Summer Job Camp Fair – February 9

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Are you looking for a summer job working with youth? Looking to gain leadership skills? Spend your summer working in another town or state.

Save the date and attend the Evangelical Lutheran summer job camp fair on Wednesday, February 9th from 10:30am-12:30pm in the lobby of the Christensen Center. The fair is free and open to all students. Camp representatives from surrounding states are looking to hire students to work over the summer with youth. Jobs vary from camp counselors, activity instructors, kitchen help, etc. Housing and food is included, as well as, as a stipend. If interested, many representatives will interview you at the fair. (dress attire – casual to business)

A few reasons why you should work at a camp:
Camp will build teamwork skills like no other
You learn how to be a role model
The kids will inspire you as much as you inspire them, if not more.
It’s a fun yet challenging summer gig
You will make life-long friends
It might help you find a direction
New Experiences
Grow in faith

Questions? Contact

Sponsored by: Strommen Career & Internship Services, Campus Ministry and Christensen Center for Vocation