Parking Lot Enforcement Changes effective 12-02-19

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In an effort to gain compliance with our surface lot parking spaces, DPS will begin to “ticket and tow” all vehicles that are not displaying proper permits for the specific, designated lots. Primary hours of enforcement will be 8:00am – 4:00pm during the academic year. These increased enforcement actions will begin on Monday, December 2, 2019.
As a reminder, the Augsburg community has a number of parking permits that are valid for use in specific lots only. Drivers are permitted to park as follows:
Residential Students: Lots B and L
Commuter Students: Lots B,C, K and L
Faculty Staff: D, L and G
Carpool Permit holders: Designated spaces in Lot D

Other designated lots are for the following users and permits ONLY:
Lot A: Visitor permits
Lot E: Permitted short term-visitors (3 hour or less)
Lot H: Reserved/Designated
Lot J: Reserved/Designated