Register for Human Centered Leadership and Meaningful Work on October 27

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Join Augsburg University’s Reell Office of Seeing Things Whole for breakfast and conversation with compelling leaders from business, the arts, and education who share a common drive to bring greater wholeness and meaning to their organizations. You will hear candid stories of success and challenge at work, from creating space for individuals to thrive as their full selves at work, shaping policies to balance organizational and people needs, and navigating the practical realities of leading organizations through periods of prosperity and economic downturns.
The conversation is for anyone seeking to find greater meaning in their work and leadership—especially people who are new to managing teams, in charge of organizational policy in a post-pandemic world, or thinking about organizational futures.
• Najeeba Syeed, El-Hibri endowed chair and executive director of Interfaith at Augsburg University
• Jun-Li Wang, associate director of Springboard for the Arts
• Kyle E. Smith, co-CEO of Reell Precision Manufacturing
• Tom Henry, former CEO of Landry’s Bicycles (moderator)

Where: Augsburg University, Marshall Room
When: October 27th, 2023 at 8:30 – 10:30pm

Register here –>

Staff are able to register at no cost.

Reach out to Keri Clifton at with questions.

Coffee and continental breakfast provided.