Do You Know Where Your Mail Is?

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Auggies, if you live on campus you were assigned a campus box. (You can search yourself in the Augsburg directory if you are unsure of the box number.) Please make sure to check your campus box on a regular basis. Currently there are a lot of tax documents being delivered. Even if you are not expecting mail you may want to check your box just to be safe.

Please also keep an eye on your email. There are a number of students who no longer have a campus box, but still have mail sent to their Augsburg address. In these cases, we send an email to your account with the subject line Will Call Mail. We will hold the first class mail for two weeks to give you time to come pick it up or contact to see about other options. If we do not hear from you, your mail will be sent back to the original sender.
Thank You,

Jeni Long
Mail Room Staff

For more information on Augsburg Mail Services: