
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Tomorrow: Troubling Times, River Trips, and Ideas on How to Move Forward

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The 2019 River Journey took over 50 people on the Mississippi last fall, and connected to a large group of scholars, artists, and local practitioners involved with the elaborate Mississippi. An Anthropocene River Project, orchestrated by the Haus der Kulturen der Welt and Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. It was a rich, multifaceted experience, with multiple field-based research and arts projects, and provided us with some interesting stories (e.g. getting sprayed by a crop duster, witnessing a slave rebellion re-enactment, and spending a little time in the back of a police car). It also provided insights into new possibilities for higher education in the 21st century and suggested ways to develop curriculum that provides alternative to the multiple dysfunctions of our times. Feel free to bring your lunch and stop by OGC 100 at noon on Wed., Mar. 4th to hear more about the Anthropocene River Journey and join in discussion of way to provide similarly engaging, healing, and high-impact learning opportunities for our students.

Mississippi. An Anthropocene River

“Wellness, Balance and Boundaries in Higher Education”

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For March’s EDTalk, join Lyz Wendland, Assistant Professor of Art & Design as she discusses wellness, balance and boundaries inside and outside of the classroom. Sharing activities practiced in her teaching, this session will serve as a starting point for a longer upcoming workshop at 3 Days in May.

Wednesday, March 25 | EDTalk with Lyz Wendland | 3:20 pm – 3:35 pm, Hagfors 151

Center for Teaching and Learning

Tech Tip Tuesday: Encourage Your Students to Download the Moodle App

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In the event of an emergency situation caused by any number of factors, your ability to continue your class in the manner that you’ve planned may be impacted. One of the keys to continuity is clear communication with your students. Begin preparing NOW by making sure your students have downloaded the Moodle App on their smart phones and tablets. Post the following link prominently in your Moodle course and encourage your students to add it to their devices.

Weekly Writing Tips from the Writing Center

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Before writing a paper (academic or creative), take some notes of what you want to write in your paper. Like an outline, but just jotting some minor notes on a sheet of paper of main ideas you want to address, quotes you found in a source, ideas from peers, etc. This can help start a paper and finish it quickly. There may be less writing block if you know some of the things you are writing about before you start writing.

Read your paper over by yourself, out loud, before submitting it or completing it. You may hear some mistakes you wrote and it is better to catch it on your own that to give it to someone and have them see it.

From Writing Center Tutor, Isaac Sonquist

General Announcements

Nominations for LGBTQIA Awards and Scholarships

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Lavender Celebration is a reception and annual graduation ceremony to recognize our LGBTQIA+ and Ally graduating students, along with honoring our students, staff, and faculty.
We recognize graduating students with a rainbow honor cord, award outstanding individuals for their work and contributions for Queer and Trans students at Augsburg University. Scholarships are also awarded at this time.

Please take a moment to nominate student leaders, staff, faculty, or departments who work to dismantle systems of homophobia & transphobia at Augsburg and beyond.

Augsburg University LGBTQIA+ Awards & Scholarships 2020
Nomination Deadline: Friday, March 27th
Recipients Notified: April 3rd

Nominations are being accepted for the following awards & scholarships:
– Karen Neitge Scholarship
– LGBTQIA+ Student Services Scholarship
– LGBTQIA+ Student Leadership Award
– Augsburg Pride Award

Descriptions of qualifications for each award can be found in the form below.

Nomination form

Additional Interview Prep and Resume Review Appointments Available in Strommen Center on Thursday

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The Strommen Center (in partnership with UpTurnships) is pleased to offer additional interview preparation and resume and cover letter review appointments this Thursday, March 5 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. Schedule an appointment with Anja in Handshake today!

Deadline Extended – One more week to nominate an outstanding member of staff

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Staff Senate is STILL accepting nominations to honor outstanding staff and outstanding newcomers at Augsburg University! Nominations for the Outstanding Staff and Newcomer Awards will now be accepted through the end of day FRIDAY, MARCH 6TH.

Nominations are welcomed from any current member of the campus community – staff, faculty, or student.

The Staff Appreciation Program is intended to recognize staff members who have made an important contribution to the campus community over the past year. Recipients of the Outstanding Staff Award provide exceptional service to others, work collaboratively across divisions or departments, demonstrate a clear commitment to equity and inclusion, and enhance the objectives of their department and the mission of Augsburg University through creativity, innovation, and hard work.

The Newcomer Award recognizes a staff person who has made a significant impact on campus life in a short amount of time. Staff who have been at Augsburg for two years or less (as of February 1, 2020) are eligible to receive this award.

Staff Senate will award up to five Outstanding Staff awards and one Newcomer award in a presentation on the afternoon of March 26th.

Click here for the nomination form :

Visit the Staff Senate web page for additional information:

The Christensen Professor Search

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I am grateful for the many members of our community who participated in the campus visits by the three finalists for the Christensen Professor. I especially want to thank Pastor Sonja Hagander and the search committee – Professor Lori Hale, Professor Jeremy Myers, Dean Ryan Haaland, Chief Inclusion Officer Joanne Reeck, Chief HR Officer Dawn Miller, and student Ian Heseltine – for their good and thoughtful work throughout this important process.

After careful consideration of the many gifts and experiences our finalists offered, I have decided that we have not yet found the next incumbent for this singular role at Augsburg. We therefore will pause the search for now and return to an active process in the new academic year. I know that the right person is out there to build on the legacy of Dr. David Tiede and Dr. Martha Stortz, the first two Christensen Professors – and we will find that person when the time is right.

Event Announcements

Protecting Indigenous and Sacred Land Through Media: Bears Ears and Other Current Struggles

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Shásh Jaa’ (Bears Ears) encompasses 1.9 million acres of southeastern Utah wilderness and is considered sacred lands to local Native American tribes. The Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition is an effort of 5 different tribal nations (Navajo, Ute, Ute Mountain Ute, Hopi, Zuni) coming together to protect this pristine ecological area from natural resource extraction development and environmental destruction. This documentary follows Angelo Baca and his grandmother, the director, and the developing Coalition’s efforts on the way to convince the Obama administration to make this area a designated National Monument with a collaborative management plan working in partnership with these tribes.
Join Angelo Baca (Navajo and Hopi) in his screening of Shásh Jaa’ (Bears Ears) and a discussion of current Indigenous land struggles concerning land, water, and natural resources.

Location and Time
Augsburg University
Sateren Auditorium, Music Hall, 715 22nd Ave South
Reception 6:15-6:45
Screening begins at 7:00
Discussion with participants follows
This event is free to the public

Augsburg Native American Film Series

(hair)Cutz 4 Queers

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Join LGBTQIA+ Student Services, Monday, March 9th, 10 am to 2 pm in the East Commons for their upcoming scholarship fundraiser, (hair)Cutz 4 Queerz.

We will be hosting barbers & stylists from Fox Den Salon; this is an open, walk-in style event. All haircuts will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis. All haircuts are free-will donation, with a suggested donation of $20. All barbers and stylists are donating their time and energy – as all proceeds made will go towards the LGBTQIA+ Student Services Scholarship, which will be awarded at Lavender Celebration, April 16th.

This event is open to all faculty, staff, students, and the community.
Cuts are available for people of all genders and hair types.

Big Gay Snow Day

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In collaboration with QPA, LGBTQIA+ Student Services will be hosting a Big Gay Snow Day Friday, March 13th. It’s a day filled with snow tubing, hot cocoa, friends, and fun.
This event is taking the place of MBLGTACC – as we were not able to attend this year. So instead, this will be our Minnesota way of enjoying the outdoors, in the gayest way possible.
Post-snow-tubing, we will be coming back to watch a film and enjoy pizza.

We will meet in the Auggies Nest at 3:30 pm and leave no later than 4 pm.

Please dress for the weather!


Volunteers Needed for 12th Annual Traditional PowWow

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It is nearly that time of year again! This spectacular event happens each spring at Augsburg University and we are very excited to be hosting the PowWow again this year, on Saturday, March 28, 2020. This event wouldn’t be possible without the amazing student and employee volunteers that help make this such a success. We are currently seeking volunteers for all shifts.

Student Volunteers: Augsburg Indigenous Student Association will be tabling in Christensen Center, near Einstein’s weekly and then daily in the next few weeks leading up to the PowWow. If you are not able to sign up in person, please email A member of AISA will follow-up with you to sign up.

Employee Volunteers: Sign up in the attached Google Doc with your name in the times that you will be volunteering. Please note that in addition to time you will be indicating volunteer role as well. I will send follow-up emails to all employee volunteers. You can contact me with any questions,, 612-330-1144.

Thank you!

Employee PowWow Volunteers

Rob Kapilow to visit Augsburg

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The Augsburg Music Department would like to invite the ENTIRE Augsburg Community to both of these presentations by Rob Kapilow:

Instructions for living a musical life
Tuesday, March 10 – 1:50-3 p.m.
Sateren Auditorium, Music Hall

Listen for the hmmm…
Thursday, March 12 – 1:50-3 p.m.
Sateren Auditorium, Music Hall

Both events are free and open to all – Please join us!

More about Rob Kapilow

Keeping Track of Auggies

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