Extended CWC Walk-In Hours and After-Hours Phone Counseling

submitted by phalp1@augsburg.edu

Many in our community are holding grief and trauma as we learn of the tragic and violent loss of Dion Ford, a recent transfer to Augsburg and a graduate of St. Paul Central. For many in our community, the compounding losses of this semester, and of the recent years, can feel overwhelmingly heavy to process and feel. Knowing this, the Center for Wellness & Counseling wants to remind the campus community of two important support resources: our walk-in hours and our after-hours phone counseling service. Walk-in hours will be extended this week, with support being offered Monday and Tuesday from 9:00-3:00. Regular walk-in hours will be offered on Wednesday and Thursday from 1:00-3:00. The after-hours phone counseling and crisis support service is available anytime CWC is closed (evenings, nights, weekends, and 24/7 over break). Just call CWC’s main number (612-330-1707) and press 1. As always, regular counseling appointments are available by calling CWC or emailing cwc@augsburg.edu. Know that CWC is here for you, we see you, we are here to sit with whatever you need to bring to the table, and we encourage you to reach out for support.