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As part of Homecoming, Augsburg will be celebrate 8 alumni and award them with our First Decade, Distinguished Alumni, and Spirit of Augsburg awards.
Please join us in Hoversten Chapel on October 13 from 3:00-4:15pm. A social hour will follow the ceremony.
The Award recipients this year are:
-Mychal Frelix ’19 – First Decade Award
-Andre Creighton ’19 – First Decade Award
-Kacie Lucchini Butcher ’13 – First Decade Award
-Jan Nelson Meslin ’72 – Distinguished Alumni Award
-Devoney Looser ’89 – Distinguished Alumni Award
-Tsehai Wodajo Lemu ’97 – Distinguished Alumni Award
-James Rodde ’74 – Distinguished Alumni Award
-Paul Mueller ’84 – Spirit of Augsburg Award
Please sign up for this event (and all other Homecoming events) today!