TODAY: Experiential Ed Workshop with CGEE’s Joe Connelly (Room changed)

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PLEASE NOTE THE ROOM CHANGE: this event has been moved to Hagfors 150A

The Sabo Center and the Center for Global Education and Experience (CGEE) present a learning opportunity focused on CGEE’s distinct experiential education pedagogy. What are the approaches and values that CGEE uses in its experiential education settings, and how might its elements and values be applicable to on-campus teaching and learning? Learn with Joe Connelly, long-time CGEE Experiential Education Specialist.

Monday, November 18, 2019
Hagfors 150A

This session is part of Augsburg University’s International Education Week events.

International Education Week (IEW), November 18-22, 2019, is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education that celebrates the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide.

Co-sponsored by Augsburg’s Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship and Center for Global Education and Experience.