Earn $55 and Help Students Build Skills: Judge the Spanish Debate League This Wednesday

submitted by froehlic@augsburg.edu

The Minnesota Urban Debate League, a program of Augsburg University, is searching for some last-minute Spanish-speaking judges for our Spanish Debate League tournament this Wednesday.

No debate experience is required. We are seeking folks who are fluent in Spanish and willing to be educators, who will listen to students speak, give constructive feedback, and choose a winner of our debates. You’ll help students build their academic skills and Spanish fluency.

You’ll earn $55 for 2 rounds held virtually from 4:00-6:30 or 7 PM Central Standard Time. This includes time for judge training.

Sign up here: https://mnudl.augsburg.edu/volunteer-opportunities/ If you are interested in being paid, please email Jenna Randerson at randerso@augsburg.edu. If you are looking to volunteer, feel free to sign up directly.

Please feel free to reach out to mnudl@augsburg.edu with any questions!
