
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Teaching and Learning

2020 brings student pronouns to moodle

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We’re excited to let everyone know that student pronouns will begin to be displayed in moodle after the break. They will be displayed:
– On your login page next to your name and photo
– In the class roster
– In the gradebook
– In discussion board postings

Remember that you can select your pronouns in Records and Registration on the Student Information page. You may also select that you do not wish to define your pronouns (essentially opting out).

Moodle will update pronouns every night.

General Announcements

Nominate a student for the Newman Civic Fellowship

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The Newman Civic Fellowship recognizes and supports community-committed students who are change makers and public problem-solvers at Campus Compact member institutions. Fellows are nominated by their president or chancellor on the basis of their potential for public leadership.

Newman Civic Fellows:
*Engage in collaborative action with others from campus or from surrounding communities in order to create long-term social change
*Take action in addressing issues of inequality and political polarization
*Demonstrate the motivation and potential for effective long-term civic engagement

Through the fellowship, Campus Compact provides students with training and resources that nurture their assets and passions and help them develop strategies for social change. The yearlong program, named for Campus Compact founder Frank Newman, includes virtual learning opportunities and networking as part of a national network of engaged student leaders and an optional in-person convening.

Staff, faculty, and students are encouraged to nominate a student to be considered for Augsburg’s 2020-2021 Newman Civic Fellow (self-nominations accepted). The nominee must have at least one full year of their education remaining, such that they will be enrolled in higher education for the entirety of the 2020-2021 school year.

Nominations will close on January 20, 2020.

Nomination Form for 2020 Newman Civic Fellowship

$16,000 Phillips Scholarship Application Closes January 10

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SOPHOMORES: The Phillips Scholars Program recognizes and rewards private college students who strive to make life better for those with unmet needs. Applicants are challenged to think creatively and become community-service leaders, and receive a total of $16,000 in scholarship.

A preliminary mini-application (linked below) is used to select two finalists from Augsburg University who will then develop a full proposal to be submitted to the Minnesota Private College Council for the scholarship. This will include a 5-7 page project proposal, official transcript, and 3 letters of recommendation. Staff members of the Sabo Center will help finalists complete their applications.

Applicants must be a sophomore during the 2019-2020 school year.

Each year, projects must fit within a theme. This year’s application theme is “Addressing the Achievement/Opportunity Gap in Minnesota.”

Scholarship recipients receive $6,000 during their junior year, a $4,000 stipend while completing a summer project, and $6,000 their senior year upon successful completion of their summer project.

Last year, 3 of the 5 Phillips Scholar recipients were Augsburg students, and many Augsburg students have received the scholarship in the past. Check out the Phillips Scholar website for more information about current and former Phillips Scholars and their projects:

Deadline for Preliminary Application: Friday, January 10, 2020, 11:59 p.m.

Phillips Scholarship Required Mini-Application Due January 10

Staff Senate News

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CONGRATULATIONS to this semester’s Auggie Pride Award winners: Eric Rolland, Michael Fetting, Kelsey Richardson Blackwell, Elizabeth Kästner, and Briana Alamilla. These colleagues were nominated by co-workers and recognized for their work making a significant contribution to a department, a division, or to University-wide goals.You can nominate a colleague for recognition! Visit the Staff Senate webpage and fill out the nomination form:

FACILITIES UPDATES: Did you know that Facilities provides regular updates about campus buildings and facilities projects on their website? Check out for more information

WEATHER CLOSURES: If there are campus cancellations or closures due to winter weather, there will be updates provided online on the DPS web page and on this Google document

ELECTIONS: Staff Senate will soon be holding elections for an open seat. Keep your eyes open for the election form after the start of the new year!

Visit the Staff Senate web page

Event Announcements

TOMORROW The Theory and Practice of Code-Shifting: Fostering Equitable Intercultural Communities

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When: December 19, 2019 11:00 am – 12:00 pm CST
Level: Intermediate
Track: Global Diversity
Presenters: Emily Clawson, Peace Corps | D’Lynn Jacobs, Peace Corps Vanuatu
Cost: Free
Note: This webinar was originally scheduled fro December 12, 2019, but it has been update and rescheduled to December 19, 2019. The date of this webinar is December 19, 2019
This webinar will detail the United States Peace Corps’ journey and approach to fostering working environments abroad in which both host country and U.S. staff can bring their full cultural selves to work.

The following questions will be explored:

– How does a U.S.-based organization adapt to host-country cultural norms and office practices?
-How much does the U.S. leadership shift to be effective and appropriate in their interactions and engagement with local staff and communities?
-How much and in what ways are host-country national staff expected to shift to work according to U.S. cultural norms?

Register Here

Keeping Track of Auggies

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