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The Augsburg Human Resources and Payroll team is launching a new electronic Payroll Payment Request (stipend) form and approval flow. No more paper forms!
The approval flow requires each request to be approved by the cost center’s budget manager, the Division Vice President and Vice President of Strategy. The new process reduces employee ID errors to help ensure Payroll Payment requests are processed correctly
The Payroll Payment Request form is available at for immediate use! Old PDF/Paper forms will continue to be accepted until May 31st. Beginning June 1st only the new electronic Payroll Payment Request form will be accepted.
A couple of reminders:
-This form is to be used to request staff & student employee compensation for services rendered outside of their regularly scheduled work duties. This form should not be used in lieu of non-exempt employees recording hours worked on their biweekly timesheet. All payment requests will be reviewed for legal compliance under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
-Reimbursements for mileage, supplies, etc. should be requested from Administrative Accounting.