Building Access Pilot Feedback

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For the Fall 2022 semester building access across campus was changed from having public access during typical business hours (7 a.m. to 7 p.m.) to being on fob access only, which restricted public access to the majority of Augsburg facilities. This was a pilot program to see if limiting public access to Augsburg facilities affected the number of incidents reported on campus as well as the general feeling of safety on the Augsburg campus for our community. As we enter the second month of the Spring semester, the Department of Public Safety, along with the President’s Leadership Team and the Augsburg Space Committee will be reviewing data and community feedback to determine if it is in the best interest of Augsburg and our community to continue fob only access, revert to having public hours, or a mix of the two.

To that end, we are asking for more community feedback to include in our discussion. We would appreciate any feedback from all students, staff and faculty. What we are most interested in is how fob only access during the fall 2022 semester affected your academic studies/department work, has it had an impact on your view of safety/security on campus, and if it has created any hardships or issues for you and/or your guests. That being said, any and all feedback is welcome.

Please email any feedback directly to

Thank you, and stay safe!