Supporting First-Generation College Students

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On Saturday, June 4th, three of our Augsburg University students who identify as First-generation college students will be running the FANS Ultra-Marathon. FANS (Furthering Achievement Through a Network of Support) is a college and career mentorship program for high school students, specifically working with students of color, recent immigrants, and other groups that have been historically underrepresented in higher education.

Angelica Bello Ayapantecatl, Kay Joanne Carvajal Moran and Ivonne Hernandez will be participating in the 6-Hour Marathon at Normandale Lake and would appreciate the support of our Augsburg directors, professors, staff, students and community members. They are only $940 dollars short from their goal! If you have the opportunity to donate to their fundraiser anything would help!

Thank you for your generous contributions and for believing in students!

If you have any further questions about the program you may contact Ivonne Hernandez at

Con cariƱo,
Angelica Bello Ayapantecatl, Ivonne Hernandez, and Kay Joanne Carvajal Moran and TEAM-PUC!