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Abundant Cities: Inclusive Cities Community Conversation
Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 6 pm
Walker Art Center
We envision Minneapolis as a place where everyone is valued and seen as essential to our city’s economy and culture. How can our city become a place that fully embodies that spirit of inclusion?
In this free talk, a panel of community leaders will share their ambitious visions for creative placemaking, art and design in public spaces, and other innovative approaches to building urban realms that are accessible and welcoming to everyone.
Please note RSVP does not guarantee entry and seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. Arrive 15 minutes early to be seated.
Kate Downing Khaled is founder and CEO of Imagine Deliver, a nationally award-winning strategy and insights firm using community centered and equitable design methods.
Rochelle Riley guides Detroit’s investment and innovation in the creative economy as the city’s director of arts and culture.
Steven Bosacker is the senior vice president of innovation at the German Marshall Fund and directs the GMF Cities program, supporting local-level policymakers and practitioners in building inclusive, sustainable, and globally engaged cities
Event moderator Adair Mosley is CEO of the African American Leadership Forum, which builds cross-sector networks of leaders and institutions to improve the lives of African Americans in Minnesota.
To learn more about Abundant Cities and register for the event, follow this link: