Weekly eLearning Update Useful Technology Tips and Tidbits for Augsburg Faculty January 20

submitted by strom@augsburg.edu

Dear Augsburg Faculty,

This week’s eLearning Update topic is “Building community in an asynchronous class”.

This week’s update will cover:
Audio recordings in forums and feedback – conveying tone, building community
VoiceThread as an enhanced presentation
Adding a profile picture in Moodle

Enhancing Instructor Presence: Audio Feedback
The microphone tool in Moodle allows you to add comments when grading, in the announcement forum, and anywhere you see the content editor toolbar. This type of delivery conveys tone more effectively than text. It is possible to record audio comments from the Moodle app on a phone as well, allowing one to move around while grading.

Presentation material is often delivered in a one-way communication method (instructor to student). Consider VoiceThread as an alternative that can engage students through collaborative and interactive multimedia slideshows that support images, documents, and videos. VoiceThreads allow participants to navigate through presentation slides, leave comments in using voice, text, or video, and even contribute their own slides. http://go.augsburg.edu/vtassignment

Profile Picture
Adding an image to your Moodle profile enhances your teaching presence and helps establish a stronger connection with your students through Moodle. https://go.augsburg.edu/moodlepic

Upcoming Trainings
Heads up – Upcoming Workshops!
January 23rd from 2-3pm, we will host a discussion about ChatGPT, on Zoom. (See the CTL Calendar for the workshop schedule: https://sites.augsburg.edu/ctl/ )

Of course, if you experience any issues as you align your syllabus and gradebooks, please feel free to contact us at any time. We are always here to help!

Happy New Semester!

Your eLearning Team,

Eric, Nathan, Shane and Susan

For additional contact information, contact your LFC or Instructional Design Technologist.