Faculty Responsibility for University Course Surveys

submitted by pike@augsburg.edu

These next two weeks are the prime time for faculty to set aside 5-7 minutes at the beginning of class for students to complete the University Course Survey. They can do so on their phones and faculty should leave the room since as a body we decided these surveys should be voluntary. The critical feature of this design is that it complements course specific data you collect on your own (in class survey, focus group, class discussion) to improve teaching and learning. We are working to increase response rates (so if you forget and rate is low that may be why) and to change the culture of faculty and student attention to course feedback. Department and Program Chairs are asked to make sure our adjunct and new faculty are aware of our process at Augsburg. If you have specific questions, please contact Scott Krajewski krajewsk@augsburg.edu or Diane Pike pike@augsburg.edu
