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The Faculty Development Program at Augsburg is launching a new Faculty Mentoring program for new (and new-ish) faculty members, and we’re looking for tenured faculty who are knowledgeable about how Augsburg “works” to provide mentoring! We’re looking for at least 11 mentors to “match” with our mentees – mostly first and second year assistant professors.
The basic requirements to be considered as a mentor are (1) you must be a current, tenured member of the Augsburg Faculty and (2) have a general understanding of how the University “works” beyond your department. If you are interested, please complete the short “Application of Interest” posted below no later than Monday, January 23rd (the form also contains more information). All selected members are required to attend Mentor Orientation on the afternoon of Thursday, January 26th.
If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer L. Bankers-Fulbright, CTL Director at 612-330-1071 or