Facilities Snow Removal Procedures and Updates

submitted by abounass@augsburg.edu

-Facilities Management would like to remind members of the community about our snow removal procedures. We will remove snow from parking lots, city streets, and sidewalks in that order. Whenever snow removal is necessary, our goal is to have it done by 7:50 a.m.

Anyone who sees an icy patch on campus should report it to DPS (extension 1717). Facilities Management will then dispatch someone to treat it. In addition, buckets of salt are available at most main entrances to buildings.

-Installation of the new athletic field dome has been completed and has been put into use.

-The Science 123 classroom is complete and ready for use, pictures of the classroom have been posted on our website.

-LED light installations around campus are in progress.

For more information, please visit the Facilities Management website listed below.
