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Teaching and Learning

CTL Workshop: Feedback that Improves Student Writing October 25, 3:40 p.m.

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CTL is pleased to offer “Feedback that Improves Student Writing” October 25, 2023, 3:40 -5:00 pm, Lindell Library 301, presented by Jennifer Forsthoefel Mollberg, Assistant Professor, English and Writing Center Director.

This session will focus on how to giving effective and constructive feedback to students on their written projects. We will discuss best practices of constructing marginal comments and end comments to effectively improve student writing. We will also discuss strategies for conferencing with students about their writing. There will be time to discuss general needs and concerns instructors may have when teaching writing in their courses.

Oct 25 Student Writing Workshop RSVP

General Announcements

Find Your Inner Leader in LS205

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Come learn about Leadership Studies by taking LS 205 Introduction to Leadership Studies.
Whether or not you have formal leadership experience, this course will benefit all students by bringing out your strengths and opening doors to new opportunities. If you already see yourself as a leader, you will get stronger. If you do not see yourself as a leader, by the end of the program, you will discover that you have all it takes to be a leader!

This course is the introduction to the minor in Leadership Studies and helps build communication skills and cultural competency skills. Check it out! All are welcome to sign up for the course–Monday and Wednesday night 3:10-4:50.

Get Your Augsburg Experience Credit with AIS304 Engaging Communities

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Need an Augsburg Experience and want to work in the community? AIS 304 Engaging Community is the course for you.
This course connects your research interests and your desire to work with BIPOC communities, organizations, and neighborhoods in Minneapolis/St. Paul. During the semester you do research into an area you are passionate about and we partner with a number of organizations and communities in community-based learning. This type of learning provides students with the opportunity to connect their gifts, skills, and interests with an organization, group, or issue. Your work informs our classroom discussions and course work while also giving back to the community in valuable and reciprocal ways.
Course meets T-Th 12-1:40 and fulfills an Augsburg Experience.

Calling All Musicians

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The Augsburg Student Music Therapy Association (ASMTA) is looking for musicians to perform for our (hopefully) annual Riverside Jams concert! The concert will be held in Sateren Auditorium on November 18th from 2-4:30pm and is a fundraiser to support music therapy students to attend conferences, including the Great Lakes Region Music Therapy Conference held in Milwaukee next March. This semester, we plan to host lots of great music with lots of great musicians across campus again. That means you! Yes, you! Students AND faculty invited. If you play in a band, combo group, perform a solo act, or just like to make music in any way, shape, or form, fill out an application below before November 10th!

Leave Your Water Bottle or Sunglasses at the On-Campus Career Fair?

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The Strommen Center found two items left at the check-in table after the career fair. One is a blue-green water bottle with the Augsburg University Environmental Action Committee logo on it. The other is a pair of sunglasses with green frames. If you believe either of these belong to you, please stop by the Strommen Center!

Applications Are Now Open for the PRISM Scholars Program

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The PRISM program is designed to support Augsburg juniors and seniors who wish to pursue a career in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Funded by the National Science Foundation, PRISM Scholars receive scholarships of up to $5,000 per semester. Scholars also become a part of the STEM community at Augsburg with opportunities for summer research, faculty mentoring, and career development.

– Enrolled at least half-time in a STEM major (biology, biopsychology, biochemistry, chemistry, data science, computer science, mathematics, or physics)
– Within 5 semesters of graduating with a STEM degree as of Spring 2024 (graduating by May ‘26)
– Major GPA of 2.75 or higher
– U.S. citizen, national, permanent resident, or admitted refugee
– Demonstrated financial need as determined by financial aid status (Pell or MN State grant eligible or equivalent)

Application deadline: Tuesday, November 28th at 11:59pm
Faculty reference deadline: Wednesday, December 6th (applicants should get permission from one faculty member to serve as their reference and name them in their application).

Students who began their college careers at community colleges are encouraged to apply as well as students who began at Augsburg.

To apply, visit:
For more information, go to:
Questions? Contact:

The PRISM Scholarship Program is funded through NSF Award #2030638 through August 2025. Scholarships awarded Fall 2025 and beyond are contingent on continued funding.

Funding for PRISM is provided through the National Science Foundation (NSF) S-STEM program which provides support for high-achieving STEM students with financial need at Augsburg University, Century College, Minneapolis College, and Normandale Community College.

Yoga Monday – Open to All

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Center for Counseling and Wellness, will offer a short reflection followed by mindfulness practice led by Tara Mader, Assistant Professor, Department of Health, Physical Education and Exercise Science, Center for Teaching and Learning Fellow.

Please come join us on Monday, October 2nd from 10:40am-11:40am in Student Lounge, Christensen Center

OPEN TO ALL (Staff, Faculty, Students)

Sound Healing Session – November 14

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Marc Anderson is a professional musician and a Zen Buddhist priest. Sound has the power to heal. Participants in sound healing sessions are bathed in thoughtfully crafted waves of soft tones and gentle rhythms and a deeply relaxing atmosphere that aligns the physical body, calms the conscious mind, and sets free the playful soul.

Please make sure to save the date as we introduce you to the Sound Healing sessions here at Augsburg. It is another way that you can heal and relax your mind through the waves of sounds.

Dates: Tuesday, November 14th
Time: 7:00pm-8:00pm
Location: Student Lounge

Undergrads: Chance for a $50 Gift Card – Take Our Survey Today

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Dear Participant,

My name is Dean Harris, and I am a doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology Department at Augsburg University. I am conducting this study as partial fulfillment of my doctoral degree, with Dr. Patricia Hopkins-Smith as my advisor.

You are being invited to participate in a research study on investigating influences of intrapersonal factors on the relationship between casual sex and mental health. If you agree to this study, I will ask you to complete a survey via Qualtrics. This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. After completing all the survey questions, you will be invited, if you wish, to provide contact information to enter in the raffle to win one of three $50 gift card prizes, and/or emailed the results at the end of the study’s conclusion.
If you have any questions now or later, you may contact me, Dean Harris at 612-239-2534 or You can also contact my advisor, Dr. Patricia Hopkins-Smith at 612-330-1567 or If you contact me or my advisor, understand that your anonymity cannot be guaranteed; however, if you decide to participate, your data will not be connected to your name. If you have questions about your rights as a research subject or want to discuss problems/complaints about the research study, send an email to

Dean Harris
Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology Department at Augsburg University

Survey Link

First-Generation Survey for Augsburg Faculty and Staff

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In recognition of First-Generation College Celebration Day (Nov. 8), the departments of TRIO Student Support Services, TRIO McNair Scholars, and Multicultural Life will be hosting events that highlight the first-generation college experience during the week of November 6. These events will be geared to students, but all of the Augsburg community is welcome to attend. More information will be provided in the upcoming weeks.

In addition to this programming, we’re asking faculty and staff to complete this brief First-Generation Augsburg Community Survey. The information collected will be used to create ongoing resources and support for first-generation students here at Augsburg. Please provide as much information as you’re comfortable sharing. NOTE: This is the same survey we released last year, so if you already submitted a response, no need to do so again!

If you have any questions or comments about this survey or about the Augsburg First-Generation project, please contact Lara Crombie, TRIO McNair Scholars Program (

First-Generation Augsburg Community Survey

Advent Vespers Processional Party

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The 44th annual Advent Vespers is just around the corner! Be a part of this wonderful event at the start of the Advent season. We will be in person again at Central Lutheran Church and need many volunteers.

Join the processional party by carrying a bell, candle, torch, or banner! There will be a practice on November 28th and an open dress rehearsal on Thursday, November 30 at 8:00 pm in addition to the Advent Vespers services on Friday, December 1 at 7:00 pm and Saturday, December 2 at 2 pm and 5 pm (with a hearty snack between the services). Please sign up today!

Contact Janice Dames at if you have any questions. Thank you.

Sign up to volunteer

New Staff Positions This Week (8)

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The following Augsburg Staff positions were posted within the past 7 days:

10/18/2023: Director of TRIO/Student Support Services
10/17/2023: 2nd Shift Custodian (Part-Time)
10/17/2023: Athletics Graduate Assistant
10/17/2023: Human Resources Coordinator
10/16/2023: Senior Student Accounts Representative
10/13/2023: Event Planner
10/12/2023: Endpoint Management Specialist
10/12/2023: Financial Aid Counselor

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New Staff Position: Director of TRIO/Student Support Services

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SUMMARY OF THE POSITION: Administer and direct all aspects of the college’s implementation of the TRIO/ Student Support Services grant, including staff management, student programming, direct student services, documentation and evaluation of services, and budget management. Ensure that the college, as grantee of U.S. Department of Education, complies with federal legislation, regulations, and grant policies in carrying out the grant objectives


– Administer federal TRIO/SSS grant including: implement federally approved objectives and design and implement programming to meet these objectives.
– Manage all components of the TRIO/SSS co-curricular department, including: day-to-day operations, workflow, individual and group student programming, special projects and events, evaluative reports, and community building aspects of the program.
– Provide academic, personal, and career counseling and advising to small caseload of student participants as part of TRIO/SSS programming.
– Select, supervise, train, and evaluate program staff in accordance with Augsburg College and U.S. Department of Education regulations and policies.
– Develop and maintain collaborative partnerships with on- and off-campus entities (e.g., Academic Advising, CLASS, ethnic student services, MMEP) in order to meet grant objectives of Retention, Graduation, and Campus Climate for first generation, low-income, disabled and traditionally underserved students.
– Design, coordinate 4-week Summer Bridge academic camp for incoming freshmen TRIO/SSS participants, to acclimate and prepare at-risk students to the academic and social rigors of college.
– Represent the interests of TRIO/SSS participants through active participation in campus committees & events, and conferences to improve the educational experience of first generation, low income, disabled and traditionally underserved students.


– Develop and monitor annual department budget in excess of $250,000 to account for expenditures of federal grant monies, in accordance with Augsburg College and U.S. Department of Education regulations and policies.
– Administer supplemental SSS grant, providing scholarships to address “unmet need” for financial aid recipients in TRIO/SSS, working in collaboration with the Augsburg Financial Aid director.
– Complete administrative and paperwork requirements of federal grant and as department of college, participate in professional development opportunities, campus conversations, and professional associations, etc.
– All other duties as apparent or assigned by supervisor(s).


– Typical work environment is an office environment
– Regular computer and phone use.
– Sedentary work for long periods of time.
– Infrequent lifting and carrying books, files, other documents up to 5 pounds.
– Infrequent driving within the metro area for cultural activities and special projects.
– Travel outside the metro for professional development, student leadership activities.
– Long or irregular hours: schedule includes some evening and weekend hours to accommodate WEC students, to present workshops and to participate in cultural activities, and professional development activities.
– Intense work environment: student issues can reach crisis; Director must monitor staff, student, and personal well-being; multi-tasking required.

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Event Announcements

Batalden Convocation Postponed

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As noted in the provost’s email to campus yesterday, the Batalden Convocation—originally scheduled for October 25—will be postponed, with a plan to reschedule for Spring 2024. A new date will be announced by early December. Classes on October 25 will take place as regularly scheduled, not on the convocation schedule.

We look forward to hearing from Professors Iva Patel, Shayna Sheinfeld, and Najeeba Syeed about the wisdom from their respective faith traditions at the rescheduled event in the spring.

“Murderball” Film Screening Oct 23: The Athletes and Competition of Wheelchair Rugby

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Join us for a screening and discussion of the film “Murderball”! This film presents the stories of athletes competing in Wheelchair Rugby leading up to the 2004 Paralympic Games (with a particular focus on the US and Canadian teams). The film explores personal narratives alongside action-packed competition footage. We’ll follow the film with time to debrief and discuss.

Date and time: Monday, October 23, 4:00-6:15 pm
Location: Science Hall 123

Hosted by CLASS/Disability Resources. Snacks will be provided. This film is rated “R” due to strong language and sexual content. For questions or accommodation needs, please contact

Faculty and Staff who have earned their Diversity & Inclusion Certificate may use this event to contribute to Good/Advanced Standing.

Hope to see you there!

8th Annual Applying for Paid Research Experiences in STEM Workshop and Dinner

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Augsburg will be hosting an in-person event focused on applying to paid research opportunities in STEM that is open to students, staff, and faculty from Augsburg and the broader community.

Applying for Paid Research Experiences in STEM

Thursday, November 9, 3:30-6:30 p.m.

Hagfors Center 150, Augsburg University

Dixie Shafer of URGO and Lara Crombie of the TRIO McNair Scholars program will lead the workshop for students, staff, and faculty on identifying and applying for summer research opportunities such as National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs).

The workshop will be followed by a panel for students featuring student and alumni research experiences and a panel for faculty and staff on supporting equitable access and participation in research programs.

All attendees are invited to stay for a community dinner following the workshop and panels.
Since dinner is provided, advance registration is greatly appreciated.

RSVP for November 2023 REU Workshop:

Auggie Preview Days – TODAY

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Prospective students are on campus today for day two of Auggie Preview Days. Auggie Preview Days offer a comprehensive visit experience with a schedule that includes meeting with an admissions counselor, engaging with a student panel, going on a student-led tour, and exploring some of our campus resources. Feel free to say hi to visiting students and their families!

Keeping Track of Auggies

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