
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Free On-campus COVID-19 Testing; Students and Volunteers Get a Chance to Win AirPods

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There are three opportunities soon to get tested for COVID-19 free of charge. Students who attend, present their student ID, and get tested will be entered in an AirPods and gift card giveaway. Faculty and staff are invited as well. Those who sign up and volunteer to help at the events will be entered into an additional drawing for AirPods.

State-Sponsored COVID-19 Testing at Augsburg
March 9 at 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. | Hoversten Chapel
March 22 at 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. | Hoversten Chapel
March 25 at 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. | Hoversten Chapel

The state of Minnesota is sponsoring pre- and post spring break testing at Augsburg University. This is a free saliva test. Results take a few days to arrive. To ensure an accurate test, do not eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum 30 minutes prior to testing. No insurance is needed but, if you have it, bring your insurance card. This testing event is open to those with symptoms or no symptoms. Off-campus students also are eligible for the AirPods and gift cards giveaway. No appointment is necessary.

Volunteer Roles:
Greeters/Registration Intros: 1 volunteer
Test Distribution: 1 volunteer
Assist with Tests: 4 volunteers
Sample collection/checkout: 1 volunteer
Student ID Table: 1 volunteer
Floater: 1 volunteer
Site Manager/Training: 1 volunteer

Sign up here to volunteer:

Teaching and Learning

Get Paid to Do Summer Research Off Campus

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Get paid to conduct scientific research with some of the nation’s top academics at universities, labs, or institutes through a summer research program. Such programs are a great way to enhance your education, meet new people, and explore a new city!

Visit URGO’s website using the link below to begin searching for opportunities. The deadline for many programs is in January 2021.

Contact URGO at to make an individual appointment if you need help finding opportunities or crafting your applications.

Off Campus Summer Research Lists and Databases

Apply for the MINNE Fellowship

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Fellowship in the MINNE program this year offers a unique opportunity to engage fully in the course of study offered by the JCRC Holocaust education zoom webinars. We are offering a $200 stipend which will be awarded upon successful completion of all program requirements.

Because of the limited number of spaces available, we wish to ensure that those who are accepted into the program are able to make the most of the experience. The primary criteria for admission to the program are demonstration of interest in the offerings of the program and commitment to furthering your education about the Holocaust.

All fellows are expected to attend a minimum of 5 of the 15 1.25 hour classes that comprise the course. For a full list of course offerings, visit

Applications due by March 31, 2021
Zoom Webinars are M-F, April 12- April 30, 2021
Reflection papers due by May 14, 2021

Must be a registered, full time student at Augsburg or St. Olaf with at least one year left on campus.

More Info and to Apply

Faculty are Invited to Office Hours with the Deans

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Monica and Ryan will be offering two office hours this week. The first will be tomorrow (Thursday), March 4 from 3 pm – 4 pm and the second is on Friday, March 5 from 10:30 am – 11:30 am. If you would like to join, use the form linked below to let us know which day/time you will attend. You will receive a calendar invitation with Zoom link shortly after responding..

If you need any disability-related accommodation to fully participate in this event, please contact University Events at or 612-330-1104. Please allow for sufficient time to arrange the accommodation.

RSVP for Office Hours with the Deans

Take a Minute to Recognize Faculty Who Have Made Distinguished Contributions

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We have extended the deadline for nominations until March 22. Please consider nominating faculty for awards.

The Office of Academic Affairs and the Faculty Development Committee invite your nominations for the annual Augsburg University Distinguished Contributions Awards. Augsburg annually recognizes individuals or groups that have made exemplary contributions to creating an engaging academic learning environment through awards for teaching, scholarship, and service. All faculty or full-time staff who have been employed at the university for at least three years are eligible for the awards.

Nominations are due Monday, March 22.

Distinguished Contribution in Teaching – Up to two awards may be given in this category, one for full-time faculty and one for adjunct faculty (2 courses per term or less).

Distinguished Contribution in Service

Distinguished Contribution in Scholarship

*Letters of support will help bolster your nomination. Make sure to email them to before March 22.

Distinguished Contribution Awards

Updates from the Academic Affairs Committee

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On Monday, March 1, AAC approved the following proposals:

*BUS 362 and BUS 465 made changes to prerequisites.
*HIS 355 updated its title and description. The new course title is: “In the Aftermath of War: History, Memory and Transitional Justice in Central America”.
*A new Augsburg Experience was brought by CGEE and the Pan Afrikan Center.
*There were revisions made to the Chemistry Department Honors’ requirements.
*CSC 210 made changes to its prerequisites.

Two additional proposals were discussed, but the committee decided to await votes due to some remaining questions/concerns.

The committee was also updated on the TEL subcommittee’s intentions to pursue status as a standing committee.

Find meeting minutes and other committee information at

You can also track AAC approvals in the spreadsheet linked below.

AAC Tracking

Happy Open Education Week

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Happy Open Education Week! Join the Lindell Librarians for a quick and informal workshop on Thursday:

Open Education Coffee Break: Idun, Augsburg’s Institutional Repository (March 4 @ 3:30) (

Also check out the library’s OER page (linked below) for taped informational interviews with faculty members Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright and Ben Binder, who have used OER in their classrooms.

OER at Augsburg

Present Your Research at Zyzzogeton – Register by March 5

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Augsburg’s annual Zyzzogeton Research Symposium showcases the work of over 80 undergraduate researchers in all academic disciplines and will take place VIRTUALLY on April 13th. Students who have conducted research over the course of the last year and would like to present a poster should register at the URGO website ( by March 5th (a mentor-approved abstract is required to register).
For questions about registration or the event, please contact

URGO Website – Zyzzogeton

General Announcements

Nominations for the 2020-2021 Augsburg Leadership Awards are Now Open

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Nominations for the 2020-2021 Augsburg Leadership Awards are now open!

These awards recognize student leaders, student organizations, and organization advisors for their innovation and outstanding leadership during this academic year. Recipients will be honored at the 22nd Annual Augsburg Leadership Awards on Sunday, April 18th from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. via Zoom.

We strongly encourage all faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community members to submit nominations; self-nominations are also encouraged. The deadline for nominations is Friday, March 12 by 5:00 p.m.

To nominate an individual or a student organization, and for more information on the award descriptions and criteria, please click the link below: (

Please contact Alex Abraha ( from Campus Life if you have any questions or need additional information. Thank you!

Augsburg Senior Leadership Society Applications Now Open

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Hello student leaders,

Campus Life is currently accepting applications for the Augsburg Senior Leadership Society, which recognizes graduating seniors (i.e., those graduating in Spring, Summer, or Fall 2021) for their leadership contributions during their tenure at Augsburg University. Applications must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 11. Please click on the link below to apply: (

Those who apply for the Society will also be considered for the following awards:

– Linda Schrempp Alberg Endowed Leadership Award, which is given to one senior (by credit) and carries an award amount of $500.

– Marina Christensen Justice Award, which is awarded at Commencement.

Those accepted into the Augsburg Senior Leadership Society will be inducted and recognized at the 22nd Annual Augsburg Leadership Awards, taking place virtually on Sunday, April 18 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

If you have any questions or would like further information regarding these leadership recognition opportunities for Augsburg University Seniors, please reach out to Michael Grewe ( from Campus Life.

Connect with Student Financial Services

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Hello Auggies, the Student Financial Services window in the Enrollment Center is open! Registration is just around the corner, please stop by if you have any questions about financial aid, payment plan, verification, and/or unpaid balance hold. Window hours are Monday thru Friday from 10am-2pm. Please wear a mask and continue to practice social distancing.

Virtual drop-in hours are also available for quick questions with a Financial Aid Counselor or you can schedule an appointment online. Feel free to email your questions to or call (612) 330-1046 for assistance.

Virtual Drop-in Hours or Schedule a Meeting

Scribes (Note Takers) Needed for The Forum on Workplace Inclusion Annual Conference

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The Forum needs staff or student note takers for its deep dive session on higher education, titled: Reinventing the Higher Education Workforce as a Mechanism for Disrupting Systemic Racism.

The session is scheduled from 11:30am -3:45pm on Thursday, March 11. A full conference complimentary registration is available in exchange for note taking duties. If interested, contact The Forum at

Auggie Basics Housing – Applications Now Open

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As part of the Augsburg University Equity Proposal, the Auggie Basics – Housing initiative is designed to address the needs of students who experience housing instability. The purpose of the program is to provide a bridge for students whose housing is not stable as they seek to identify a permanent solution.

Students accepted into the Auggie Basics Program will live on campus without cost to the student. Regardless of when students enter the program, the housing commitment will cover the full academic year if needed. If the student secures permanent housing elsewhere, they will be released from the program and the spot will be offered to another student. Summer housing may be an option. Students must reapply each academic year. Being chosen for the Auggie Basics program one year does not guarantee participation in future years.

To apply, please complete the application below. If you have any questions, please contact or call the Student Affairs office at 612 330 1160.

Auggie Basics Application

Spring 2021 Batalden Book Club — Bettina Love

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Please join our Spring 2021 Batalden Book Club to read “We Want to do More Than Survive” (by Bettina Love). This Zoom book club is open to students, faculty, and staff.

Twenty books are available for pick up in Memorial Hall. Please contact Bibiana Koh at to reserve a spot, arrange to pick up your book, and select a book club date (please include your preferred time in your email).

Here are the two book club times offered (You will only attend one):

• Book group #1: Friday, March 26th: 3-5pm
• Book group #2: Monday March 29th, 4-6pm

Social work CEs (2 for each group) are available for those in Professional Studies.

********SAVE THE DATE*******
Augsburg Student Day Government (ASDG) and the Batalden Applied Ethics program will co-sponsor “Abolition Praxis as a Moral Compass: A “Radical Imaginary” Panel Discussion
on Wednesday, April 7th, from 4-6pm. This co-sponsored panel event will feature David Stovall (Professor of Criminology, Law and Justice at the University of Illinois, Chicago) in addition to students and/or community members.

Funding for both events is generously provided by Paul ’63 and LaVonne (Olson) Batalden ’63, and Stephen ’67 and Sandra Batalden.

Interested in Grad School? Apply to TRIO McNair Scholars Program

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Augsburg’s TRIO McNair Scholars Program is recruiting students for Fall 2021 admission. Eligible applicants will be at Junior status by the end of Spring 2022 and available to conduct full-time research Summer 2022. We are particularly looking for students in STEM fields that are interested in pursuing doctoral degrees, but we will consider all majors EXCEPT most professional fields (including business, pre-law, pre-health).

The TRIO McNair Scholars Program works with students who are members of groups underrepresented in graduate education and who exhibit strong academic potential. The goal of the program is to prepare Scholars for graduate study through academics, involvement in undergraduate research and other scholarly activities. McNair provides coursework, workshops and advising in preparation for doctoral study. The program also assists with securing admission to and financial assistance for enrollment in graduate programs. Students will acquire the research skills necessary to succeed in graduate school through a paid research internship ($4000+) with an Augsburg faculty member during the Summer of 2022.

The McNair Scholars Program is a federal TRIO grant from the U.S. Department of Education. Therefore, to be eligible, students must be first-generation (neither parent graduated from a four-year college) AND low-income AND/OR may be persons from groups underrepresented in graduate education. The Department of Education defines these groups as African-American, American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Hispanic/Latino. Additionally, applicants must be either U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents and maintain at least a 2.8 cumulative GPA (3.0+ preferred).

If you are interested in learning more about the McNair Scholars Program, please contact Lara Crombie, Program Assistant, Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions or if you’re unsure whether or not you qualify.

McNair Website

New Course: Global Movement of Anti-Apartheid Southern Africa and the Murder of George Floyd

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A new program is being offered this summer by the Pan-Afrikan Center and the Center for Global Education and Experience (CGEE) called Anti-Apartheid and Black Lives Matter: Global Movements for Racial Justice.

The program will be offered May 17 – May 28. Students will be able to receive 2 credits and fulfill the Augsburg Experience requirement OR they can take it only to fulfill the Augsburg Experience. The cost of the program is being supported by scholarships from CGEE, the Pan-Afrikan Center, and Augsburg University; therefore, we are able to offer it at a reduced price.

Program participants will critically analyze the global racial unrest movements of the Southern Africa Anti-Apartheid system, and the racially motivated murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Albertina Shifotoka, Program Director of CGEE Namibia, and Azania Tripp, Director of the Pan-Afrikan Center, will facilitate a 2-week program experience that will introduce students to the understanding of how these movements became historical events and impacted policy and the visibilities on racial inequities that impact the Pan-Afrikan diaspora and all BIPOC communities. The program will be offered from May 17 – May 28, 2021 and the deadline for applying is Thurs, March 25.

If you have any questions email Azania Tripp the Pan-Afrikan Director

Podcast of Liturgy of the Hours

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You are invited to listen to a podcast of the Liturgy of the Hours presented by Luther Seminary Chapel and Augsburg University Campus Ministry.
The Liturgy of the Hours Podcast, by Luther Seminary Chapel and Augsburg University Campus Ministry. Lent relates to the Old English for lengthening. Perhaps what is lengthened in Lent is us our growth, our pilgrimage, our faith practices, our attention to Jesus.
This episode of Night Prayer is led by Luther Seminary Alumni. Josh and Sally Messner offer a chanted night prayer with notes like a night sky — so clear that you can see the stars. Jenna Bergeson leads the spoken liturgy.

Liturgy of the Hours Podcast

Apply for the 2021-2022 Interfaith, Christensen, or Sabo Scholars – New Deadline is March 8

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Want to engage in leadership, service, and learning to make a difference at Augsburg and in the wider community?
Apply to be in one of Augsburg’s three Public Leadership Scholar Programs: Christensen Scholars, Interfaith Scholars, or Sabo Scholars.
In these programs, you will have the opportunity to participate in a yearlong academic seminar with a cohort of your peers. You will contribute to public leadership on campus and in the wider community in the Christian tradition, through interfaith engagement, or civic life. You will also be able to earn 4 upper division semester credits in the Religion or Political Science and receive a $2,000 scholarship.
Who is Eligible?
Christensen and Interfaith Scholars – Current sophomores and juniors who plan to study on campus all of the 2021-22 academic year.
Sabo Scholars – Current students (any level) who plan to study on campus all of the 2021-22 academic year.
APPLYING: Details about the process are available:
Christensen Scholars:
Interfaith Scholars:
Sabo Scholars:
The application deadline has been extended to March 8, 2021!
Questions? Contact either the Christensen Center for Vocation at, Interfaith at Augsburg at or Matt Maruggi at, or the Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship at

Event Announcements

The Queer Agenda: Being Anti-Racist Summit

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Community partner, Mossier is offering a FREE summit to all students.

The Queer Agenda: Being Anti-Racist Summit
There are way too many systems that present barriers to the intersections of being LGTBQ and our cultural backgrounds and race. Committing to equity means dismantling policies to create an anti-racist culture at work. Mossier will be kicking off Proud to Work ’21 programming by digging into systems that create unfair environments, how others are undoing destructive workspace systems, and ideation on strategies that will permanently remove racist policies from our workspaces.

The Queer Agenda: Being Anti-Racist
Fri, Feb 26th
10-4pm CST

When registering, use the code “MOSSIER100” for FREE registration.

You can use this link to learn more and register:

Register for The Queer Agenda: Being Anti-Racist Summit

Gay in the BWCA

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Wilderness Canoe Base & Augsburg University LGBTQIA+ Services will be partnering to offer a pilot program to 7 current LGBTQIA+ students of Augsburg University. The program is designed to provide intentional community for LGBTQIA+ students to experience nature – and specifically the Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA.)

When thinking about communities and identities safe and welcome to share outdoor spaces, LGBTQIA+ communities are often not included in that equation. This pilot program is offering the opportunity for LGBTQIA+ students to experience and engage in learning that doesn’t involve a ‘classroom.’ Because queer and trans+ communities haven’t historically been welcome in outdoor spaces, to engage in learning that doesn’t uphold the lens of ‘traditional education,’ this program is offering queer ways of knowing.

Being modeled from adrienne mareen brown’s book, Emergent Strategy, this program looks to biomimicry to better understand how queer movement can model nature to find ways of cooperative and collective action – resulting in queer liberation.

This trip will be led by Director, LGBTQIA+ Services – Max Poessnecker & an LGBTQIA+ identified Wilderness Canoe Base staff member. This trip requires ZERO experience in the outdoors, canoeing, or BWCA. Part of the goals of this pilot program are to create exposure, access, and dismantle gatekeeping to outdoor spaces upheld by racism, queerphobia, and capitalism.

Interested? LGBTQIA+ Student Services will be holding two info sessions to learn more about this exciting opportunity.

Info Session 1
Fri, March 5th
12 – 1pm

Info Session 2
Tue, March 9th
5 – 6pm

Info Session Zoom Link

George Floyd Update: Noon March 4 UST Panel on Upcoming Police Trial

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Click on “Join Event Online” to attend the event from noon to 1 p.m. March 4. Here’s the University of St. Thomas event description:

As the first of the former police officers charged in the death of George Floyd heads to trial now scheduled to begin on March 8, many members of our community have questions about the legal process. Join us for a panel and discussion that will help us understand the process and learn more about the events happening in the courtroom and in our community.

The panel will feature three University of St. Thomas School of Law Faculty, Rachel Moran, Mark Osler and Rachel Paulose, and will be moderated by Dr. Yohuru Williams of the University of St. Thomas Racial Justice Initiative.

Psych Grad School Panel

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Want to learn more about graduate studies in Psychology? Join department faculty, grad school representatives, and Augsburg alumni currently enrolled in graduate programs to learn more about how graduate studies can help students achieve their career goals.

Psychology and Biopsychology majors and minors are invited to a virtual Zoom meet-up on Thursday, March 11th from 6-7:30pm. Resources on the most popular graduate programs in the area will be available. Please bring questions for our expert panelists!


Intercollegiate Film Festival

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The film festival recognizes the work of student filmmakers and writers as part of an interconnected statewide film community. The festival provides networking opportunities and juried merit awards of distinction. The festival is organized by Augsburg University fine arts film scholars and juried by professors and industry professionals. Augsburg students get one free submission using the code CFNFilm2021.

Film Freeway

God, Art, and Anti-Colonialism: An Evening With Artist-Activist Mona Haydar

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God, Art, and Anti-Colonialism: An Evening With Artist-Activist Mona Haydar
When: Mar 3, 2021 07:00 PM-8:30PM Central Time (US and Canada)
The Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities (NECU) and Concordia College’s Forum on Faith and Life invite you to a Zoom webinar.
Register in advance for this webinar, which is FREE for all faculty, staff, and students at NECU institutions:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Syrian-American Muslim Mona Haydar is a rapper, chaplain, poet, and theologian who holds a Masters in Christian Ethics from Union Theological Seminary. Billboard Magazine named Haydar’s breakout hit “Hijabi” one of 2017’s best protest songs and one of the top feminist anthems of all time (alongside hits by icons Beyonce, Christina Aguilera, and M.I.A.). Mona’s “Ask A Muslim” project, created in the wake of the Paris and San Bernardino terrorist attacks, was featured in The Boston Globe, NPR, People Magazine, and the New York Times. Mona is a sought-after speaker on combating White Supremacy, Music and art as a tool of resistance, intersectional identity, interfaith dialogue, and what it means to be an artist, musician, rapper, activist and God-lover in our current times.

Pre-register for this webinar

Keeping Track of Auggies

Help Get the Word Out About my Fundraiser, if You Can

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Hello Auggies! My name is Emma, I moved to Augsburg last semester, and ever since then this campus has been my safe haven. I quite literally was physically disabled when I arrived here on campus, having just got out of an ATV accident. Additionally, coming from an unstable and violent environment as a kid, I am putting myself through College.

I have set up a Gofundme and anything is appreciated, even if you would be able to spread the word. 🙂

Thank you so much to Augsburg, for finally giving a place I can live where I’m safe, and I get to call home. I get more and more excited for what my future holds everyday, and this University makes it possible.


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