Making Your Teaching More Accessible: Easy Captioning of Your Zoom Videos and Recordings

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The March EDTalk premieres Wednesday, March 10 at 3:10 pm.: “Making Your Teaching More Accessible: Easy Captioning of Your Zoom Videos and Recordings”

CTL is focusing on accessibility for March! Join Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright for a demonstration of how she *just* learned to add subtitles to her own Zoom teaching videos in a way that takes advantage of Zoom’s new “live transcribe” setting — even when she says things like “activation-induced cytidine deaminase”.

This year, EDTalks will be pre-recorded and have a community “premiere” on Zoom hosted by CTL at 3:10 pm on days when there is a faculty meeting. These premieres will end no later than 3:30pm to allow plenty of time to log into the Faculty Zoom meeting early. After the premier, the recording will be posted on the CTL website, along with any resources (if applicable).

The Zoom information is linked below (can only be viewed with an Augsburg login).

EDTalk Zoom Information