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CALL TO ACTION for East Phillips Urban Farm!
In The South Minneapolis neighborhood of East Phillips, on Dakota territory, there is a building known as the “Roof Depot.” Community members, and especially those living at the Little Earth housing complex, want to turn it into a community center and indoor farm, with rooftop solar. The city of Minneapolis wants to demolish it, to build a highly polluting truck yard and diesel fueling station.
Residents are seeking $100 million in state funding to buy the Roof Depot site from the city, and make a meaningful investment in the neighborhood. We are working to pass HF 2093, a bill to allocate funding to the East Phillips Indoor Urban Farm. HF 2093 has been tabled after an attempt by GOP to reduce the funding. We would like the bill to be heard in the House Capital Investments Committee.
We are currently seeking the support of all our state representatives, especially:
House Speaker, Rep Melissa Hortman
Rep Jamie Long
Rep Hodon Hassan
Find your Minnesota State Representative and give them a call:
Talking points
Please support HF 2093. We are requesting $20 million in funding that would support East Phillips and Little Earth’s vision of:
Community self-determination
Building infrastructure for a healthy and sustainable community
Reducing harmful cumulative impacts on our neighborhood
Reconnecting indigenous people to land, foods and medicine
Stay tuned for how to support and keep up the pressure, follow the East Phillips Urban Farm on Instagram @eastphillipsurbanfarm and go to @defendthedepot for updates!
To contribute to their work go to: