Climate Strike TODAY

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Join the Environmental Steward Committee in marching to the capitol. We will meet at 2pm at Foss Center

“The Minnesota Youth Climate Strike’s fourth National Strike will take place on December 6, from 3pm-5:00pm at the same time as other events happening globally. You can leave/join at any time – we will be having a teach-in at the Capitol rotunda.

The event will have a bit of a twist – we will be sitting in the capitol rotunda demanding that Tim Walz, Steve Simon, Julie Blaha, and Keith Ellison – the four Democrats who manage the state pension fund – divest from dangerous fossil fuel investments. We will have speakers, chants, action steps, and more! All ages are welcomed and encouraged to attend – we need all the help we can get if we’re going to fight the climate crisis!”

Can’t go? Sign the petition!