 2-4pm in the Christensen Lobby. The first hour of produce distributions is for Augsburg students, the second hour is for anyone in the Augsburg community.