
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases like COVID-19

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– Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
– Cover your cough/sneeze with a tissue or on your arm. Do not cover with hands.
– Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces, including gym equipment, computers, and cell phones.
– Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
– Stay home when you’re sick. If you are sick with fever and cough, call your health care provider first and follow recommendations from the Minnesota Department of Health.

Visit for more information

Teaching and Learning

Teaching Tip Tuesday: 5 Teaching Tips From ‘How Humans Learn’

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This Teaching Tip Tuesday has some practical ideas about how to best teach based on how people learn. Click the link below to read this article, and check out for more teaching tips and resources.

Teaching Tip Tuesdays are posted on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month.

5 Teaching Tips From ‘How Humans Learn’

Des Moines University Info Session

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Wednesday, April 8

4-5:30 pm

Hagfors 106

Meet with Anna Cruz, Recruitment and Admissions Specialist, to learn more about Des Moines University’s health sciences programs which include: osteopathic medicine, podiatric medicine, physician assistant, physical therapy, public health, health care administration, anatomy, and biomedical sciences. Learn more about what DMU seeks in a competitive applicant and what a successful admit profile looks like. Contact Catherina Kipper at if you have any questions.

Suture Lab Workshop

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Wednesday, March 25
6 pm
Hagfors 150A

Learn about the field of podiatric medicine from five physicians as they host a “dry” suture workshop where no bio-hazard refuse is created. Space is limited so email Catherina Kipper at to sign up.

Why consider a career in podiatric medicine?
• A Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) is a specialist in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of lower extremity disorders, diseases and injuries.
• DPMs can specialize in a variety of areas such as surgery, orthopedics, or public health. Besides these certified specialties, podiatrists may practice a subspecialty such as sports medicine, pediatrics, dermatology, radiology, geriatrics, or diabetic foot care.
• The DPM is a vital member of the health-care team. He or she is often the first to detect symptoms of diabetes or peripheral vascular disease because of the human foot’s interrelation with the rest of the body.

Tech Tip Tuesday: Planning Ahead for an Emergency Closing

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INSTRUCTORS: Preparing ahead for the eventuality of a campus closing is the best way to make sure you’ll be able to hold class effectively. See the Plan Ahead page in the Faculty Moodle Resource site for suggestions on how to ready your students. You will find lots of ideas/help about how to keep teaching should campus close at

Plan Ahead page

Only 2 Spots Remain for the Faculty Writing Retreat

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Sunday, May 17 – Tuesday, May 19 | Jessica Nathanson Writing Retreat | Dunrovin Retreat Center, Marine on St. Croix, MN

Faculty, do you wish you had uninterrupted time to write/work on scholarship? If so, you will want to take advantage of the annual Jessica Nathanson Scholarly Writing Retreat. Jess established a tradition of allowing faculty and academic staff time away from campus to focus entirely on scholarship. There is no schedule for this retreat – it is simply time and space to work on scholarship. The Provost and the Center for Teaching and Learning will cover the cost of the retreat. We ask that you commit to being present on all three days of the event. Our time begins at 1 p.m. on Sunday and ends at 1 p.m. on Tuesday. Space is limited to full-time faculty members.

RSVP for the 2020 Writing Retreat

General Announcements

Apply by March 12th: 2020-2021 Interfaith, Christensen, or Sabo Scholars

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Want to engage in leadership, service, and learning to make a difference at Augsburg and in the wider community?

Apply to be in one of Augsburg’s three Public Leadership Scholar Programs: Christensen Scholars, Interfaith Scholars, or Sabo Scholars.

In these programs, you will have the opportunity to participate in a yearlong academic seminar with a cohort of your peers. You will contribute to public leadership on campus and in the wider community in the Christian tradition, through interfaith engagement, or civic life. You will also be able to earn 4 upper division semester credits in the Religion or Political Science and receive a $2,000 scholarship.

Who is Eligible?
Christensen and Interfaith Scholars – Current sophomores and juniors who plan to study on campus all of the 2020-21 academic year.

Sabo Scholars – Current students (any level) who plan to study on campus all of the 2020-21 academic year.

More details:
Christensen Scholars:
Interfaith Scholars:
Sabo Scholars:

APPLYING: Details about the process are avaialble
The application deadline is extended to March 12, 2020.

Questions? Contact either the Christensen Center for Vocation at, 612-330-1403 or the Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship at

Volunteer Opportunity for Spanish Speakers: Judge the Spanish Debate League for HS and MS Students

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Share Your Spanish Skills

Judge Spanish Debate – No Prior Experience Needed!

The Minnesota Urban Debate League is a nonprofit program of Augsburg University. We provide debate programming to over 1,200 students in Minneapolis and Saint Paul, including our nearly 150 Spanish Debate League students. We’re looking for fluent, Spanish-speaking debate judges at tournaments this April.

What Judges Do:

Judges will observe rounds conducted completely in Spanish, determine winners for each round, and provide comments to help students improve their reading, critical thinking, and Spanish language skills.

Why Judge Spanish Debate League?

Participation in debate helps students improve their academic skills, including reading comprehension and critical thinking, increases their confidence, and provides access to higher education through the Augsburg Promise Scholarship. As a judge, you’ll be a part of creating these outcomes for our Spanish Debate League students!


Save the date! Volunteer shifts last from 3:30-7:00 PM. Locations are TBA:

* Tuesday, April 14
* Thursday, April 16
* Tuesday, April 28
* Thursday, April 30
* Monday, May 11 (Championship)

Volunteer dates and locations will be updated on our website.

Please email us at if you have any questions!

Sign Up to Judge

Apply for LEAD Fellows Internship

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The application for LEAD Fellows Interns for the academic year 2020-2021 is now open!

The LEAD Fellows program is a great opportunity for students to develop their own leadership and civic agency through gaining meaningful work experience in community-focused organizations. LEAD Fellows have the support of a cohort of peers and Sabo Center staff as they discover what it means to be engaged citizens and critical thinkers. Fellows commit to bi-weekly meetings with the cohort as well as 2 (2 day) retreats annually, and can work up to 20 hours a week at their LEAD placement during the academic year.

Eligible students will be in their 1st or 2nd year with at least 2 years left in undergrad here at Augsburg, and interested in leadership development and social change work. The application will remain open through the week of April 6th.

Apply Now

Study Abroad with Augsburg in Southern Africa this Fall (FREE airfare)

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Augsburg’s CGEE study center in Southern Africa offers an experiential, community-based, social-justice focused semester program in fall or spring:

Nation Building and Decolonizing the Mind in Southern Africa

Stay on-track to graduate by taking 16+ credits. Courses are available in History, Political Science, Religion, wellness, or even choose an internship as part of your semester. All courses are in English. Your semester starts in South Africa and then continues on to Namibia. Study in TWO countries in one semester!

For fall 2020 only: CGEE is providing **FREE AIRFARE** for all Fall 2020 semester students in Southern Africa!

You can use your full semester financial-aid package to help pay for the program, and additionally you will receive an automatic CGEE Travel Grant scholarship of $1,500, and, thanks to a generous donor, free airfare for fall 2020, making a semester at CGEE Southern Africa one of the most affordable study abroad semester programs!

You can check off the following requirements on the program:

· Social and Behavioral Sciences (two course options available)

· Humanities requirement

· Search for Meaning II

· Recreational Wellness

· + your Augsburg Experience requirement!

Apply by April 1

Get more information about CGEE Southern Africa and apply online

Comm Majors: Fall Semester in Mexico is Made for You

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Are you a Comm Major looking to study abroad? Want to get intercultural experience? Interested in using your media skills to engage in social justice issues?

Join us for the Fall 2020 semester in Mexico:


Develop yourself as a socially-conscious media professional equipped for the challenges of modern-day media! During your semester in Cuernavaca, Mexico, you will:

-Hear from experienced professionals on responsible journalism on critical issues such as (im)migration and the environment.
-Listen to the stories from those traditionally marginalized by society such as migrants, deportees, immigrant returnees from the U.S. and Canada, indigenous people, women, LGBTQ people, and low-income people.
-Engage deeply with critical issues facing the U.S. and Mexico.
-Learn to look at the world through the intersectional lenses of people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Costs for this program are often LOWER than your costs on campus because:
-You can use your full financial aid package for semester programs off-campus
-You will receive a $1500 CGEE Travel Grant on top of your fin aid, just for being an Auggie!
-Daily living costs are lower than in Minnesota!
-Ask about the Airfare Scholarship for Auggies going on this program

This program is great for Communications Majors or Minors in their Sophomore or Junior years. Check out the website for more info!

Apply by April 1

Get more information and apply online

Event Announcements

Edible book festival? Say what?

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Calling all cooks who love books! Lindell Library is hosting its first ever Edible Books Festival on Wednesday, April 1 and no, this is no April Fool’s joke! On that date, libraries around the world will host their own edible books festival and this year Lindell Library will join in the fun. To participate, you simply need to make a dish based on a book title or character or a literary theme, then enter it in the festival. Get creative, and the punnier you are, the better! Think: Lord of the Fries… Don Chipotle… For Whom the Taco Bell Tolls! Or, play it straight with Grapes of Wrath or James and the Giant Peach. To learn more about edible book festivals, see this Atlas Obscura article at

For complete details on Lindell’s festival, rules, prizes, and inspiration, go to Edible Book Festival 2020, Or contact Mary Hollerich at or x1603.

Edible Book Festival

Volunteers Needed for 12th Annual Traditional PowWow

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It is nearly that time of year again! This spectacular event happens each spring at Augsburg University and we are very excited to be hosting the PowWow again this year, on Saturday, March 28, 2020. This event wouldn’t be possible without the amazing student and employee volunteers that help make this such a success. We are currently seeking volunteers for all shifts.

Student Volunteers: Augsburg Indigenous Student Association will be tabling in Christensen Center, near Einstein’s weekly and then daily in the next few weeks leading up to the PowWow. If you are not able to sign up in person, please email A member of AISA will follow-up with you to sign up.

Employee Volunteers: Sign up in the attached Google Doc with your name in the times that you will be volunteering. Please note that in addition to time you will be indicating volunteer role as well. I will send follow-up emails to all employee volunteers. You can contact me with any questions,, 612-330-1144.

Thank you!

Employee PowWow Volunteers

Augsburg University 12th Traditional PowWow

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12th Traditional Powwow

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Grand Entries at 1 and 6 p.m.

Free Admission, all are welcome.

There will be no feast this year.

Dinner on your own or concessions are available.

Si Melby Gymnasium

715 23rd Avenue S, Minneapolis

Honorariums for registered dancers and drums. Dancer honorarium: Registered dancers only, must be in full regalia. Drum honorarium: Split for first 10 registered drum groups, 5 singer minimum, no drum hopping.

Registration for drums and dancers starts at 11:00 AM – No pre-registration.

Craft and informational vendors are welcome (no food vendors or colleges/universities). Space is limited, first-come, first-served. All vendors must complete application and get approved prior to coming. Email or call for more information.

Highlighted Events:

3:00 p.m. – Honoring for Augsburg American Indian Graduates

For more information:

American Indian Student Services
Direct Line: 612-330-1144

Find the Powwow on Facebook:

All Powwow committee decisions are final

Traditional PowWow Website

Big Gay (not so) Snow Day

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In collaboration with QPA, LGBTQIA+ Student Services will be hosting a Big Gay (not so) Snow Day Friday, March 13th. Due to the unpredictable weather conditions, the snow tubing hill is closed for the season. Instead, we will be going to Roller Garden for rollerblading and rollerskating.

This event is taking the place of MBLGTACC – as we were not able to attend this year.

Post-rollerskating, we will be coming back to watch a film and enjoy pizza.

We will meet in the Auggies Nest by 4:00 pm


CAIR Minnesota Conference at Augsburg, March 17

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Next Tuesday, March 17, Augsburg will host the annual CAIR Minnesota Challenging Islamophobia conference. The conference runs from 9:00a.m. – 4:30p.m. Because the Augsburg Political Science Department is a co-host, anyone from the Augsburg community can attend for free. Registration is required, however.

To register, please go to Using that link will automatically enter the promo code “AUGSBURG2020,” which will take care of your registration fee.

Additional information can be found at the CAIR Minnesota website,

CAIR Minnesota Conference Registration

Protecting Indigenous and Sacred Land Through Media: Bears Ears and Other Current Struggles.

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April 1, 2020
Shásh Jaa’ (Bears Ears) encompasses 1.9 million acres of southeastern Utah wilderness and is considered sacred lands to local Native American tribes. The Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition is an effort of 5 different tribal nations (Navajo, Ute, Ute Mountain Ute, Hopi, Zuni) coming together to protect this pristine ecological area from natural resource extraction development and environmental destruction. This documentary follows Angelo Baca and his grandmother, the director, and the developing Coalition’s efforts on the way to convince the Obama administration to make this area a designated National Monument with a collaborative management plan working in partnership with these tribes.
Join Angelo Baca (Navajo and Hopi) in his screening of Shásh Jaa’ (Bears Ears) and a discussion of current Indigenous land struggles concerning land, water, and natural resources.

Location and Time
Augsburg University
Sateren Auditorium, Music Hall, 715 22nd Ave South
Reception 6:15-6:45
Screening begins at 7:00
Discussion with participants follows
This event is free to the public

Native American Film Series

Nominations Open for 2020-21 Augsburg Leadership Awards

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Nominations are open for the 2020-2021 Augsburg Leadership Awards!

These awards recognize student leaders and student organizations for their innovation and outstanding leadership during this academic year. Recipients will be honored at the 21st Annual Augsburg Leadership Awards on Sunday, April 5 from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. in Hoversten Chapel.

To nominate yourself or others, visit When you get to the website, click on “2019-2020 Augsburg Leadership Awards Nomination Form.”

We strongly encourage all faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community members to submit nominations; self-nominations are also encouraged. The deadline for nominations is Thursday, March 12 by 5:00 p.m.

To nominate an individual or a student organization, and for more information on the award descriptions and criteria, please click here.

Questions? Email

Application Open for Augsburg Senior Leadership Society

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Campus Life is currently accepting applications for the Augsburg Senior Leadership Society, which recognizes graduating seniors (i.e., those graduating in Spring, Summer, or Fall 2020) for their leadership contributions during their tenure at Augsburg University.

To apply, visit When you get to the webpage, click on 2020 Augsburg Senior Leadership Society Application.

Applications must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 12.

Those accepted into the Augsburg Senior Leadership Society will be inducted and recognized at the 21st Annual Augsburg Leadership Awards, taking place Sunday, April 5 from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. in Hoversten Chapel.

Questions? Email

Mission and Identity Vocation Lunch with Paul Pribbenow

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Augsburg Faculty and Staff,

You are invited to attend the spring Mission & Identity Vocation lunch “Called to be a Post-Modern Missionary?” with Paul C. Pribbenow, Augsburg University President, on Tuesday, April 7th from 12:15 to 1:25 p.m.

Note: Spaces are limited so you must register in order to attend this event.

Learn More and Register at:

The Mission & Identity Vocation Lunch is an event that strengthens the concept of vocation at Augsburg for faculty and staff by providing role models from within the community to share a presentation on their sense of call and life journey.

If you have any questions, please contact Janice Dames in Campus Ministry at 612-330-1732 or

We hope to see you there!

Spring Vocation Lunch

Join Us for Free at Surly this Thursday to Learn About Augsburg’s MN Urban Debate League

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The Minnesota Urban Debate League is a program of Augsburg University. We provide academic competitive debate programming to 1,200 middle school and high school students in the Twin Cities, with a range of programs including national topic policy debate, Spanish Debate League, East African Debate Initiative, Financial Literacy Debates, and more.

We love being part of the Augsburg community, and we want to connect more Auggies to our cause! That’s why we’re inviting you to join us at our free & flavorful friendraiser at Surly Brewing Company this spring.

MNUDL Friendraiser
@ Surly Brewing Company
March 12, 2020
5:00 PM-7:00 PM

Bring a friend and don’t worry about bringing a donation. This will just be a fun, casual event to hang out, meet some interesting people, and learn more about ways to connect with our organization!

We hope to see you there!

Please email us at if you have any questions.

You don’t need a ticket to attend, but please RSVP below (for planning purposes):

RSVP at Eventbrite

TODAY. Info Session: Fall 2020 Communication Semester in Mexico

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Come learn more about the fall 2020 semester in Mexico for Communications Majors and Minors. Earn credit towards your Comm Studies major or minor, as well as other electives: Lab Science, Modern Language, Religion II, Humanities, and more!
A semester in Mexico is one of the MOST AFFORDABLE study abroad programs. Come to learn more!

Tuesday, March 10
11:30 – noon
Riverside Room (3rd Floor Christensen, next to Commons)


Learn more about the Communication Semester

Tomorrow. Study Abroad Mini-Fair: Programs Open for Summer, Fall, and Next Year

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Interested in Study Abroad? Come to the Mini Study Abroad & Away Fair to learn more!

Select programs in Summer 2020 as well as Fall 2020 still have spots open. Apps due April 1

The 2020-21 Short-Term Programs are also now available to apply. Participate on a Spring Break 2021 or Summer 2021 Short-Term program in NYC, Guatemala, Minnesota, Cuba, Germany, or Italy!

Come to the Fair to get more information about how YOU can study off-campus!

Wednesday, March 11
10:30 am – 1pm
Christensen Center Lobby

email with any questions

Learn more about Study Abroad & Away

Norway. A Unique Student Experience

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Thinking about studying in Norway in the near future?

Norway House is welcoming quests speakers to discuss higher education opportunities in Norway. Among them is the current Norwegian Ambassador to the USA, Kåre R. Aas, who will be promoting the possibilities and benefits of higher education in Norway.

This panel discussion is free and will take place at Norway House, Monday, March 16th, between 4:30 and 6:30 pm. If you are interested in participating, please sign up on the Facebook event page or by RSVP-ing on the Norway House event page (

Augsburg University has many Norwegian partners that offer semester long exchanges. Please check in with the CGEE office on campus to design your own unique Norway study abroad experience (

Event Title: Norway. A Unique Student Experience
Time: 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Location: Norway House
Address: 913 East Franklin Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55404
Phone # : 612.871.2211

Sign Up with Facebook

Keeping Track of Auggies

No Postings


MN Urban Debate Supply Drive: Seeking binders, pens, highlighters, and expanding file folders

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The MN Urban Debate League is a program of Augsburg University which provides academic competitive debate programming for Twin Cities high schools and middle schools. Our middle school debate season is underway. The Spanish Debate League, East African Debate Initiative, and Financial Literacy debates seasons are upcoming, and we need supplies!

Please reach out to to arrange pickup if you have highlighters, binders (under 2.5 inches), pens, or expanding file folders (with 8+ pockets) to donate. We will accept gently used donations.