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Join us for a youth community meeting this Friday 27th at 6:30 pm for Driver’s License for All to organize and prepare for the House of Representatives floor debate. Help us past the bill and be part of organizing for future actions! Please come, everyone is welcome and there will be snacks!!!
2323 11th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55404- Friday 27th @ 6:30 pm
Ven a la junta de jovenes para las Licencias para Todes este Viernes 27th a las 6:30 pm para organizar y preparar actiones para el debate de la Camara de Representates este Lunes 30 a las 3:30 pm. Ayudanos a que el projecto de ley de las Licencias para Todes pase! Habran aperitivos, Todes son bienvenides!
2323 11th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55404- Friday 27th @ 6:30 pm
For more Information check out the Minnesota Immigrant Movement FB page: