Sp’22 Playwriting Course in Human Rights and Social Justice

submitted by leess8@augsburg.edu

Spring 2022 has seats remaining in the online course “Topics in Playwriting: Human Rights and Social Justice (PWC 310).”

From the instructor, “Are you passionate about making change? In a climate where human rights and social justice are obscured by “fake news,” we will explore writing plays that expose truths. This class will inspire you to focus on diverse perspectives, tell a story from a unique angle, and feature communities not often heard from. You will write about not just what you know, but what you care deeply about.”

There is a short application to fill out to be enrolled in the course as seats are limited. Deadline has been extended to January 3rd, or until seats are full. Courses count as Augsburg courses and can be taken as part of an Auggie’s regular semester load.

Learn more and apply to take part in this course