
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Traveled for Spring Break? Get a COVID-19 Test

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If you traveled from your home or residence hall during spring break, you are urged to get a COVID-19 test because cases are rising quickly and are proportionately larger in younger groups. The best time to get a test is 5-7 days after you return.

The state of Minnesota offers fast and accurate at-home saliva testing, at no cost, to any person who feels they need a test. You can find more information on COVID-19 testing, including testing sites in Minnesota, on the Minnesota Department of Health COVID-19 Testing webpage.

Webpage links are available at

Information About No-Cost COVID Testing

Teaching and Learning

CTL Hosting Discussion of NAMI Minnesota Podcast

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It’s hard to ignore our emotional, psychological, and social well-being today when it’s being inundated with MAJOR stressors that affect how we think, feel, and act. Please join CTL fellows and other faculty/staff for a discussion of mental health, especially related to communities of color. We will be facilitating a discussion on NAMI Minnesota’s Wellness in Color podcasts. Please listen to three of these podcasts (available at and come discuss what you’ve learned on a Zoom meeting with other faculty and staff members. We will be meeting on Monday, April 12 from 3:10 pm to 4:10 pm to listen to so that we will have things in common that we can discuss. Please listen to the following podcasts: “Blurring Tradition,” “Flipping the Status Quo,” and “Between Two Worlds.”

If you need any disability-related accommodation to fully participate in this event, please contact University Events at or 612-330-1104. Please allow for sufficient time to arrange the accommodation. Use the linked RSVP form to let us know you would like to join.

Wellness in Color Podcast Discussion | Monday, April 12 | 3:10 pm – 4:10 pm | ZOOM

RSVP for the Wellness in Color Discussion

TODAY is Fellowship Friday

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CTL is joining Bridget Robinson-Riegler, Psychology Professor and member of Faculty Senate, to bring you Fellowship Fridays support sessions. All faculty members and teaching staff are invited to gather and share their experiences with teaching, learning, and advising in this strange new world. – we’ll trade ideas, advice, highs, lows, successes, and failures – or maybe we’ll just plain old vent. Most importantly, we will attempt to inoculate ourselves against one of the more insidious side effects of this pandemic – isolation. So grab a cup of coffee or tea, or pour a glass of wine, and Zoom in to support your fellow instructors and work through this challenging time together.

Fridays | 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm

ZOOM Information (requires an Augsburg login to view)

General Announcements

Interested in Grad School? Apply to TRIO McNair Scholars Program

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Augsburg’s TRIO McNair Scholars Program is recruiting students for Fall 2021 admission. Eligible applicants will be at Junior status by the end of Spring 2022 and available to conduct full-time research Summer 2022. We are particularly looking for students in STEM fields that are interested in pursuing doctoral degrees, but we will consider all majors EXCEPT most professional fields (including business, pre-law, pre-health).

The TRIO McNair Scholars Program works with students who are members of groups underrepresented in graduate education and who exhibit strong academic potential. The goal of the program is to prepare Scholars for graduate study through academics, involvement in undergraduate research and other scholarly activities. McNair provides coursework, workshops and advising in preparation for doctoral study. The program also assists with securing admission to and financial assistance for enrollment in graduate programs. Students will acquire the research skills necessary to succeed in graduate school through a paid research internship ($4000+) with an Augsburg faculty member during the Summer of 2022.

The McNair Scholars Program is a federal TRIO grant from the U.S. Department of Education. Therefore, to be eligible, students must be first-generation (neither parent graduated from a four-year college) AND low-income AND/OR may be persons from groups underrepresented in graduate education. The Department of Education defines these groups as African-American, American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Hispanic/Latino. Additionally, applicants must be either U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents and maintain at least a 2.8 cumulative GPA (3.0+ preferred).

If you are interested in learning more about the McNair Scholars Program, please contact Lara Crombie, Program Assistant, Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions or if you’re unsure whether or not you qualify.

McNair Website

New Augsburg Experience: Anti-Apartheid and Black Lives Matter: Global Movements for Racial Justice

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A new program is being offered this summer by the Pan-Afrikan Center and the Center for Global Education and Experience (CGEE) called Anti-Apartheid and Black Lives Matter: Global Movements for Racial Justice.

The program will be offered May 17 – May 28. Students will be able to receive 2 credits and fulfill the Augsburg Experience requirement OR they can take it only to fulfill the Augsburg Experience. The cost of the program is being supported by scholarships from CGEE, the Pan-Afrikan Center, and Augsburg University; therefore, we are able to offer it at a reduced price.

Program participants will critically analyze the global racial unrest movements of the Southern Africa Anti-Apartheid system, and the racially motivated murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Albertina Shifotoka, Program Director of CGEE Namibia, and Azania Tripp, Director of the Pan-Afrikan Center, will facilitate a 2-week program experience that will introduce students to the understanding of how these movements became historical events and impacted policy and the visibilities on racial inequities that impact the Pan-Afrikan diaspora and all BIPOC communities. The program will be offered from May 17 – May 28, 2021 and the deadline for applying is Thurs, March 25.

Here is the website to learn more information:

If you have any questions email Azania Tripp the Pan-Afrikan Director

Registrar’s Office Zoom and In Person Services

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The Registrar’s office staff are now available to meet in-person at the enrollment center window. You can stop by Monday thru Friday between 10am – 2pm for assistance with registration, transfer, petition and graduation questions. Please make sure you wear a mask and continue to practice social distancing.

Additionally, the Registrar’s office will offer zoom drop-in hours during the registration period. Please refer to the calendar for dates and details.

Registration Period Zoom Drop-In Hours

Staff, Org Advisor, Faculty, Awards

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Student Organization Advisor of the Year – presented at the Student Leadership Awards Staff of the Year – presented at the Staff Luncheon Faculty of the Year – presented at the Faculty Luncheon Send your nominations in before MONDAY! Nominate three different candidates! Augsburg University Nominations, staff, faculty, advisor AWARDS


Campus Life Student Administrative Assistant Position Applications Now Available

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Attention returning 2021-2022 Augsburg students–Job application for Campus Life’s Student Administrative Assistants positions are now available. There are two positions available, and all application materials are due April 5th.

Click on the link below for more information about the job description and access to the application page. If you have any questions, please contact Campus Life staff at


Event Announcements

Register for “Abolition Praxis as a Moral Compass: A ‘Radical Imaginary’ in Higher Education”

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This co-sponsored panel event (Batalden Applied Ethics/Augsburg Student Day Government) will feature David Stovall (Professor of Criminology, Law and Justice at the University of Illinois, Chicago) and student panelists. Critical race theorist and abolition scholar Professor Stovall invites us into “a radical imaginary” that “challenges us to think about the world as it is while committing to a process that systemically changes it” (2018, p. 53). Students who identify as Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) in traditionally White institutions (TWIs) must navigate a covert White supremacist infrastructure (Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence, 2005) and a White milieu in higher education (for example, “White talk moves,” see Finders & Kwame-Ross, 2020). This proposed panel seeks to move us toward abolition democracy (DuBois, 1998; Davis, 2005) using Ella Baker’s participatory democracy model.

For us to embrace abolition democracy as a TWI, we must all be held accountable. Indeed, abolitionist Bettina Love (2019) has argued for accountability: “Abolitionist teaching asks us to question the piece of the oppressor that lives in us all” (p. 122).“ Thus, there is a moral imperative to use abolition praxis – defined as a “practice theory of change” (Roberts, 2019) – to guide our collective “radical imaginary.”

Pre-registration is required:

The Batalden/ Augsburg Student Day Government planning committee includes (in alphabetical order by last name): Zoe Barany, Berlynn Bitengo, Thin Thin Kaing, Bibiana Koh and, Knaunong “Birdy” Xiong).

Funding for this public event is generously provided by Paul ’63 and LaVonne (Olson) Batalden ’63, and Stephen ’67 and Sandra Batalden.

Profs. Torres-Narvaez and Wang on Panel

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Join the Sabo Center for our 3rd installment of Social Change Virtual Dialogue Series on Thursday, April 1st from 4:30pm-5:45pm. We will be joined by 3 artists and activists (Art and Design Professor Leon Wang, Theatre Professor Beliza Torres-Narvaez and musician Taylor Seaberg) will talk about the intersection where art and activism meet. We will discuss how art influences social change as well as hear about the work the artists and activists are doing in their communities, and students will have the change to engage with our guests on the topic. Guest panelists will be announced soon.
This event will be via Zoom. Register in Auggie Life

Conversations on Healing and Justice: Confronting Racial Violence in the US

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On Thursday April, 1 at 10:30-11:30 am Campus Life will be holding a space via Zoom that will be centered around BIPOC students, staff, and faculty gathering in discussion to process current events regarding racial violence in the United States, including but not limited to the Derek Chauvin trail in Minneapolis and the shootings in Atlanta that targeted Asian American communities. RSVP on the Auggie Life page.

Join Auggie Connect for “Disability in the Workplace”

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Ever wonder if/when you should disclose your disability to an employer? What if your boss says no when you request a reasonable accommodation? Should you talk about your disability in a job interview? What are some tips for finding your next job?

Join us at 3:30 p.m. on Monday, March 29. Kathy McGillivray, Director of the CLASS office, will lead a discussion on disability in the workplace, requesting accommodations, and knowing your legal rights.

Auggie Connect is available to students with disabilities each Monday 3:30-4:30 PM. If you need a disability-related accommodation to participate, contact

Zoom Meeting ID: 9990654 4396
Passcode: 586732

Auggie Connect zoom meeting

2021 College Student Health Survey Deadline TODAY

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TODAY – Friday March 26th is the last day students can submit the 2021 College Student Health Survey. Augsburg University is partnering with the University of MN to administer the 2021 College Student Health Survey which has been sent via email to Augsburg student email addresses. The survey asks for information on a variety of college student health topics. Please take the time to complete the survey. Those participating in doing the survey will be entered into a drawing for Amazon gift cards – First place $1000, 2nd place $500, 3rd place $250 and 5 fourth place gift cards of $50 each. Thirteen universities are participating and one student from each school will win a $100 Amazon gift card. We want your input so please participate in the 2021 College Student Health Survey. Questions – call the CWC office at 612-330-1707

Coalition of Asian American Leaders: Unheard Stories: Asian Americans Experiencing Hate

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The Coalition of Asian American Leaders (CAAL) is hosting Unheard Stories: Asian Americans Experiencing Hate.

Unheard Stories: Asian Americans Experiencing Hate in being hosted by the AsianMinnesotan Alliance for Justice (AMAJ) as a public community event to hear from
leaders and community members about what has been occurring in Minnesota and
nationwide, and how to work together to take action against violence and hate.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021, 5:00PM – 6:30PM CST
Register at

Speakers include: U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, MDHR Commissioner Rebecca Lucero, CAAL
Network & Executive Director Bo Thao-Urabe, and others.

#StopAsianHate Virtual Candlelight Vigil

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Augsburg Asian Student Association (AASA), Hmong Women Together (HWT), and Pan Asian Student Services(PASS) recognizes that anti-AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islanders) prejudice is only one form of systematic racism that continues to spread in our nation. Together, we appreciate the outpour of outreach and attention from Administration, peers and allies in support of the recent events in Georgia last week and our daily lived experiences.

We hope that there will be work in solidarity from Augsburg to take a stand against the structures that perpetuate and fuel discrimination for all BIPOC and specifically recently more heightened assaults on Pan-Asians in our communities, and to identify actionable ways to address this and all forms of prejudice, stigmatization, and racism.

We hereby recommend for you to join us in the following spaces at Augsburg to continue these conversations and to help us come together in community:
-Join us next week for our #stopasianhate Virtual Candlelight Vigil on Tuesday, March 30, 2021 4:30pm- RSVP on the Auggie Life page:
-Save the date and participate in AASA’s Pan Asian Week (PAW) on March 29-April 2, 2021-
-For BIPOC Faculty, Staff and Students, consider joining Augsburg for a discussion on Thursday April 1, 2021 from 10:30am-11:30am, holding a space via Zoom that will be centered around BIPOC students, staff, and faculty gathering in discussion to process current events regarding racial violence in the United States, including but not limited to the Derek Chauvin trail in Minneapolis and the shootings in Atlanta that targeted Asian American communities. RSVP on the Auggie Life page -
-Consider attending the following conference to learn more about these AAPI issues at the 2021 APAHE national summit on April 15, 2021–

8 Minutes 46 Seconds: Prayer and Presence

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You are invited to join us in Hoversten Chapel to hold silence at 10:40 am for 8 minutes and 46 seconds as we remember George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and our call for racial justice in God’s world. Pastoral presence is available in Hoversten Chapel for support and prayer. Pastor Babette Chatman will be available in the chapel at 10:40 – 11:00 am. On the campus ministry blog, Pastoral Intern Jenn Luong offers “A Prayer for the New.”

You are also invited to watch the “Palm Thursday” service on the Campus Ministry YouTube channel.

“Palm Thursday” service

22nd Annual Augsburg Leadership Awards

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The Augsburg Leadership Awards are given at the end of every spring semester to outstanding student leaders and student organizations. The award recipients will be announced at the Augsburg Leadership Awards on Sunday, April 18 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Inductees of the Augsburg Senior Leadership Society and graduates of the Inclusion Scholars program will also be honored.

To RSPV for the event please click on this link:

Keeping Track of Auggies

Mark Lester Article: Engaging with Marginalized International Voices in the “New Normal”

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CGEE’s Central America Director, Mark Lester, has published an article in the Institute for International Education-IIE Networker. Click on the link below to read it!

Engaging with Marginalized International Voices in the “New Normal”


Now Hiring: Resource and Curriculum Intern for MNUDL

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Resource & Curriculum Intern for Minnesota Urban Debate League (MNUDL) (A program of Augsburg University)

As a member of the MN Urban Debate League team, the Resource & Curriculum Intern will support in the creation of debate materials. The materials created will encourage students’ understanding of and passion for debate, allowing them to identify how to use their voices to promote change, and setting them up to be leaders in their schools and communities.
The Resource & Curriculum Intern will contribute to the research, design, and editing of debate materials, including debate curriculum and educational videos.

The Resource & Curriculum Intern will work virtually, 10-15 hours per week through the end of May.


o Assist in the design and editing of:
● Physical and virtual debate curriculum
● Educational debate videos
o Research debate topics to present as potential options for the upcoming season.
o Conduct online surveys with debate students.
o Attend weekly check-in meetings with supervisor.
o Attend team meetings as needed.


● Current Augsburg student with a desire to contribute to a community that concentrates on the lifting up of youth voices.
● Strong communicator (written and verbal).
● Attentive to detail.
● Experience working with youth OR an interest in the field of education.
● Experience conducting surveys OR a desire to learn about conducting surveys.
● Ability to manage various projects and follow through with each.
● Resourceful and keen on creative challenges.
● Ability to work 10-15 hours per week.
● Desired but not required: fluency in written and spoken Spanish.


Submit your resume/cover letter and apply on Handshake.
Application deadline: March 26
Questions: Contact Jenna Randerson, MNUDL Program Coordinator at

Personal Care Assistant Needed

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Hi! My name is Bella and I am a first year student here at Augsburg studying graphic design. I am currently trying to find personal care assistants to help me in my day to day life here on campus. This would include getting me ready for the day, helping me get set up for class and assisting me around campus. I am currently looking for people who would want to work every Sunday’s 3:00pm- 10:00pm and some hours during this summer! If you are a pre-med or nursing student, this is a great opportunity to get experience with patient care. Plus, you get to be paid to have fun!

I really enjoy getting coffee, watching Netflix, drawing, and painting. I consider all my assistants as my friends and if you work for me, you are guaranteed a good time! If you are interested, please text me at: 612-345-2855 or email me at Hope you will join!