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Condo for Sale – 1824 5th South 5th Street #A
One bedroom, one bath, in-unit laundry and assigned parking
Joey Zuehlke, BRIX Real Estate
Augsburg University News and Announcements
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Condo for Sale – 1824 5th South 5th Street #A
One bedroom, one bath, in-unit laundry and assigned parking
Joey Zuehlke, BRIX Real Estate
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The Roddenberry Fellowship is a 12-month program that offers Fellows $50,000 to take an existing initiative (e.g. campaign, organization) to the next level and amplify its impact OR to launch a new initiative. Fellows can be of any age or level, but must be working on a project, organization, or initiative with direct impact in Civil Rights, Environmental Protection, Immigration and Refugee Rights, Health and Wellness, and/or LGBTQIA and Women’s Rights.
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Short-term study abroad & away in Spring or Summer 2023 is a great way to earn credits and get off-campus! All programs fulfill the Augsburg Experience requirement:
• Spring Break travel to Los Angeles, CA
• WST 220: Topics: Race, Gender and Hollywood – fulfills a Humanities requirement
• Spring break travel to Guatemala
• Course: RLN 409 (fulfills Search for Meaning II) or RLN 480 – Keystone credit for some majors
• travel in May/June 2023
• 2 courses. ENL + SOC/URB :
•ENL 280: Genres: Travel Writing (4 credits), Humanities LAF
•SOC/URB 111: City Life: Intro to Urban Sociology (4 credits), SBS LAF
•SOC/URB 295: Living Green in Amsterdam (4 credits), elective
•Summer 2023 Term 1, travel in Greater Minnesota (location TBD)
•Choose 1 course, with optional INS add on:
•SOC 495 – Sociology topics elective
•THR 295 -Topics in Theater – LAF Fine Arts
•INS 292 – 2 credits – optional
• Travel in May/June 2023
•Choose 1 science course and/or the religion course:
•CHM 102 with Lab: fulfills Science with Lab course (does not count toward Chm major or minor)
•SCI 490: Integrated Science Keystone Integrated Science
•RLN 205: Topics in Religion – may fulfill Search for Meaning II or Humanities LAF
• Travel in May 2023
•Choose 1 course:
•ECO 315: Money and Banking
•BUS 362: International Business
• Spanish language courses: beginner to advanced levels, as well as specialty courses in Medical Spanish and Spanish for Ministry
• 4 study sessions in summer – choose the one (or more!) that works for you!
Got questions? Get in touch:
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The Center for Wellness & Counseling is closed for the summer, but there are a number of mental health resources still available to Augsburg students. CWC wishes everyone a summer of rest and renewal, but we encourage you to reach out for support if and when you need it!
1) 24/7 phone support is available all summer long through ProtoCall (just call CWC at 612-330-1707 and choose Option 1)
2) Free, confidential short-term online counseling is available at Walk In Counseling Center (
3) Sexual assault support is available 24/7 through the Aurora Center at the U of M (612-626-9111) (
4) Self-help resources are available on the CWC website (coping with depression, coping with anxiety, healing from racial trauma, and more) (
5) Student Support Guide (on the CWC and Student Affairs website) has resources to help you connect on and off-campus for academic needs, mental health needs, physical health needs, and basic living needs. (
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Priority deadline for the 22-23 MITTP application is June 1st, 2022! The application is available for new and returning Augsburg students. *Students are required to complete the 22-23 FAFSA.
For more information about eligibility and the application, please visit the Augsburg American Indian Student Service website:
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Gabrielle (Gabby) Allan, American Indian Student Services Program Manager joins the Department of Multicultural Life today, Tuesday, May 31. She comes to us with experience as a Program Advisor from San Juan Cllefe, Farmington, NM, a Native American Center Program Coordinator from Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO and most recently from University of Minnesota- Morris, as Native American Student Success Associate Director.
Erika Hernández, Latinx Student Services Program Manager joins the Department of Multicultural Life today, Tuesday, May 31. She comes to us with experience as a Community Organizer and Youth Coordinator at East Lake Street Truth Collectives, Youth Program Coordinator at Centro Tyrone Guzman and recently from Minneapolis Public Schools as a Bilingual Educator.
Please stop by Oyate Commons, Christensen Center to welcome our colleagues on Tuesday, May 31 to welcome them to Augsburg University!
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Hello, my name is Grayson Harris, and I am an incoming Second-Year Student. I am the Chair of the Chartering & Commissioning Committees for the 2022-23 academic year; I want to invite you to apply to one of these Committees (Chartering/Commissioning). These two respected committees are sponsored by the Augsburg Day Student Government.
Do you want to get involved on campus for this upcoming school year? If so, this is an excellent opportunity for you to be involved; by participating in one of these respected Committees as a student, you will learn how to collaborate with other members to get things accomplish; executing plans is key to completing our goals. Once you’re committed to being on the Committee, you are required to attend the weekly meetings when it’s necessary. This involvement is also an excellent way to enhance your resume. I hope you will consider applying for one of these respected Committee(s).
Chartering Committee is responsible for:
– Approve or Disapprove of the New Student Organization that wishes to be recognized by Augsburg University.
– Review all Chartered Day Student Organizations to assess if they have not met all the criteria for recognition by the Senate.
Commissioning Committee is responsible for:
– Assisting in the commissioning process for the Student Organizations.
– Review the Student Organization, recommend any necessary changes to the Augsburg Day Student Organizations, and Approve or Disapprove the application before submitting it to the Senate.
*This is a volunteer positions.
Please feel free to reach out with question or concerns to me (
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The Forum’s annual conference is the premier #diversity, #equity, and #inclusion (DEI) learning opportunity, and it’s now available ON-DEMAND!
General Sessions featuring Andrew Yang (Entrepreneur, Author, Philanthropist, Nonprofit leader, and Former US Presidential & NYC Mayoral candidate), Cassandra Worthy (Founder & CEO, Change Enthusiasm® Global), and over 60 workshops, trend talks, sessions, and more!
Augsburg Faculty and Staff qualify for a special faculty and staff rate. Contact The Forum at to register and get access.
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In this episode of The Forum Podcast Dr. Harry Petaway (Equity Communities of Practice) chats with us on how social determinants of health are interlaced with DEI and collaborative approach to health equity.
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A-mail publication will be suspended on Monday, May 30 as the university observes the Memorial Day holiday. Publication of A-mail will resume Tuesday, May 31. Send questions or concerns via email to
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Gabrielle (Gabby) Allan, American Indian Student Services Program Manager joins the Department of Multicultural Life Tuesday, May 31. She comes to us with experience as a Program Advisor from San Juan Cllefe, Farmington, NM, a Native American Center Program Coordinator from Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO and most recently from University of Minnesota- Morris, as Native American Student Success Associate Director.
Erika Hernández, Latinx Student Services Program Manager joins the Department of Multicultural Life Tuesday, May 31. She comes to us with experience as a Community Organizer and Youth Coordinator at East Lake Street Truth Collectives, Youth Program Coordinator at Centro Tyrone Guzman and recently from Minneapolis Public Schools as a Bilingual Educator.
Please stop by Oyate Commons, Christensen Center to welcome our colleagues on Tuesday, May 31 to welcome them to Augsburg University!
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**Payroll Deadlines change due to Memorial Day holiday: Payroll and HR Closed Monday, May 31**
Please submit any payroll or HR forms as soon as possible. This will make sure any changes are reflected on the upcoming pay period. This includes routine HSA, retirement, direct deposit and tax withholding (W-4 form) changes. Email if you have questions or need help.
If you will not be working over the Memorial Day weekend or on the holiday, please submit your timesheet to your supervisor by 12:00 pm on Friday, May 27.
Secure Link to Human Resources & Payroll
To protect your information, forms containing sensitive data such as banking or social security numbers should not be emailed. For a secure delivery link go to for submission. Please contact for questions.
Thank you so much!
Your HR & Payroll Team
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Do you like to run errands as a group? Let’s go to the grocery store together! Join us today at 3pm. We will meet at Lot E in front of Mortenson before we go to Cub Foods!
Bring your own bags!
The purpose of this event is to improve food access amongst the student body by solving the transportation issue that a lot of Augsburg residents have.
Thank you in advance for joining us! ☺️
This is the link to the Google Form to RSVP:
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The 22-23 MN Indian Teacher Training Program (MITTP) application is available for new and returning Augsburg students. Priority deadline for application is June 1st, 2022 and students are required to complete the 22-23 FAFSA.
For more information about eligibility and the application, please visit the Augsburg American Indian Student Service website:
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Please join the Undergraduate Admissions Office in welcoming Anna Cox (Elianna Cox) as our newest Admission Counselor! Anna joins us as a recent graduate of Augsburg (2022) where she served as a LEAD Fellow, Student Body President, and worked many years in Campus Activities. Her institutional knoweledge and direct experience as a student will be a welcomed addition to our office, strengthening our recruitment efforts!
Anna’s first day will be Tuesday, May 31st. She is joining the current first year recruitment team of: Shonna Fulford (Associate Director), Josh Owens (Assistant Director), Summaiah Junaid (Assistant Director), and Mai Chaw Lee (Assistant Director).
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Athletic Facilities, including the fitness center and weight room, will be closed May 28, 29 & 30 for the Memorial Weekend.
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The Campus Cupboard (Anderson 26) is open this summer during the following times:
Mondays: 3-7pm
Tuesdays: 12:30-3:30pm
Wednesdays: 3-6pm
All groceries are free!
You can also join Campus Kitchen in the Food Lab this summer every Tuesday 2-4pm and Wednesday 4-6pm for open cooking hours!
We will provide all the kitchen equipment and some basic ingredients, and you can bring any extra ingredients for yourself (or stop by the Campus Cupboard on your way!).
Stay tuned for cooking workshops throughout the summer during these times! If you have any ideas for a workshop — or would like to lead one — don’t hesitate to reach out to
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Do you like to run errands as a group? Let’s go to the grocery store together! Join us this Friday, May 27th from 3-5pm. We will meet at Lot E in front of Mortenson before we go to Cub Foods!
Bring your own bags!
The purpose of this event is to improve food access amongst the student body by solving the transportation issue that a lot of Augsburg residents have.
Thank you in advance for joining us! ☺️
This is the link to the Google Form to RSVP:
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On Saturday, June 4th, three of our Augsburg University students who identify as First-generation college students will be running the FANS Ultra-Marathon. FANS (Furthering Achievement Through a Network of Support) is a college and career mentorship program for high school students, specifically working with students of color, recent immigrants, and other groups that have been historically underrepresented in higher education.
Angelica Bello Ayapantecatl, Kay Joanne Carvajal Moran and Ivonne Hernandez will be participating in the 6-Hour Marathon at Normandale Lake and would appreciate the support of our Augsburg directors, professors, staff, students and community members. They are only $940 dollars short from their goal! If you have the opportunity to donate to their fundraiser anything would help!
Thank you for your generous contributions and for believing in students!
If you have any further questions about the program you may contact Ivonne Hernandez at
Con cariño,
Angelica Bello Ayapantecatl, Ivonne Hernandez, and Kay Joanne Carvajal Moran and TEAM-PUC!
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In this episode of The Forum Podcast Dr. Harry Petaway (Equity Communities of Practice) chats with us on how social determinants of health are interlaced with DEI and collaborative approach to health equity.
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The Forum’s annual conference is the premier #diversity, #equity, and #inclusion (DEI) learning opportunity, and it’s now available ON-DEMAND!
General Sessions featuring Andrew Yang (Entrepreneur, Author, Philanthropist, Nonprofit leader, and Former US Presidential & NYC Mayoral candidate), Cassandra Worthy (Founder & CEO, Change Enthusiasm® Global), and over 60 workshops, trend talks, sessions, and more!
Augsburg Faculty and Staff qualify for a special faculty and staff rate. Contact The Forum at to register and get access.
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Our deep-dive learning opportunity is returning this June.
Unlike traditional workshop sessions, Professional Development Labs (PDLs) are goal-oriented and include personal and professional action and accountability planning for next level leadership.
Join the Unity Lab team to learn how to activate purpose, belonging and inclusion on your teams, and effectively lead diverse teams. In this interactive session, you will understand how activating purpose and belonging in the workplace builds an inclusive and inspiring culture – full of authentic, high trust, diverse relationships across an organization. To create truly inclusive and diverse workplaces, we must first create opportunities for employees to activate their purpose and build empathy and trust with each other.
When: June 23, 2022 11:00 am – 4:00 pm CST
Where: Online/Virtual
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When: June 16, 2022 11:00 am – 12:00 pm CT
Level: Intermediate
Presenters: Margaret Greenberg, The Business of Race, LLC | Gina Greenlee, The Business of Race, LLC
Cost: Free
Talking about race and racism at work historically has been taboo. However, we can’t solve what we don’t talk about. It’s time for a new approach.
For nearly 60 years, workplaces have focused on diversity specific to gender and many historically underrepresented groups. Much of that focus has been on education, training, and awareness building at the individual level. What organizations haven’t devoted equal attention to is RACIAL diversity and how to change the SYSTEM of work—business policies and practices—to create and sustain a racially diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace.
While no single societal sector can disrupt the status quo on its own, innovative businesses and courageous leaders can lead the way. No matter your racial identity, no matter your role or level in your organization, you can do SOMETHING. We don’t profess to know what that “something” is for you but in this session, you will learn two actionable tools to uncover it.
Learning Outcomes
Explore racial diversity through both an asset and business lens
Create a business case for racial diversity that will engage your multiple stakeholder groups
Facilitate strategy sessions using the SOAR (strengths, opportunities, aspirations, + results) framework
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Are you a Staff/Faculty member who has studied abroad or away in the past? We want to hear from you!
The Study Abroad and Study Away office is looking to feature Staff and Faculty study abroad stories on our Instagram page with Throwback Thursday posts. These posts are to encourage Augsburg students to study abroad and away!
Check us out on Instagram: global_auggies
Questions? Email
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News of a brand new opportunity was just made – the Obama Voyager Scholarship. A collaboration between Barack and Michelle Obama and Airbnb’s Brian Chesky. Designed for rising juniors who intend a career in public service.
– Students will receive up to $25,000 per year in “last dollar” financial aid for their junior and senior years of college. This financial aid should alleviate the burden of college debt so that students can afford to pursue a career in public service.
– Students will receive a $10,000 stipend and free Airbnb housing to pursue a summer work-travel experience between their junior and senior year of college.
– After graduation, Airbnb will provide the students with a $2,000 travel credit every year for 10 years, totaling $20,000. This will allow students to continue to broaden their horizons and forge new connections throughout their public service careers.
– Students will be invited each fall to an annual summit to help define and inspire their public service journey. At the summit this fall, they will meet with President Obama and Brian Chesky to talk about the role of empathy and understanding in leadership. They’ll also hear from guest speakers on different approaches to service, and build community with other Voyagers.
Plan to enroll full-time in their junior year of study at an accredited four-year college or university in the United States in Fall 2022.
Have a minimum GPA of 3.0
Have demonstrated a commitment to public service
Have demonstrated need
Plan to pursue a career in public service upon graduation
Be a United States (U.S.) citizen, U.S. permanent resident, or an individual granted deferred action status under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA)
Applications Due: June 14th, 2022
Please email if you need help with applying.
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Please join the Undergraduate Admissions Office in welcoming Anna Cox (Elianna Cox) as our newest Admission Counselor! Anna joins us as a recent graduate of Augsburg (2022) where she served as a LEAD Fellow, Student Body President, and worked many years in Campus Activities. Her institutional knoweledge and direct experience as a student will be a welcomed addition to our office, strengthening our recruitment efforts!
Anna’s first day will be Tuesday, May 31st. She is joining the current first year recruitment team of: Shonna Fulford (Associate Director), Josh Owens (Assistant Director), Summaiah Junaid (Assistant Director), and Mai Chaw Lee (Assistant Director).
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The Augsburg Human Resources and Payroll team is launching a new electronic Payroll Payment Request (stipend) form and approval flow. No more paper forms!
The approval flow requires each request to be approved by the cost center’s budget manager, the Division Vice President and Vice President of Strategy. The new process reduces employee ID errors to help ensure Payroll Payment requests are processed correctly
The Payroll Payment Request form is available at for immediate use! Old PDF/Paper forms will continue to be accepted until May 31st. Beginning June 1st only the new electronic Payroll Payment Request form will be accepted.
A couple of reminders:
-This form is to be used to request staff & student employee compensation for services rendered outside of their regularly scheduled work duties. This form should not be used in lieu of non-exempt employees recording hours worked on their biweekly timesheet. All payment requests will be reviewed for legal compliance under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
-Reimbursements for mileage, supplies, etc. should be requested from Administrative Accounting.
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**Payroll Deadlines change due to Memorial Day holiday: Payroll and HR Closed Monday, May 31**
Routine Benefit or Payroll Forms Deadline: Thursday, May 26 at 12:00 pm
Due to the Memorial Day holiday, please submit any change forms to HR by noon Thursday, May 26. This includes routine HSA, retirement, direct deposit and tax withholding (W-4 form) changes. Email if you have questions or need help.
If you will not be working over the Memorial Day weekend or on the holiday, please submit your timesheet to your supervisor by 3:00 pm on Friday, May 27.
Supervisors: PLEASE approve as many timesheets as you can by Friday, May 27.
Secure Link to Human Resources & Payroll
To protect your information, forms containing sensitive data such as banking or social security numbers should not be emailed. For a secure delivery link go to for submission. Please contact for questions.
Thank you so much!
Your HR & Payroll Team
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Our deep-dive learning opportunity is returning this June.
Unlike traditional workshop sessions, Professional Development Labs (PDLs) are goal-oriented and include personal and professional action and accountability planning for next level leadership.
Join the Unity Lab team to learn how to activate purpose, belonging and inclusion on your teams, and effectively lead diverse teams. In this interactive session, you will understand how activating purpose and belonging in the workplace builds an inclusive and inspiring culture – full of authentic, high trust, diverse relationships across an organization. To create truly inclusive and diverse workplaces, we must first create opportunities for employees to activate their purpose and build empathy and trust with each other.
When: June 23, 2022 11:00 am – 4:00 pm CST
Where: Online/Virtual
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The Forum’s annual conference is the premier #diversity, #equity, and #inclusion (DEI) learning opportunity, and it’s now available ON-DEMAND!
General Sessions featuring Andrew Yang (Entrepreneur, Author, Philanthropist, Nonprofit leader, and Former US Presidential & NYC Mayoral candidate), Cassandra Worthy (Founder & CEO, Change Enthusiasm® Global), and over 60 workshops, trend talks, sessions, and more!
Augsburg Faculty and Staff qualify for a special faculty and staff rate. Contact The Forum at to register and get access.
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When: June 16, 2022 11:00 am – 12:00 pm CT
Level: Intermediate
Presenters: Margaret Greenberg, The Business of Race, LLC | Gina Greenlee, The Business of Race, LLC
Cost: Free
Talking about race and racism at work historically has been taboo. However, we can’t solve what we don’t talk about. It’s time for a new approach.
For nearly 60 years, workplaces have focused on diversity specific to gender and many historically underrepresented groups. Much of that focus has been on education, training, and awareness building at the individual level. What organizations haven’t devoted equal attention to is RACIAL diversity and how to change the SYSTEM of work—business policies and practices—to create and sustain a racially diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace.
While no single societal sector can disrupt the status quo on its own, innovative businesses and courageous leaders can lead the way. No matter your racial identity, no matter your role or level in your organization, you can do SOMETHING. We don’t profess to know what that “something” is for you but in this session, you will learn two actionable tools to uncover it.
Learning Outcomes
Explore racial diversity through both an asset and business lens
Create a business case for racial diversity that will engage your multiple stakeholder groups
Facilitate strategy sessions using the SOAR (strengths, opportunities, aspirations, + results) framework
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Check out these online hybrid courses coming up in summer. Justice oriented and taught by Augsburg CGEE instructors at our global sites in Mexico. Courses take place in summer Term 2 (June 27 to August 12)
• 4 credits
• fulfills Humanities requirement.
• With Antonio Ortega, instructor in Mexico
• 4 credits
• With Antonio Ortega, instructor in Mexico
• 4 credits
• fulfills Fine Arts requirement.
• With Lucia Palmarini, instructor at Augsburg in Mexico
Look for these courses and register on Records and Registration
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Short-term study abroad & away in Spring or Summer 2023 is a great way to earn credits and get off-campus! All programs fulfill the Augsburg Experience requirement:
• Spring Break travel to Los Angeles, CA
• WST 220: Topics: Race, Gender and Hollywood – fulfills a Humanities requirement
• Spring break travel to Guatemala
• Course: RLN 409 (fulfills Search for Meaning II) or RLN 480 – Keystone credit for some majors
• travel in May/June 2023
• 2 courses. ENL + SOC/URB :
•ENL 280: Genres: Travel Writing (4 credits), Humanities LAF
•SOC/URB 111: City Life: Intro to Urban Sociology (4 credits), SBS LAF
•SOC/URB 295: Living Green in Amsterdam (4 credits), elective
•Summer 2023 Term 1, travel in Greater Minnesota (location TBD)
•Choose 1 course, with optional INS add on:
•SOC 495 – Sociology topics elective
•THR 295 -Topics in Theater – LAF Fine Arts
•INS 292 – 2 credits – optional
• Travel in May/June 2023
•Choose 1 science course and/or the religion course:
•CHM 102 with Lab: fulfills Science with Lab course (does not count toward Chm major or minor)
•SCI 490: Integrated Science Keystone Integrated Science
•RLN 205: Topics in Religion – may fulfill Search for Meaning II or Humanities LAF
• Travel in May 2023
•Choose 1 course:
•ECO 315: Money and Banking
•BUS 362: International Business
• Spanish language courses: beginner to advanced levels, as well as specialty courses in Medical Spanish and Spanish for Ministry
• 4 study sessions in summer – choose the one (or more!) that works for you!
Got questions? Get in touch:
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News of a brand new opportunity was just made – the Obama Voyager Scholarship. A collaboration between Barack and Michelle Obama and Airbnb’s Brian Chesky. Designed for rising juniors who intend a career in public service.
– Students will receive up to $25,000 per year in “last dollar” financial aid for their junior and senior years of college. This financial aid should alleviate the burden of college debt so that students can afford to pursue a career in public service.
– Students will receive a $10,000 stipend and free Airbnb housing to pursue a summer work-travel experience between their junior and senior year of college.
– After graduation, Airbnb will provide the students with a $2,000 travel credit every year for 10 years, totaling $20,000. This will allow students to continue to broaden their horizons and forge new connections throughout their public service careers.
– Students will be invited each fall to an annual summit to help define and inspire their public service journey. At the summit this fall, they will meet with President Obama and Brian Chesky to talk about the role of empathy and understanding in leadership. They’ll also hear from guest speakers on different approaches to service, and build community with other Voyagers.
Plan to enroll full-time in their junior year of study at an accredited four-year college or university in the United States in Fall 2022.
Have a minimum GPA of 3.0
Have demonstrated a commitment to public service
Have demonstrated need
Plan to pursue a career in public service upon graduation
Be a United States (U.S.) citizen, U.S. permanent resident, or an individual granted deferred action status under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA)
Applications Due: June 14th, 2022
Please email if you need help with applying.
submitted by
Invoices, Expense Reports and Payment Authorization Forms
Please submit invoices, expense reports, payment authorization forms, etc. for goods or services received on or before May 31, 2022 by Friday, June 10, 2022. All expenses need to have proper coding and approvals. Please email invoices to or drop them off at the Business Office, Science Building Suite 148. If you are coming into your office please check for invoices that may have been delivered to your office and forward them to the Business Office.
If you have not received an invoice from a vendor for goods or services received or delivered by May 31, please contact Carole Kampf ( X1260) by Friday, June 10, 2022.
P-Card Purchase and Reimbursement Expenses
Please submit P-Card statements and receipts for expenses incurred through May 31, 2021 by Friday, June 10, 2022. Email your statement and receipts to
Checks and Cash
If you have checks and cash that need to be deposited for Fiscal year 2022, please bring to the Business Office, Science Building Suite 148 by Tuesday May 31, 2022. Our office is open Tuesday through Fridays 8:00am to 3:00pm.
Thank you for your prompt attention and cooperation!
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Hello, my name is Grayson Harris, and I am an incoming Second-Year Student. I am the Chair of the Chartering & Commissioning Committees for the 2022-23 academic year; I want to invite you to apply to one of these Committees (Chartering/Commissioning). These two respected committees are sponsored by the Augsburg Day Student Government.
Do you want to get involved on campus for this upcoming school year? If so, this is an excellent opportunity for you to be involved; by participating in one of these respected Committees as a student, you will learn how to collaborate with other members to get things accomplish; executing plans is key to completing our goals. Once you’re committed to being on the Committee, you are required to attend the weekly meetings when it’s necessary. This involvement is also an excellent way to enhance your resume. I hope you will consider applying for one of these respected Committee(s).
Chartering Committee is responsible for:
– Approve or Disapprove of the New Student Organization that wishes to be recognized by Augsburg University.
– Review all Chartered Day Student Organizations to assess if they have not met all the criteria for recognition by the Senate.
Commissioning Committee is responsible for:
– Assisting in the commissioning process for the Student Organizations.
– Review the Student Organization, recommend any necessary changes to the Augsburg Day Student Organizations, and Approve or Disapprove the application before submitting it to the Senate.
*This is a volunteer positions.
Please feel free to reach out with question or concerns to me (
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Hi! My name is Bella and I am a second year student here at Augsburg studying graphic design. I am currently trying to find personal care assistants to help me in my day to day life here on campus. This would include getting me ready for the day, helping me get set up for class and assisting me around campus. I am currently looking for people who would want to work some hours during this Summer! If you are a pre-med or nursing student, this is a great opportunity to get experience with patient care. Plus, you get to be paid to have fun!
I really enjoy getting coffee, watching Netflix, drawing, and painting. I consider all my assistants as my friends and if you work for me, you are guaranteed a good time! If you are interested, please text me at: 612-345-2855 or email me at Hope you will join! *looking for females and AFAB people only please*
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In this episode of The Forum Podcast Dr. Charlyn Hilliman (Capella University) and Dr. Barbara Butts Williams (Capella University) explore how an established direct path is possible between talent, employment, and leadership skills through strategic partnerships.
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News of a brand new opportunity was just made – the Obama Voyager Scholarship. A collaboration between Barack and Michelle Obama and Airbnb’s Brian Chesky. Designed for rising juniors who intend a career in public service.
– Students will receive up to $25,000 per year in “last dollar” financial aid for their junior and senior years of college. This financial aid should alleviate the burden of college debt so that students can afford to pursue a career in public service.
– Students will receive a $10,000 stipend and free Airbnb housing to pursue a summer work-travel experience between their junior and senior year of college.
– After graduation, Airbnb will provide the students with a $2,000 travel credit every year for 10 years, totaling $20,000. This will allow students to continue to broaden their horizons and forge new connections throughout their public service careers.
– Students will be invited each fall to an annual summit to help define and inspire their public service journey. At the summit this fall, they will meet with President Obama and Brian Chesky to talk about the role of empathy and understanding in leadership. They’ll also hear from guest speakers on different approaches to service, and build community with other Voyagers.
Plan to enroll full-time in their junior year of study at an accredited four-year college or university in the United States in Fall 2022.
Have a minimum GPA of 3.0
Have demonstrated a commitment to public service
Have demonstrated need
Plan to pursue a career in public service upon graduation
Be a United States (U.S.) citizen, U.S. permanent resident, or an individual granted deferred action status under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA)
Applications Due: June 14th, 2022
Please email if you need help with applying.
submitted by
Augsburg Staff Senate invites all staff to come to an ice cream social in the quad today from 2:00 – 3:30 pm. Come, make a sundae with your favorite toppings, enjoy time with your friends and colleagues, and have the chance to win from a variety of prizes in the raffle at 2:45 pm, including a Parking Pass for next school year!! Hope to see you there!
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The Center for Wellness & Counseling is closed for the summer, but there are a number of mental health resources still available to Augsburg students. CWC wishes everyone a summer of rest and renewal, but we encourage you to reach out for support if and when you need it!
1) 24/7 phone support is available all summer long through ProtoCall (just call CWC at 612-330-1707 and choose Option 1)
2) Free, confidential short-term online counseling is available at Walk In Counseling Center (
3) Sexual assault support is available 24/7 through the Aurora Center at the U of M (612-626-9111) (
4) Self-help resources are available on the CWC website (coping with depression, coping with anxiety, healing from racial trauma, and more) (
5) Student Support Guide (on the CWC and Student Affairs website) has resources to help you connect on and off-campus for academic needs, mental health needs, physical health needs, and basic living needs. (
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Do you like to run errands as a group? Let’s go to the grocery store together! Join us this Friday, May 27th from 3-5pm. We will meet at Lot E in front of Mortenson before we go to Cub Foods!
Bring your own bags!
The purpose of this event is to improve food access amongst the student body by solving the transportation issue that a lot of Augsburg residents have.
Thank you in advance for joining us! ☺️
This is the link to the Google Form to RSVP:
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Starting May 23. 2022 Central Services will have a $2.00 minimum for all card purchases. This will include both credit card and debit card purchases for the Copy Center and Shipping/Receiving.
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Hello, my name is Grayson Harris, and I am an incoming Second-Year Student. I am the Chair of the Chartering & Commissioning Committees for the 2022-23 academic year; I want to invite you to apply to one of these Committees (Chartering/Commissioning). These two respected committees are sponsored by the Augsburg Day Student Government.
Do you want to get involved on campus for this upcoming school year? If so, this is an excellent opportunity for you to be involved; by participating in one of these respected Committees as a student, you will learn how to collaborate with other members to get things accomplish; executing plans is key to completing our goals. Once you’re committed to being on the Committee, you are required to attend the weekly meetings when it’s necessary. This involvement is also an excellent way to enhance your resume. I hope you will consider applying for one of these respected Committee(s).
Chartering Committee is responsible for:
– Approve or Disapprove of the New Student Organization that wishes to be recognized by Augsburg University.
– Review all Chartered Day Student Organizations to assess if they have not met all the criteria for recognition by the Senate.
Commissioning Committee is responsible for:
– Assisting in the commissioning process for the Student Organizations.
– Review the Student Organization, recommend any necessary changes to the Augsburg Day Student Organizations, and Approve or Disapprove the application before submitting it to the Senate.
*This is a volunteer positions.
Please feel free to reach out with question or concerns to me (
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Short-term study abroad & away in Spring or Summer 2023 is a great way to earn credits and get off-campus! All programs fulfill the Augsburg Experience requirement:
• Spring Break travel to Los Angeles, CA
• WST 220: Topics: Race, Gender and Hollywood – fulfills a Humanities requirement
• Spring break travel to Guatemala
• Course: RLN 409 (fulfills Search for Meaning II) or RLN 480 – Keystone credit for some majors
• travel in May/June 2023
• 2 courses. ENL + SOC/URB :
•ENL 280: Genres: Travel Writing (4 credits), Humanities LAF
•SOC/URB 111: City Life: Intro to Urban Sociology (4 credits), SBS LAF
•SOC/URB 295: Living Green in Amsterdam (4 credits), elective
•Summer 2023 Term 1, travel in Greater Minnesota (location TBD)
•Choose 1 course, with optional INS add on:
•SOC 495 – Sociology topics elective
•THR 295 -Topics in Theater – LAF Fine Arts
•INS 292 – 2 credits – optional
• Travel in May/June 2023
•Choose 1 science course and/or the religion course:
•CHM 102 with Lab: fulfills Science with Lab course (does not count toward Chm major or minor)
•SCI 490: Integrated Science Keystone Integrated Science
•RLN 205: Topics in Religion – may fulfill Search for Meaning II or Humanities LAF
• Travel in May 2023
•Choose 1 course:
•ECO 315: Money and Banking
•BUS 362: International Business
• Spanish language courses: beginner to advanced levels, as well as specialty courses in Medical Spanish and Spanish for Ministry
• 4 study sessions in summer – choose the one (or more!) that works for you!
Got questions? Get in touch:
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: Get Paid Tuition and Travel
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News of a brand new opportunity was just made – the Obama Voyager Scholarship. A collaboration between Barack and Michelle Obama and Airbnb’s Brian Chesky. Designed for rising juniors who intend a career in public service.
– Students will receive up to $25,000 per year in “last dollar” financial aid for their junior and senior years of college. This financial aid should alleviate the burden of college debt so that students can afford to pursue a career in public service.
– Students will receive a $10,000 stipend and free Airbnb housing to pursue a summer work-travel experience between their junior and senior year of college.
– After graduation, Airbnb will provide the students with a $2,000 travel credit every year for 10 years, totaling $20,000. This will allow students to continue to broaden their horizons and forge new connections throughout their public service careers.
– Students will be invited each fall to an annual summit to help define and inspire their public service journey. At the summit this fall, they will meet with President Obama and Brian Chesky to talk about the role of empathy and understanding in leadership. They’ll also hear from guest speakers on different approaches to service, and build community with other Voyagers.
Plan to enroll full-time in their junior year of study at an accredited four-year college or university in the United States in Fall 2022.
Have a minimum GPA of 3.0
Have demonstrated a commitment to public service
Have demonstrated need
Plan to pursue a career in public service upon graduation
Be a United States (U.S.) citizen, U.S. permanent resident, or an individual granted deferred action status under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA)
Applications Due: June 14th, 2022
Please email if you need help with applying.
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Invoices, Expense Reports and Payment Authorization Forms
Please submit invoices, expense reports, payment authorization forms, etc. for goods or services received on or before May 31, 2022 by Friday, June 10, 2022. All expenses need to have proper coding and approvals. Please email invoices to or drop them off at the Business Office, Science Building Suite 148. If you are coming into your office please check for invoices that may have been delivered to your office and forward them to the Business Office.
If you have not received an invoice from a vendor for goods or services received or delivered by May 31, please contact Carole Kampf ( X1260) by Friday, June 10, 2022.
P-Card Purchase and Reimbursement Expenses
Please submit P-Card statements and receipts for expenses incurred through May 31, 2021 by Friday, June 10, 2022. Email your statement and receipts to
Checks and Cash
If you have checks and cash that need to be deposited for Fiscal year 2022, please bring to the Business Office, Science Building Suite 148 by Tuesday May 31, 2022. Our office is open Tuesday through Fridays 8:00am to 3:00pm.
Thank you for your prompt attention and cooperation!
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Greetings! It is that time of year again!
We are currently accepting applications for the Minnesota Technology Foundation Scholarship. The scholarships are for Minnesota undergraduate students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. These awards range from $2,500 to $5,000 awards and can include internship opportunities at MN Tech member companies. The Minnesota Technology Foundation supports diversity in this application and award process.
We also have Named Scholarships in specific areas supported by our generous sponsors. In the past, we have provided scholarships in Computer Science, STEM Education, Data Science, Women in STEM, Underrepresented Populations in STEM and Women in Computer Science. We encourage you to let students know of this additional and exceptional opportunity.
Eligibility requirements:
Must be pursuing an undergraduate degree in a STEM field or in STEM teaching
Only students with sophomore through senior academic status in the current school year may apply. Sophomore status may include students who have achieved this status through advanced placement (AP) credit or post-secondary options (PSEO)s
Applicants must be enrolled at an accredited, Minnesota-based higher education institution.
Scholarships will be awarded in the fall term of 2022 and presented to recipients at Minnesota Technology Association Tekne Awards in November. Students must be enrolled at time of award.
Special Circumstances
In addition to traditional STEM fields, health science majors whose studies will NOT lead to participation in direct patient care are welcome to apply.
The scholarship is open to international students, but preference is given to students who intend to work in Minnesota after graduation.
Past scholarship winners are eligible to re-apply as long as they meet the rest of the requirements listed here.
Deadline for application is May 20th, 2022. The application form is available below or on the website.,
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News of a brand new opportunity was just made – the Obama Voyager Scholarship. A collaboration between Barack and Michelle Obama and Airbnb’s Brian Chesky. Designed for rising juniors who intend a career in public service.
– Students will receive up to $25,000 per year in “last dollar” financial aid for their junior and senior years of college. This financial aid should alleviate the burden of college debt so that students can afford to pursue a career in public service.
– Students will receive a $10,000 stipend and free Airbnb housing to pursue a summer work-travel experience between their junior and senior year of college.
– After graduation, Airbnb will provide the students with a $2,000 travel credit every year for 10 years, totaling $20,000. This will allow students to continue to broaden their horizons and forge new connections throughout their public service careers.
– Students will be invited each fall to an annual summit to help define and inspire their public service journey. At the summit this fall, they will meet with President Obama and Brian Chesky to talk about the role of empathy and understanding in leadership. They’ll also hear from guest speakers on different approaches to service, and build community with other Voyagers.
Plan to enroll full-time in their junior year of study at an accredited four-year college or university in the United States in Fall 2022.
Have a minimum GPA of 3.0
Have demonstrated a commitment to public service
Have demonstrated need
Plan to pursue a career in public service upon graduation
Be a United States (U.S.) citizen, U.S. permanent resident, or an individual granted deferred action status under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA)
Applications Due: June 14th, 2022
Please email if you need help with applying.
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Attend our Advocates for Debate Mixer to see what this powerful, transformative activity is all about, and how you can support it in MN!
About this event
Are you a former speech and debate competitor? Or perhaps you always wished you had the chance? Come hear about the MN Urban Debate League, a program of Augsburg University that provides academic competitive debate programming for over 1,000 students in the Twin Cities metro area.
Enjoy a drink and snacks at Lake Monster Brewing (on us!), and learn how you can get involved. We are launching a new initiative: Advocates for Debate Board. Join leaders from the legal, business, education, and civic community to find out how you can ensure all students have access to the transformative power of debate.
Event Details:
Date: Wednesday, May 25th
Time: 4:30 – 6:30 pm (short program at 5:30 pm).
Location: Lake Monster Brewing 550 Vandalia Street #160 St. Paul, MN 55114
RSVP is required – please RSVP using Eventbrite:
As members of the Speech and Debate community, we cheered when incoming Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson credited speech and debate as “The one activity that best prepared me for future success.” Join us to ensure all students have this same opportunity!
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In this episode of The Forum Podcast Dr. Charlyn Hilliman (Capella University) and Dr. Barbara Butts Williams (Capella University) explore how an established direct path is possible between talent, employment, and leadership skills through strategic partnerships.
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Thanks to all who attended CTL’s annual 3 Days in May Workshops last week! A full copy of the program with links to all resources provided by session presenters is posted on the CTL Home page (Augsburg login required to access).
As always, we welcome any feedback and/or comments for improvement, and this is especially true this year. We’re considering re-imagining 3 Days in May for 2023 and any ideas are welcome (
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Hi! My name is Bella and I am a second year student here at Augsburg studying graphic design. I am currently trying to find personal care assistants to help me in my day to day life here on campus. This would include getting me ready for the day, helping me get set up for class and assisting me around campus. I am currently looking for people who would want to work some hours during this Summer! If you are a pre-med or nursing student, this is a great opportunity to get experience with patient care. Plus, you get to be paid to have fun!
I really enjoy getting coffee, watching Netflix, drawing, and painting. I consider all my assistants as my friends and if you work for me, you are guaranteed a good time! If you are interested, please text me at: 612-345-2855 or email me at Hope you will join! *looking for females or FAB only please*
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CampusClear has been provided to schools for free by (they power the chatbot on the Financial Aid website) and the time has come for to shut down the app. The app will be closing down on May 31, 2022.
We thank all of you for using the app these past 21 months. Taking a minute to consider how you’re feeling before coming to campus was important as the campus worked to manage COVID-19.
Feel free to delete the app from your phone at your convenience.
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Thanks to all who attended CTL’s annual 3 Days in May Workshops last week! A full copy of the program with links to all resources provided by session presenters is posted on the CTL Home page (Augsburg login required to access).
As always, we welcome any feedback and/or comments for improvement, and this is especially true this year. We’re considering re-imagining 3 Days in May for 2023 and any ideas are welcome (
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News of a brand new opportunity was just made – the Obama Voyager Scholarship. A collaboration between Barack and Michelle Obama and Airbnb’s Brian Chesky. Designed for rising juniors who intend a career in public service.
– Students will receive up to $25,000 per year in “last dollar” financial aid for their junior and senior years of college. This financial aid should alleviate the burden of college debt so that students can afford to pursue a career in public service.
– Students will receive a $10,000 stipend and free Airbnb housing to pursue a summer work-travel experience between their junior and senior year of college.
– After graduation, Airbnb will provide the students with a $2,000 travel credit every year for 10 years, totaling $20,000. This will allow students to continue to broaden their horizons and forge new connections throughout their public service careers.
– Students will be invited each fall to an annual summit to help define and inspire their public service journey. At the summit this fall, they will meet with President Obama and Brian Chesky to talk about the role of empathy and understanding in leadership. They’ll also hear from guest speakers on different approaches to service, and build community with other Voyagers.
Plan to enroll full-time in their junior year of study at an accredited four-year college or university in the United States in Fall 2022.
Have a minimum GPA of 3.0
Have demonstrated a commitment to public service
Have demonstrated need
Plan to pursue a career in public service upon graduation
Be a United States (U.S.) citizen, U.S. permanent resident, or an individual granted deferred action status under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA)
Applications Due: June 14th, 2022
Please email if you need help with applying.
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Augsburg Staff Senate invites all staff to come to an ice cream social in the quad next Tuesday, May 24th from 2:00 – 3:30 pm. Come, make a sundae with your favorite toppings, enjoy time with your friends and colleagues, and have the chance to win from a variety of prizes in the raffle at 2:45 pm, including a Parking Pass for next school year!! Hope to see you there!
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Attend our Advocates for Debate Mixer to see what this powerful, transformative activity is all about, and how you can support it in MN!
About this event
Are you a former speech and debate competitor? Or perhaps you always wished you had the chance? Come hear about the MN Urban Debate League, a program of Augsburg University that provides academic competitive debate programming for over 1,000 students in the Twin Cities metro area.
Enjoy a drink and snacks at Lake Monster Brewing (on us!), and learn how you can get involved. We are launching a new initiative: Advocates for Debate Board. Join leaders from the legal, business, education, and civic community to find out how you can ensure all students have access to the transformative power of debate.
Event Details:
Date: Wednesday, May 25th
Time: 4:30 – 6:30 pm (short program at 5:30 pm).
Location: Lake Monster Brewing 550 Vandalia Street #160 St. Paul, MN 55114
RSVP is required – please RSVP using Eventbrite:
As members of the Speech and Debate community, we cheered when incoming Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson credited speech and debate as “The one activity that best prepared me for future success.” Join us to ensure all students have this same opportunity!
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You’re Invited! Judge Debates & Network with Students on May 21st!
The MN Urban Debate League is looking for financial professionals that identify as female or gender non-conforming to judge at our annual Financial Literacy Debate tournament this year!
You do not need debate experience to be a judge. We will provide training and opportunities to ask questions prior to the tournament, and will also be available to support you during the tournament.
Financial Literacy Debate is an innovative program that supports students’ public speaking, critical thinking, and financial literacy skills and knowledge. Our program works to close the gender gap in the financial sector by building the leadership and financial knowledge of high school participants that identify as female or gender non-conforming, through debate. Over the course of the initiative, students meet with their coach after school, learn about the topic area and fundamental economic concepts through an engaging curriculum, hold practice debates, and participate in a competition with other schools.
Our tournament this year is tentatively scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 21 from 9:30 am – 2:30 pm at Augsburg University. The tournament schedule will be as follows:
· 9:30 am: Judge training
· 10:00 am: Judge three debate rounds about the benefits/harms of cryptocurrency
· 1:00: Lunch and networking between students and financial professionals
· 2:00: Awards Ceremony
· 2:30: End
Sign up at our website to be a part of our event at Augsburg University on May 21st from 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM.
Thank you for supporting our students as they build their financial literacy skills and explore career pathways in finance!
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Are you a Staff/Faculty member who has studied abroad or away in the past? We want to hear from you!
The Study Abroad and Study Away office is looking to feature Staff and Faculty study abroad stories on our Instagram page with Throwback Thursday posts. These posts are to encourage Augsburg students to study abroad and away!
Check us out on Instagram: global_auggies
Questions? Email
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We are pleased to announce SEVEN Auggies were selected to receive the prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship in the last round of applications to receive up to $5,000 toward a study abroad program! The applicant pool is highly competitive, but the hard work and determination of these students paved the way for their amazing accomplishment.
Winners include:
Aaron Davis is a Management/Marketing double major who plans to study at Augsburg’s exchange partner American College of Greece in Athens this Fall 2022
Blessing Kasongoma is a International Business/Marketing double major who plans to study at Augsburg’s exchange partner American College of Greece in Athens this Fall 2022
Sameera Mohamed is an MIS major who just left for a short-term faculty-led program in Greece with Augsburg faculty in Business
Mohamed (Khadar) Muhumed is an MIS major who just left for a short-term faculty-led program in Greece with Augsburg faculty in Business.
Since 2008, eighty-two Augsburg students have received Gilman scholarships. This round alone, Auggies won over $30,000!
It takes a village to support students in their application process. Many thanks to Maren Stoddard Mack, Emilie Lenz and the whole financial aid team, staff in TRIO, MSS, Academic Advising, and URGO and, of course, faculty mentors/advisors.
Congrats to all seven winners!!
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Greetings! It is that time of year again!
We are currently accepting applications for the Minnesota Technology Foundation Scholarship. The scholarships are for Minnesota undergraduate students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. These awards range from $2,500 to $5,000 awards and can include internship opportunities at MN Tech member companies. The Minnesota Technology Foundation supports diversity in this application and award process.
We also have Named Scholarships in specific areas supported by our generous sponsors. In the past, we have provided scholarships in Computer Science, STEM Education, Data Science, Women in STEM, Underrepresented Populations in STEM and Women in Computer Science. We encourage you to let students know of this additional and exceptional opportunity.
Eligibility requirements:
Must be pursuing an undergraduate degree in a STEM field or in STEM teaching
Only students with sophomore through senior academic status in the current school year may apply. Sophomore status may include students who have achieved this status through advanced placement (AP) credit or post-secondary options (PSEO)s
Applicants must be enrolled at an accredited, Minnesota-based higher education institution.
Scholarships will be awarded in the fall term of 2022 and presented to recipients at Minnesota Technology Association Tekne Awards in November. Students must be enrolled at time of award.
Special Circumstances
In addition to traditional STEM fields, health science majors whose studies will NOT lead to participation in direct patient care are welcome to apply.
The scholarship is open to international students, but preference is given to students who intend to work in Minnesota after graduation.
Past scholarship winners are eligible to re-apply as long as they meet the rest of the requirements listed here.
Deadline for application is May 20th, 2022. The application form is available below or on the website.,
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In this episode of The Forum Podcast Dr. Charlyn Hilliman (Capella University) and Dr. Barbara Butts Williams (Capella University) explore how an established direct path is possible between talent, employment, and leadership skills through strategic partnerships.
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The Center for Wellness & Counseling is closed for the summer, but there are a number of mental health resources still available to Augsburg students. CWC wishes everyone a summer of rest and renewal, but we encourage you to reach out for support if and when you need it!
1) 24/7 phone support is available all summer long through ProtoCall (just call CWC at 612-330-1707 and choose Option 1)
2) Free, confidential short-term online counseling is available at Walk In Counseling Center (
3) Sexual assault support is available 24/7 through the Aurora Center at the U of M (612-626-9111) (
4) Self-help resources are available on the CWC website (coping with depression, coping with anxiety, healing from racial trauma, and more) (
5) Student Support Guide (on the CWC and Student Affairs website) has resources to help you connect on and off-campus for academic needs, mental health needs, physical health needs, and basic living needs. (
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When: May 19, 2022 11:00 am – 12:00 pm CDT
Level: Introductory
Track: D&I Strategy
Presenter: Kari Heistad, Culture Coach International | Diversity Dashboard
Cost: Free
Many human resources professionals are stepping into the diversity manager role for their organization. This can be a daunting proposition. This session will explore elements of a successful diversity program and the first steps to get started. We will look at ways to stretch budgets by creating building blocks that can expand as resources allow.
Topics will include forming a DEI council, finding diversity champions, forming ERGs, diversity communication tips, engaging senior leaders, and how DEI education can be more than classroom-based learning. We’ll also cover techniques and tools for working in the virtual and hybrid environments.
Learning Outcomes
Learn three tips for starting a DEI council
To ERG or not to ERG: Know the pros and cons to make an informed choice
Explore tools and techniques that are low budget and easy to implement
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In this episode of The Forum Podcast Dr. Charlyn Hilliman (Capella University) and Dr. Barbara Butts Williams (Capella University) explore how an established direct path is possible between talent, employment, and leadership skills through strategic partnerships.
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News of a brand new opportunity was just made – the Obama Voyager Scholarship. A collaboration between Barack and Michelle Obama and Airbnb’s Brian Chesky. Designed for rising juniors who intend a career in public service.
– Students will receive up to $25,000 per year in “last dollar” financial aid for their junior and senior years of college. This financial aid should alleviate the burden of college debt so that students can afford to pursue a career in public service.
– Students will receive a $10,000 stipend and free Airbnb housing to pursue a summer work-travel experience between their junior and senior year of college.
– After graduation, Airbnb will provide the students with a $2,000 travel credit every year for 10 years, totaling $20,000. This will allow students to continue to broaden their horizons and forge new connections throughout their public service careers.
– Students will be invited each fall to an annual summit to help define and inspire their public service journey. At the summit this fall, they will meet with President Obama and Brian Chesky to talk about the role of empathy and understanding in leadership. They’ll also hear from guest speakers on different approaches to service, and build community with other Voyagers.
Plan to enroll full-time in their junior year of study at an accredited four-year college or university in the United States in Fall 2022.
Have a minimum GPA of 3.0
Have demonstrated a commitment to public service
Have demonstrated need
Plan to pursue a career in public service upon graduation
Be a United States (U.S.) citizen, U.S. permanent resident, or an individual granted deferred action status under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA)
Applications Due: June 14th, 2022
Please email if you need help with applying.
submitted by
Greetings! It is that time of year again!
We are currently accepting applications for the Minnesota Technology Foundation Scholarship. The scholarships are for Minnesota undergraduate students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. These awards range from $2,500 to $5,000 awards and can include internship opportunities at MN Tech member companies. The Minnesota Technology Foundation supports diversity in this application and award process.
We also have Named Scholarships in specific areas supported by our generous sponsors. In the past, we have provided scholarships in Computer Science, STEM Education, Data Science, Women in STEM, Underrepresented Populations in STEM and Women in Computer Science. We encourage you to let students know of this additional and exceptional opportunity.
Eligibility requirements:
Must be pursuing an undergraduate degree in a STEM field or in STEM teaching
Only students with sophomore through senior academic status in the current school year may apply. Sophomore status may include students who have achieved this status through advanced placement (AP) credit or post-secondary options (PSEO)s
Applicants must be enrolled at an accredited, Minnesota-based higher education institution.
Scholarships will be awarded in the fall term of 2022 and presented to recipients at Minnesota Technology Association Tekne Awards in November. Students must be enrolled at time of award.
Special Circumstances
In addition to traditional STEM fields, health science majors whose studies will NOT lead to participation in direct patient care are welcome to apply.
The scholarship is open to international students, but preference is given to students who intend to work in Minnesota after graduation.
Past scholarship winners are eligible to re-apply as long as they meet the rest of the requirements listed here.
Deadline for application is May 20th, 2022. The application form is available below or on the website.,
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You’re Invited! Judge Debates & Network with Students on May 21st!
The MN Urban Debate League is looking for financial professionals that identify as female or gender non-conforming to judge at our annual Financial Literacy Debate tournament this year!
You do not need debate experience to be a judge. We will provide training and opportunities to ask questions prior to the tournament, and will also be available to support you during the tournament.
Financial Literacy Debate is an innovative program that supports students’ public speaking, critical thinking, and financial literacy skills and knowledge. Our program works to close the gender gap in the financial sector by building the leadership and financial knowledge of high school participants that identify as female or gender non-conforming, through debate. Over the course of the initiative, students meet with their coach after school, learn about the topic area and fundamental economic concepts through an engaging curriculum, hold practice debates, and participate in a competition with other schools.
Our tournament this year is tentatively scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 21 from 9:30 am – 2:30 pm at Augsburg University. The tournament schedule will be as follows:
· 9:30 am: Judge training
· 10:00 am: Judge three debate rounds about the benefits/harms of cryptocurrency
· 1:00: Lunch and networking between students and financial professionals
· 2:00: Awards Ceremony
· 2:30: End
Sign up at our website to be a part of our event at Augsburg University on May 21st from 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM.
Thank you for supporting our students as they build their financial literacy skills and explore career pathways in finance!
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Attend our Advocates for Debate Mixer to see what this powerful, transformative activity is all about, and how you can support it in MN!
About this event
Are you a former speech and debate competitor? Or perhaps you always wished you had the chance? Come hear about the MN Urban Debate League, a program of Augsburg University that provides academic competitive debate programming for over 1,000 students in the Twin Cities metro area.
Enjoy a drink and snacks at Lake Monster Brewing (on us!), and learn how you can get involved. We are launching a new initiative: Advocates for Debate Board. Join leaders from the legal, business, education, and civic community to find out how you can ensure all students have access to the transformative power of debate.
Event Details:
Date: Wednesday, May 25th
Time: 4:30 – 6:30 pm (short program at 5:30 pm).
Location: Lake Monster Brewing 550 Vandalia Street #160 St. Paul, MN 55114
RSVP is required – please RSVP using Eventbrite:
As members of the Speech and Debate community, we cheered when incoming Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson credited speech and debate as “The one activity that best prepared me for future success.” Join us to ensure all students have this same opportunity!
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The PRISM program is designed to support Augsburg juniors and seniors who wish to pursue a career in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Funded by the National Science Foundation, PRISM Scholars receive scholarships of up to $10,000 per student per year. Scholars also become a part of the STEM community at Augsburg with opportunities for summer research, faculty mentoring, and career development.
– Enrolled at least half-time in a STEM major (biology, biopsychology, biochemistry, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, or physics)
– Within 5 semesters of graduating with a STEM degree as of Fall 2022 (graduating by December ‘24)
– Major GPA of 2.75 or higher (scholars will be expected to raise their GPA to 3.0 during program participation)
– U.S. citizen, national, or permanent resident
– Demonstrated financial need as determined by financial aid status (Pell or MN State grant eligible or equivalent)
Application deadline: Wednesday, May 18 at 11:59pm
Faculty reference deadline: Friday, May 27 (applicants should get permission from one faculty member to serve as their reference and name them in their application)
Students who began their college careers at community colleges are encouraged to apply as well as students who began at Augsburg.
For more information, go to:
Questions? Contact:
Funding is provided through the National Science Foundation(NSF) S-STEM program which provides support for high-achieving STEM students with financial need. The collaborative award NSF#2030638: Partner Relationships to Increase STEM Momentum (PRISM) provides S-STEM scholarships to students at Augsburg University, Century College, Minneapolis College, and Normandale Community College.
Expression of Interest Form:
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Invoices, Expense Reports and Payment Authorization Forms
Please submit invoices, expense reports, payment authorization forms, etc. for goods or services received on or before May 31, 2022 by Friday, June 10, 2022. All expenses need to have proper coding and approvals. Please email invoices to or drop them off at the Business Office, Science Building Suite 148. If you are coming into your office please check for invoices that may have been delivered to your office and forward them to the Business Office.
If you have not received an invoice from a vendor for goods or services received or delivered by May 31, please contact Carole Kampf ( X1260) by Friday, June 10, 2022.
P-Card Purchase and Reimbursement Expenses
Please submit P-Card statements and receipts for expenses incurred through May 31, 2021 by Friday, June 10, 2022. Email your statement and receipts to
Checks and Cash
If you have checks and cash that need to be deposited for Fiscal year 2022, please bring to the Business Office, Science Building Suite 148 by Tuesday May 31, 2022. Our office is open Tuesday through Fridays 8:00am to 3:00pm.
Thank you for your prompt attention and cooperation!
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The 22-23 MN Indian Teacher Training Program (MITTP) application is now available for new and returning Augsburg students. Priority deadline for application is June 1st, 2022 and students are required to complete the 22-23 FAFSA.
For more information about eligibility and the application, please visit the Augsburg American Indian Student Service website:
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The 22-23 MN Indian Teacher Training Program (MITTP) application is now available for new and returning Augsburg students. Priority deadline for application is June 1st, 2022 and students are required to complete the 22-23 FAFSA.
For more information about eligibility and the application, please visit the Augsburg American Indian Student Service website:
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News of a brand new opportunity was just made – the Obama Voyager Scholarship. A collaboration between Barack and Michelle Obama and Airbnb’s Brian Chesky. Designed for rising juniors who intend a career in public service.
– Students will receive up to $25,000 per year in “last dollar” financial aid for their junior and senior years of college. This financial aid should alleviate the burden of college debt so that students can afford to pursue a career in public service.
– Students will receive a $10,000 stipend and free Airbnb housing to pursue a summer work-travel experience between their junior and senior year of college.
– After graduation, Airbnb will provide the students with a $2,000 travel credit every year for 10 years, totaling $20,000. This will allow students to continue to broaden their horizons and forge new connections throughout their public service careers.
– Students will be invited each fall to an annual summit to help define and inspire their public service journey. At the summit this fall, they will meet with President Obama and Brian Chesky to talk about the role of empathy and understanding in leadership. They’ll also hear from guest speakers on different approaches to service, and build community with other Voyagers.
Plan to enroll full-time in their junior year of study at an accredited four-year college or university in the United States in Fall 2022.
Have a minimum GPA of 3.0
Have demonstrated a commitment to public service
Have demonstrated need
Plan to pursue a career in public service upon graduation
Be a United States (U.S.) citizen, U.S. permanent resident, or an individual granted deferred action status under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA)
Applications Due: June 14th, 2022
Please email if you need help with applying.
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Check out these online hybrid courses coming up in summer. Justice oriented and taught by Augsburg CGEE instructors at our global sites in Mexico. Courses take place in summer Term 2 (June 27 to August 12)
• 4 credits
• fulfills Humanities requirement.
• With Antonio Ortega, instructor in Mexico
• 4 credits
• With Antonio Ortega, instructor in Mexico
• 4 credits
• fulfills Fine Arts requirement.
• With Lucia Palmarini, instructor at Augsburg in Mexico
Look for these courses and register on Records and Registration
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Short-term study abroad & away in Spring or Summer 2023 is a great way to earn credits and get off-campus! All programs fulfill the Augsburg Experience requirement:
• Spring Break travel to Los Angeles, CA
• WST 220: Topics: Race, Gender and Hollywood – fulfills a Humanities requirement
• Spring break travel to Guatemala
• Course: RLN 409 (fulfills Search for Meaning II) or RLN 480 – Keystone credit for some majors
• travel in May/June 2023
• 2 courses. ENL + SOC/URB :
•ENL 280: Genres: Travel Writing (4 credits), Humanities LAF
•SOC/URB 111: City Life: Intro to Urban Sociology (4 credits), SBS LAF
•SOC/URB 295: Living Green in Amsterdam (4 credits), elective
•Summer 2023 Term 1, travel in Greater Minnesota (location TBD)
•Choose 1 course, with optional INS add on:
•SOC 495 – Sociology topics elective
•THR 295 -Topics in Theater – LAF Fine Arts
•INS 292 – 2 credits – optional
• Travel in May/June 2023
•Choose 1 science course and/or the religion course:
•CHM 102 with Lab: fulfills Science with Lab course (does not count toward Chm major or minor)
•SCI 490: Integrated Science Keystone Integrated Science
•RLN 205: Topics in Religion – may fulfill Search for Meaning II or Humanities LAF
• Travel in May 2023
•Choose 1 course:
•ECO 315: Money and Banking
•BUS 362: International Business
• Spanish language courses: beginner to advanced levels, as well as specialty courses in Medical Spanish and Spanish for Ministry
• 4 study sessions in summer – choose the one (or more!) that works for you!
Got questions? Get in touch:
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We are pleased to announce SEVEN Auggies were selected to receive the prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship in the last round of applications to receive up to $5,000 toward a study abroad program! The applicant pool is highly competitive, but the hard work and determination of these students paved the way for their amazing accomplishment.
Winners include:
Aaron Davis is a Management/Marketing double major who plans to study at Augsburg’s exchange partner American College of Greece in Athens this Fall 2022
Blessing Kasongoma is a International Business/Marketing double major who plans to study at Augsburg’s exchange partner American College of Greece in Athens this Fall 2022
Sameera Mohamed is an MIS major who just left for a short-term faculty-led program in Greece with Augsburg faculty in Business
Mohamed (Khadar) Muhumed is an MIS major who just left for a short-term faculty-led program in Greece with Augsburg faculty in Business.
Since 2008, eighty-two Augsburg students have received Gilman scholarships. This round alone, Auggies won over $30,000!
It takes a village to support students in their application process. Many thanks to Maren Stoddard Mack, Emilie Lenz and the whole financial aid team, staff in TRIO, MSS, Academic Advising, and URGO and, of course, faculty mentors/advisors.
Congrats to all seven winners!!
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Attend our Advocates for Debate Mixer to see what this powerful, transformative activity is all about, and how you can support it in MN!
About this event
Are you a former speech and debate competitor? Or perhaps you always wished you had the chance? Come hear about the MN Urban Debate League, a program of Augsburg University that provides academic competitive debate programming for over 1,000 students in the Twin Cities metro area.
Enjoy a drink and snacks at Lake Monster Brewing (on us!), and learn how you can get involved. We are launching a new initiative: Advocates for Debate Board. Join leaders from the legal, business, education, and civic community to find out how you can ensure all students have access to the transformative power of debate.
Event Details:
Date: Wednesday, May 25th
Time: 4:30 – 6:30 pm (short program at 5:30 pm).
Location: Lake Monster Brewing 550 Vandalia Street #160 St. Paul, MN 55114
RSVP is required – please RSVP using Eventbrite:
As members of the Speech and Debate community, we cheered when incoming Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson credited speech and debate as “The one activity that best prepared me for future success.” Join us to ensure all students have this same opportunity!
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You’re Invited! Judge Debates & Network with Students on May 21st!
The MN Urban Debate League is looking for financial professionals that identify as female or gender non-conforming to judge at our annual Financial Literacy Debate tournament this year!
You do not need debate experience to be a judge. We will provide training and opportunities to ask questions prior to the tournament, and will also be available to support you during the tournament.
Financial Literacy Debate is an innovative program that supports students’ public speaking, critical thinking, and financial literacy skills and knowledge. Our program works to close the gender gap in the financial sector by building the leadership and financial knowledge of high school participants that identify as female or gender non-conforming, through debate. Over the course of the initiative, students meet with their coach after school, learn about the topic area and fundamental economic concepts through an engaging curriculum, hold practice debates, and participate in a competition with other schools.
Our tournament this year is tentatively scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 21 from 9:30 am – 2:30 pm at Augsburg University. The tournament schedule will be as follows:
· 9:30 am: Judge training
· 10:00 am: Judge three debate rounds about the benefits/harms of cryptocurrency
· 1:00: Lunch and networking between students and financial professionals
· 2:00: Awards Ceremony
· 2:30: End
Sign up at our website to be a part of our event at Augsburg University on May 21st from 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM.
Thank you for supporting our students as they build their financial literacy skills and explore career pathways in finance!
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CampusClear has been provided to schools for free by (they power the chatbot on the Financial Aid website) and the time has come for to shut down the app. The app will be closing down on May 31, 2022.
We thank all of you for using the app these past 21 months. Taking a minute to consider how you’re feeling before coming to campus was important as the campus worked to manage COVID-19.
Feel free to delete the app from your phone at your convenience.
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Babysitter / nanny needed for a mostly self-sufficient tween two afternoons per week mid-June through July. You’d need your own transportation for getting back and forth to the house (in an inner-ring suburb), but you would not need to drive the kiddo anywhere. Email if interested or with questions.
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The PRISM program is designed to support Augsburg juniors and seniors who wish to pursue a career in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Funded by the National Science Foundation, PRISM Scholars receive scholarships of up to $10,000 per student per year. Scholars also become a part of the STEM community at Augsburg with opportunities for summer research, faculty mentoring, and career development.
– Enrolled at least half-time in a STEM major (biology, biopsychology, biochemistry, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, or physics)
– Within 5 semesters of graduating with a STEM degree as of Fall 2022 (graduating by December ‘24)
– Major GPA of 2.75 or higher (scholars will be expected to raise their GPA to 3.0 during program participation)
– U.S. citizen, national, or permanent resident
– Demonstrated financial need as determined by financial aid status (Pell or MN State grant eligible or equivalent)
Application deadline: Wednesday, May 18 at 11:59pm
Faculty reference deadline: Friday, May 27 (applicants should get permission from one faculty member to serve as their reference and name them in their application)
Students who began their college careers at community colleges are encouraged to apply as well as students who began at Augsburg.
For more information, go to:
Questions? Contact:
Funding is provided through the National Science Foundation(NSF) S-STEM program which provides support for high-achieving STEM students with financial need. The collaborative award NSF#2030638: Partner Relationships to Increase STEM Momentum (PRISM) provides S-STEM scholarships to students at Augsburg University, Century College, Minneapolis College, and Normandale Community College.
Expression of Interest Form:
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Forum Podcast Ep. 93: Achieving Community Engagement and Social Impact Through a Community-Based University Partnership
In this episode of The Forum Podcast Dr. Charlyn Hilliman (Capella University) and Dr. Barbara Butts Williams (Capella University) explore how an established direct path is possible between talent, employment, and leadership skills through strategic partnerships.
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The Forum’s annual conference is the premier #diversity, #equity, and #inclusion (DEI) learning opportunity, and it’s now available ON-DEMAND!
General Sessions featuring Andrew Yang (Entrepreneur, Author, Philanthropist, Nonprofit leader, and Former US Presidential & NYC Mayoral candidate), Cassandra Worthy (Founder & CEO, Change Enthusiasm® Global), and over 60 workshops, trend talks, sessions, and more!
Augsburg Faculty and Staff qualify for a special faculty and staff rate. Contact The Forum at to register and get access.
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Our deep-dive learning opportunity is returning this June.
Unlike traditional workshop sessions, Professional Development Labs (PDLs) are goal-oriented and include personal and professional action and accountability planning for next level leadership.
Join the Unity Lab team to learn how to activate purpose, belonging and inclusion on your teams, and effectively lead diverse teams. In this interactive session, you will understand how activating purpose and belonging in the workplace builds an inclusive and inspiring culture – full of authentic, high trust, diverse relationships across an organization. To create truly inclusive and diverse workplaces, we must first create opportunities for employees to activate their purpose and build empathy and trust with each other.
When: June 23, 2022 11:00 am – 4:00 pm CST
Where: Online/Virtual
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Greetings! It is that time of year again!
We are currently accepting applications for the Minnesota Technology Foundation Scholarship. The scholarships are for Minnesota undergraduate students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. These awards range from $2,500 to $5,000 awards and can include internship opportunities at MN Tech member companies. The Minnesota Technology Foundation supports diversity in this application and award process.
We also have Named Scholarships in specific areas supported by our generous sponsors. In the past, we have provided scholarships in Computer Science, STEM Education, Data Science, Women in STEM, Underrepresented Populations in STEM and Women in Computer Science. We encourage you to let students know of this additional and exceptional opportunity.
Eligibility requirements:
Must be pursuing an undergraduate degree in a STEM field or in STEM teaching
Only students with sophomore through senior academic status in the current school year may apply. Sophomore status may include students who have achieved this status through advanced placement (AP) credit or post-secondary options (PSEO)s
Applicants must be enrolled at an accredited, Minnesota-based higher education institution.
Scholarships will be awarded in the fall term of 2022 and presented to recipients at Minnesota Technology Association Tekne Awards in November. Students must be enrolled at time of award.
Special Circumstances
In addition to traditional STEM fields, health science majors whose studies will NOT lead to participation in direct patient care are welcome to apply.
The scholarship is open to international students, but preference is given to students who intend to work in Minnesota after graduation.
Past scholarship winners are eligible to re-apply as long as they meet the rest of the requirements listed here.
Deadline for application is May 20th, 2022. The application form is available below or on the website.,
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Hello, my name is Grayson Harris, and I am an incoming Second-Year Student. I am the Chair of the Chartering & Commissioning Committees for the 2022-23 academic year; I want to invite you to apply to one of these Committees (Chartering/Commissioning). These two respected committees are sponsored by the Augsburg Day Student Government.
Do you want to get involved on campus for this upcoming school year? If so, this is an excellent opportunity for you to be involved; by participating in one of these respected Committees as a student, you will learn how to collaborate with other members to get things accomplish; executing plans is key to completing our goals. Once you’re committed to being on the Committee, you are required to attend the weekly meetings when it’s necessary. This involvement is also an excellent way to enhance your resume. I hope you will consider applying for one of these respected Committee(s).
Chartering Committee is responsible for:
– Approve or Disapprove of the New Student Organization that wishes to be recognized by Augsburg University.
– Review all Chartered Day Student Organizations to assess if they have not met all the criteria for recognition by the Senate.
Commissioning Committee is responsible for:
– Assisting in the commissioning process for the Student Organizations.
– Review the Student Organization, recommend any necessary changes to the Augsburg Day Student Organizations, and Approve or Disapprove the application before submitting it to the Senate.
*This is a volunteer positions.
Please feel free to reach out with question or concerns to me (
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Our deep-dive learning opportunity is returning this June.
Unlike traditional workshop sessions, Professional Development Labs (PDLs) are goal-oriented and include personal and professional action and accountability planning for next level leadership.
Join the Unity Lab team to learn how to activate purpose, belonging and inclusion on your teams, and effectively lead diverse teams. In this interactive session, you will understand how activating purpose and belonging in the workplace builds an inclusive and inspiring culture – full of authentic, high trust, diverse relationships across an organization. To create truly inclusive and diverse workplaces, we must first create opportunities for employees to activate their purpose and build empathy and trust with each other.
When: June 23, 2022 11:00 am – 4:00 pm CST
Where: Online/Virtual
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The 22-23 MN Indian Teacher Training Program (MITTP) application is now available for new and returning Augsburg students. Priority deadline for application is June 1st, 2022 and students are required to complete the 22-23 FAFSA.
For more information about eligibility and the application, please visit the Augsburg American Indian Student Service website:
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In this episode of The Forum Podcast Dr. Charlyn Hilliman (Capella University) and Dr. Barbara Butts Williams (Capella University) explore how an established direct path is possible between talent, employment, and leadership skills through strategic partnerships.
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The PRISM program is designed to support Augsburg juniors and seniors who wish to pursue a career in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Funded by the National Science Foundation, PRISM Scholars receive scholarships of up to $10,000 per student per year. Scholars also become a part of the STEM community at Augsburg with opportunities for summer research, faculty mentoring, and career development.
– Enrolled at least half-time in a STEM major (biology, biopsychology, biochemistry, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, or physics)
– Within 5 semesters of graduating with a STEM degree as of Fall 2022 (graduating by December ‘24)
– Major GPA of 2.75 or higher (scholars will be expected to raise their GPA to 3.0 during program participation)
– U.S. citizen, national, or permanent resident
– Demonstrated financial need as determined by financial aid status (Pell or MN State grant eligible or equivalent)
Application deadline: Wednesday, May 18 at 11:59pm
Faculty reference deadline: Friday, May 27 (applicants should get permission from one faculty member to serve as their reference and name them in their application)
Students who began their college careers at community colleges are encouraged to apply as well as students who began at Augsburg.
For more information, go to:
Questions? Contact:
Funding is provided through the National Science Foundation(NSF) S-STEM program which provides support for high-achieving STEM students with financial need. The collaborative award NSF#2030638: Partner Relationships to Increase STEM Momentum (PRISM) provides S-STEM scholarships to students at Augsburg University, Century College, Minneapolis College, and Normandale Community College.
Expression of Interest Form:
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The Campus Cupboard (Anderson 26) is open this summer during the following times:
Mondays: 3-7pm
Tuesdays: 12:30-3:30pm
Wednesdays: 3-6pm
All groceries are free!
You can also join Campus Kitchen in the Food Lab this summer every Tuesday 2-4pm and Wednesday 4-6pm for open cooking hours!
We will provide all the kitchen equipment and some basic ingredients, and you can bring any extra ingredients for yourself (or stop by the Campus Cupboard on your way!).
Stay tuned for cooking workshops throughout the summer during these times! If you have any ideas for a workshop — or would like to lead one — don’t hesitate to reach out to
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The Augsburg Local team is thrilled to share our Catering Guide! Our aim with this project is to encourage the use of local- and BIPOC-owned caterers for smaller on-campus events (fewer than 25 people). This is a living document and we welcome your comments and suggestions.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please email We’re excited to share this resource with the campus community and we hope you’ll use it when planning your next event!
[Augsburg Local is a campaign to leverage Augsburg’s purchasing power to support local businesses. The Augsburg Local campaign includes a variety of activities and strategies to intentionally connect locally owned, Black/Indigenous/People of Color (BIPOC) owned, and Femmes/Trans/Womxn (FTW) owned businesses to the economic benefits generated by both individual and institutional purchasing.]
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All campus building HVAC systems continue to be transitioned from heating to cooling. Because of weather being unpredictable this time of year, please plan to dress accordingly so that you can adjust for temperature variations in your office during this time. For staff working in buildings without air conditioning, please submit a work order to request window air conditioner installation.
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Short-term study abroad & away is a great way to earn credits, get off-campus, and do something a little different!
Check out the Spring and Summer 2023 program options. Only 1-3 weeks of travel. All programs fulfill the Augsburg Experience requirement:
• Spring Break travel to Los Angeles, CA
• WST 220: Topics: Race, Gender and Hollywood – fulfills a Humanities requirement
• Spring break travel to Guatemala
• Course: RLN 409 (fulfills Search for Meaning II) or RLN 480 – Keystone credit for some majors
• Travel in May/June 2023
•Choose 1 science course and/or the religion course:
•CHM 102 with Lab – fulfills Science with Lab course (does not count toward Chm major or minor)
•SCI 490: Integrated Science Keystone Integrated Science
•RLN 205: Topics in Religion – may fulfill Search for Meaning II or Humanities LAF
• travel in May/June 2023
• 2 courses. ENL + SOC/URB :
•ENL 280: Genres: Travel Writing (4 credits), Humanities LAF
•SOC/URB 111: City Life: Introduction to Urban Sociology (4 credits), SBS LAF
•SOC/URB 295: Living Green in Amsterdam (4 credits), elective
•Summer 2023 Term 1, travel in Greater Minnesota (location TBD)
•Choose 1 course, with optional INS add on:
•SOC 495 – Sociology topics elective
•THR 295 -Topics in Theater – LAF Fine Arts
•INS 292 – 2 credits – optional
• Spanish language courses: beginner to advanced levels, as well as specialty courses in Medical Spanish and Spanish for Ministry
• 4 study sessions in summer – choose the one (or more!) that works for you!
Got questions? Get in touch:
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We are pleased to announce SEVEN Auggies were selected to receive the prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship in the last round of applications to receive up to $5,000 toward a study abroad program! The applicant pool is highly competitive, but the hard work and determination of these students paved the way for their amazing accomplishment.
Winners include:
Aaron Davis is a Management/Marketing double major who plans to study at Augsburg’s exchange partner American College of Greece in Athens this Fall 2022
Blessing Kasongoma is a International Business/Marketing double major who plans to study at Augsburg’s exchange partner American College of Greece in Athens this Fall 2022
Mohamed (Khadar) Muhumed is an MIS major who just left for a short-term faculty-led program in Greece with Augsburg faculty in Business.
Since 2008, eighty-two Augsburg students have received Gilman scholarships. This round alone, Auggies won over $30,000!
It takes a village to support students in their application process. Many thanks to Maren Stoddard Mack, Emilie Lenz and the whole financial aid team, staff in TRIO, MSS, Academic Advising, and URGO and, of course, faculty mentors/advisors.
Congrats to all seven winners!!
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Our Riverside Innovation Hub Lead Facilitator Geoffrey Gill reflects on the past month’s cohort meetings with congregations. Geoffrey shares wisdom and learnings from these important gatherings.
As we breathe into the fullness of spring and our work becomes more and more rooted, it is clear that this work requires us to slow down, to be patient and to move at the pace of a growing flower. It may look slow and arduous at times, and this is the work of sowing seeds; we are like community gardeners for the public church and we are learning that this project moves at the pace of building trustworthy relationships. You can’t force this to work, and you can’t just bypass any important part because it makes you uncomfortable or you don’t understand it. What I’m finding inside of most congregations is this sense of needing things to speed up, there is this deep eagerness to spring forth and jump into action. And on the other hand God is calling us to slow down. Yes, move forward and take action, and don’t move so fast that you can’t smell the spring flowers. Don’t move so fast that you forget or bypass why you’re even doing this work. This time and space of work requires us to trust the flow of the process; to do all we can and then let the spirit do what it’s capable of doing.
So, In-between our large learning events RIH hosts smaller cohort meetings. These meetings focus on the art forms of the public church framework. All of the cohorts met this April. The intentions of these meetings were to build and deepen relational trust, reflect on the process of sharing learnings with the leadership in each congregation and expand more into the art form: interpretation.
Check out the rest of Geoffrey’s reflection on our CCV Blog: to learn more about the important work that our CCV team is doing.
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The Forum’s annual conference is the premier #diversity, #equity, and #inclusion (DEI) learning opportunity, and it’s now available ON-DEMAND!
General Sessions featuring Andrew Yang (Entrepreneur, Author, Philanthropist, Nonprofit leader, and Former US Presidential & NYC Mayoral candidate), Cassandra Worthy (Founder & CEO, Change Enthusiasm® Global), and over 60 workshops, trend talks, sessions, and more!
Augsburg Faculty and Staff qualify for a special faculty and staff rate. Contact The Forum at to register and get access.
Learn more at