MLK Convocation: We Rise MLK and Our Voices Coming Alive

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On behalf of Pan-Afrikan Student Services and Augsburg University, we are excited to bring you this year’s Martin Luther King, JR., Convocation. This year’s theme is “We Rise, MLK and Our Voices Coming Alive”, in community, this was inspired in our efforts to rebuild community after a pandemic and absence of visibility and support systems for Pan-Afrikan students, mostly seen through not having a full office at Multicultural Life for an entire academic year. This event will center our Pan-Afrikan community through the art of dance, song, poetry, and more. All are welcome!

Our keynote speaker of this year is Dr. Terrance Kwame-Ross, Associate Professor in the Education Department at Augsburg University. Through his scholarship, service, and teaching practice, Dr. Kwame-Ross focuses on how individuals and human groups grow, develop, and change over time. He brings an interrogative, interdisciplinary, integrative, and intersectional pedagogical approach to teaching and learning across school, society, family, and church for whole-beingness. To learn more about Dr. Terrance Kwame-Ross, please visit our website here:

For any questions, please email Kezia Burrows, program manager of Pan-Afrikan Student Services at

For any accommodation needs, please event our team at