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When: January 16, 2020 11:00 am – 12:00 pm CST
Level: Introductory
Track: D&I Strategy
Presenters: Veronika Hucke, D&I Strategy and Solutions | Lisa Kepinski, Inclusion Institute
Cost: Free
Globally, more than half of companies allow some form of remote work and, in the U.S., it is already a commonplace reality. Remote work can positively impact how we all do work, providing benefits to the employee, the organization and society. Having access to great technology tools and solutions is a vital part of enabling this way of working now and into the future. Yet, equally as important is the experience of being a remote worker and addressing the challenges associated with creating a strong sense of belonging and inclusion in the virtual workplace.
This webinar will share insights from a recent global research study on inclusive remote work and will offer practical tips for what works. Additionally, a case study from Citrix outlining how they have created an inclusive environment for distributed teams to heighten engagement, inclusion, belonging, retention and productivity will be shared during the webinar.