Hop on the Light Rail to St. Paul for Day at the Capitol

submitted by farrisr@augsburg.edu

What: 2024 Day at the Capitol
Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Time: 9:15 a.m.–1:30 p.m. (plus travel time to St. Paul by light rail)

Join us for Day at the Capitol 2024, where you can advocate for increased funding for education and other issues that matter to you. Your legislators need to hear from you about the Minnesota State Grant program and other causes that you care about.

What happens during Day at the Capitol?

You’ll attend a Minnesota State Grant advocacy and lobbying training with student advocates from Augsburg and other Minnesota private colleges. Then you’ll meet with legislators (we’ll make appointments for you in advance) and have lunch at the Capitol. The Minnesota Private College Council will host a Q&A session with public policy experts and policymakers and will provide everything you need to be a successful advocate. We will take the light rail from campus to and from the Capitol together. Plus, free lunch!

Have questions or need help? Email farrisr@augsburg.edu.

Learn more and register for Day at the Capitol (choose February 28).