Two Auggies Win Rossing Physics Scholarship

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Two Augsburg students, Edwin Panora and Bjorn Solberg, won a Rossing Physics Scholarship of $5,000. The Rossing Scholarship recognizes exemplary students in physics who attend ELCA schools.

Edwin Panora ’23 is majoring in physics and minoring in computer science. He has worked two summers and academic years in Dr. Dasgupta’s lab. He became enamored with STEM when he built his first computer in high school. He plans on earning a PhD in engineering and wants to build equipment that improves the human condition. This summer he might be conducting research on another campus or returning to Dr. Dasgupta’s lab. In addition to his strong record in research, Edwin is the 3D printer Coordinator, has been involved in the high-power rocket club, served as a physics lab assistant and STEM Peer Mentor. Edwin is also a McNair Scholar.

Bjorn Solberg ’24 is double majoring in physics and mathematics. He worked last summer and this school year in Dr. Stottrup’s lab in collaboration with a lab at the University of MN on a project of an Augsburg alum, Cain Valtierrez who is a PhD candidate. He will return to this position this summer. From a young age Bjorn has read popular science magazines, watched Nova specials and first learned about quantum mechanics and relativity through YouTube channels. When he isn’t being a student or researcher Bjorn is riding his bicycle as an ultra distance cyclist alone and unsupported on trips. He has spent months cycling through South Korea and Japan and this year plans on completing three races of 390 miles, 1,200 miles and 630 miles. Like Edwin, Bjorn participated in the rocket club and plans on earning a PhD, possibly in nuclear fusion as he would like to work on the problem of creating clean nuclear energy.

Congratulations to Bjorn and Edwin and to the Augsburg Physics Department for mentoring these two students.