Alternative Spring Break Trip to Albuquerque, New Mexico – Register by February 10

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Augsburg Campus Ministries invites you to participate in its alternative spring break to Albuquerque, New Mexico, one of the oldest cities in the United States. Albuquerque has a unique multicultural history and heritage with Native American and Hispanic and Latino cultural influences. The city is located in north central New Mexico near the Sandia Mountains.
While in Albuquerque, we will be partnering with Service Learning Camps, and our days will be structured with community service projects, time for reflection, learning opportunities, and visiting local attractions.
Trip Details
Dates of Trip: March 12-19, 2022
Destination: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Transportation: Bus
Total Cost: $275, includes most lodging, transportation, and most meals. Please register by February 10, 2022 (see below). Please let us know if the cost presents a barrier to participation for you.

Registration Process:
1. Registration opens January 10, 2022.
2. Complete the registration form:
3. Bring $100 registration fee and copy of health insurance card to Janice Dames in Campus Ministry Office, 104 Foss by February 10, 2022. Remainder of payment will be due before the trip.

The trip is available as an Augsburg Experience. Please indicate on the online registration form if you would like this to be an Augsburg Experience and complete the Augsburg Experience form:

Contact Pastoral Intern, Tori Remer at or Pastor John Schwehn at or stop by Campus Ministries in Foss 104. For more information check out our previous trips on our spring break blog site

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