Today – Medicare Webinar (February 14 at 1:30 p.m.)

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Human resources has planned Medicare webinar. If you are preparing for retirement, these webinars provide the latest updates and will cover the most questions you may have.

[Medicare 101: Tuesday, February 14 at 1:30 pm]

Medicare expert Gary Deese, with TLC Insurance Group will present an one-hour webinar that will take the mystery out of Medicare.

– How does it work? What are my options?
– What are Medicare Parts A, B, C & D?
– How do I save money and have great Medicare benefits as I continue to work from age 65 on, without having to draw my SS if I choose not to?

Please find the link below and click “Save”.
Event will be added directly to your Augsburg Google calendar.

Live Q & A will follow immediately after the webinar.
Email with any questions.

Medicare webinar link