
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Ramadan Panel – This Thursday

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Join us for a student-led panel discussion on how to support student practices during Ramadan. Professor Najeeba Syeed will moderate the discussion. Faculty, staff and students are welcome to attend. Sponsored by the Interfaith Institute, the Muslim Student Association (MSA), Campus Ministry, Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), and the President’s Office.

Date: February 22, 2024
Time: 4-5 pm
Location: Science 123

CTL asks faculty/staff members to pre-register for Faculty Development events when possible. Day-of and on-site registration are still welcome.

Faculty/staff, please register here:
NOTE: Registration link has been corrected.

Pop-Up Pre-Health Advising in Hagfors Today

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Pre-health students can access quick and convenient pop-up health professions advising today and every Monday from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-3 p.m. in Hagfors 101D. Career and Health Professions Specialist Bridget Lavish will be on hand to help with planning prerequisites, obtaining and documenting experiences, writing application essays, and more. Appointments are available, but not required. To make an appointment, visit Handshake and select Pop-Up Health Professions Advising. Questions? Contact Bridget Lavish at

Explore Christian Community & Vocation: Apply for Christensen Scholars

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The Christensen Scholars Program is a small group of ten academically accomplished students who share an interest in the theological and practical exploration of Christian community and vocation. The experience promises to be intellectual, communal, theological, dialogical, challenging, and practical.

– Develop a deeper understanding of your own vocation in a caring community.
– Create a deeper sense of belonging among your peers.
– Learn new ways to live out your faith on a daily basis within the community.
– Experience a remote retreat center in the middle of winter in the mountains.
– Receive a $2,000 scholarship to cover your tuition.
– All-expenses-paid pilgrimage to Holden Village Retreat Center in the Cascade mountains.
– 4 upper division Religion credits (can be used toward your major or minor)


Next Steps for Gen Ed Revision Proposal

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Dear Augsburg Community,

The 2023 General Education Revision proposal has received support in the initial stages of the shared governance process. Both the Academic Affairs Committee and the Faculty Senate voted in support of the proposed revisions. We are grateful to AAC co-chairs Ana Ribiero, HPE, and Jacob Enger, Business, to Faculty Senate President Bridget Robinson-Riegler, Psychology, and to the entire AAC and Faculty Senate committees for their thorough and detailed review of the proposal.

2023 General Education Revision Proposal:

Overview of the shared governance process:
January: Academic Affairs Committee vote (6 in support; 0 opposed; 1 abstention)
February: Faculty Senate vote (10 in support; 1 opposed; 0 abstentions)
March: Faculty first reading
April: Faculty second reading and vote
May: Board of Regents vote

Do you have questions about the 2023 General Education Revision proposal? If so, please plan to attend the Focused Conversation on Tuesday, February 20th, from 12-1pm in the Marshall Room. We hope to see you there!

With gratitude,
Stacy (

The General Education Advisory Group (aka GenEd(it) Group)
Amanda Case, Kristen Chamberlain, Jennie Diaz, George Dierberger, Darcey Engen, Salma Caamir, Marah Jacobson, James Vela-McConnell, Stacy Freiheit (GenEd Director)

– GenEd(it) Comment Box
– General Education Revision 2023 Community Moodle page (self-enrollment is available)
– General Education Revision 2023 Google Drive

Interfaith Scholars: Apply by March 1

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We are now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 Interfaith Scholar cohort.

Interfaith Scholars is a yearlong student cohort that engages students as partners in ongoing interreligious dialogue and action by exploring methods and best practices for talking about religion/spirituality/worldview in a diverse democracy. Students will engage in community service learning and interfaith events as well as learn from guest speakers from religious communities, business professionals, and other leaders from across sectors. Students accepted into the Interfaith Scholars program receive a $2,000 scholarship.

The cohort meets for the full academic year as a credit based course on Thursday nights from 6:00-9:00 pm. Professor Najeeba Syeed is the primary instructor.

Students from every religious tradition and students without a connection to a religious tradition are encouraged to apply.

For more information and to apply, visit:

Applications are due Friday, March 1.

General Announcements

Girl Scout Cookies

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Girl Scout Cookie Poem by Eleanor

Cookies are catchy
I’m afraid to say
But by the end of the day
eating them is a
definite benefit

Cookies are here! There is discounted shipping right now – or you can select delivery to Augsburg – just be sure to use that address.

Check out Eleanor’s story and support Girl Scouts!

Order Online – Free Delivery to Augsburg

Seeking Photoshoot Student Volunteers Over Spring Break

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The marketing and communication department is seeking students to participate in a photoshoot around campus over spring break (March 13–15). The time commitment will be roughly 1–2 hours maximum. Photos can be used for print materials, websites, social media, and other marketing and communication efforts.

If you are interested in volunteering to be in photos for Augsburg University, please fill out the Media Sign-Up Form. Volunteers will will be emailed by the marketing and communications department the week of March 4 to confirm scheduling.

Sign up today!

Online Survey – Chance to Win $100 Gift Card

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Hello Auggies! I am a graduate student seeking participants for a research study. I am exploring how one’s ability to recognize and regulate their own and others’ emotions may relate to feelings of depression and social disconnect. Participation in this study will involve completing a series of behavioral health inventories and a demographic screener that will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. These inventories will ask if you have experienced symptoms of depression or loneliness and ask how intensely you experience your everyday emotions. Following completion of these inventories, participants will complete a test online that will walk participants through a variety of different tasks, such as recognition of facial expressions and implied social meanings. This test will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. All participation in this study is done online from the comfort of your own home. Students are invited to participate in this study if you: (1) are between the ages of 18 and 31; (2) have not been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia, or a personality disorder; (3) have not experienced an interpersonally traumatic life event (i.e., assault by another human being); and (4) are not currently experiencing a major health concern (i.e., life threatening illness/injury or significant transplant/removal surgery).

For your time, participants will be entered into a random lottery drawing for one of three $100 Amazon gift cards!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding participation in this study, please contact me at If you would like to participate in this study, please click the link below. You will be taken to a secure, online survey where you will be presented with a consent form followed by the demographic screener and brief inventories. Upon completion of these, you will be shown the link to the final assessment.

Thank you!

New Staff Positions This Week (2)

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The following Augsburg Staff positions were posted within the past 7 days:

02/15/2024: Director of Leadership Gifts, StepUP
02/13/2024: Program Associate, Off-Campus Study

Search Augsburg Job Postings

New Staff Position: Director of Leadership Gifts, StepUP

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The Director of Leadership Gifts, StepUP, will oversee all fundraising activities related to the StepUP program in order to drive financial growth of the program, including fundraising for the StepUP Endowment, scholarships, housing stipends, additional funding as a part of an Augsburg comprehensive campaign, StepUP special event fundraising, and other revenue goals. This position reports directly to the Associate Vice President of Institutional Advancement, works closely with the StepUP advisory council and other key volunteers, and will manage any part-time, temporary assistants hired to assist with special events fundraising and stewardship.


– Management, cultivation, and solicitation of the StepUP Board including the fundraising and event committees.
– Manage a portfolio of 100+ StepUP donors and prospects and conduct discovery/ cultivation/solicitation/stewardship visits to move them through the donor cultivation cycle.
– Lead and manage any StepUP special events aimed at engagement and fundraising in partnership collaboration with the Office of University Events and any other campus partners.
– Other priorities and projects as they arise.

Job duties:

Fundraising and portfolio management—75%

– Manage a portfolio of 100-150 StepUP alumni, parents and friends to move them through the donor cultivation cycle, from discovery/cultivation/solicitation/stewardship
– Provide timely customer service by maintaining appropriate contact, call reports preparing, written proposals and follow-up letters, internal research, briefings for senior volunteers, coordination with team members, and preparation of documents to complete the gift.
– Travel to key prospects in various regions on an as-needed basis in order to meet and exceed all StepUP fundraising goals.
– Partner with Institutional Advancement colleagues to ensure StepUP supporters and prospective supporters are engaged with StepUP.
– Conduct a minimum of 10 face-to-face visits per month with donors and prospects in various stages of the development cycle.
– Maintain in a timely fashion through The Raiser’s Edge and with the assistance of department staff accurate records of anticipated actions, completed actions, results of constituent contacts, and recommendations or plans for follow-up work.
– Work with Advancement Services and Leadership Gift Team colleagues to build the donor pipeline and uncover new prospects, engage benefactors in new and creative ways and to steward their giving in meaningful ways.
– Submit 20+ major gift proposals per year (defined as a gift of $25,000+).
– Fund 12+ major gift proposals per year.
– Create and manage goals that support raising a minimum of $350,000 per year for the StepUP operating budget, aiming for more, including major gifts to support endowments and future programmatic growth.

StepUP Advisory Council support and development—approximately 10%

– Prepare documents and reports for council meetings and calls.
– Attend council meetings, and any additional committee calls, and maintain regular communication with members.
– Support key volunteers through regular reporting on progress toward goals and strategies.
– Schedule visits for Council members with key StepUP donors and prospects, staffing the visits and supporting a clearly articulated set of strategies.
– Manage the strategy for overall board cultivation and solicitation and partner with leaders in academic affairs for optimal engagement and outcomes.

Special event management—10%

– Determine revenue and attendance goals for any engagement or fundraising events.
– Lead regular meetings with any committee(s) in support of the overall event vision and goals.
– Report regularly progress toward revenue and attendance goals to the IA division, any committees and key stakeholders.
– Manage all aspects of the event(s) and partner in strategic ways with colleagues in IA and the University events team for measured success.

Other duties as assigned—5%

– Attend meetings as they relate to the priorities of the IA division and gift officer team.
– Internal meetings, paperwork, expense reports, etc.
– Maintain proficiency and skills in major and planned gift fundraising.

View Job Posting

Remembering Ray Grinde ’57

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Please join me in remembering the life of Regent Emeritus Raymond Grinde ’57, who passed away on January 27 at the age of 92.

Ray was a two-sport student-athlete (football and basketball) who liked to say that his claim to fame was that Coach Edor Nelson once took out Lute Olson ’56 and put Ray in during a basketball game. He went on to support Augsburg athletics throughout his life as a member of the A-Club, a leader in the Parents Boosters Group, and a regular participant in the annual A-Club golf tournament.

After graduation and service in the Korean War, Ray worked for many years at West Publishing Company. He brought his business acumen and generous leadership to distinguished service on the Board of Regents from 1984–1996, where he was awarded emeritus status upon completion of service. Ray spoke gratefully of the “many fine friendships” that his lifelong connection to Augsburg provided, along with family ties to Augsburg through his brother, Lloyd Grinde ’56, and his son, Hall of Fame inductee Steven Grinde ’81.

Please join us in keeping all of Ray’s family and friends in your thoughts and prayers. A celebration of life will be held on Friday, April 12, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church of Plymouth, 12235 Old Rockford Rd, Plymouth, MN 55441. The service will also be livestreamed on Mt. Olivet’s Facebook page. More information is available in Ray’s obituary.

Paul C. Pribbenow

Obituary – Raymond A. Grinde

Do You Have Speech and Debate Experience? Earn $55 Per Tournament Judging Middle Schoolers

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The Minnesota Urban Debate League, a program of Augsburg University, provides academic competitive debate program for middle and high school students in the Twin Cities Metro.

We’re seeking caring adults with speech & debate experience to serve as middle school debate judges! A tournament with no judges is just a scrimmage- and while practice is great, we know our students want the opportunity to compete with pride! That’s why we are paying judges with experience in forensics (speech or debate) $55 per tournament for the next 5 in-person, local meets:

• Wednesday 02/21/2024: 3:15-7:15 PM at Central High School (*high need)
• Tuesday 03/05 from 3:15-7:15 PM*
• Wednesday 03/06 from 3:15-7:15 PM*
• Thurs 03/07 from 3:15-7:15 PM*
(*location unconfirmed, on UMN campus)

Want to just volunteer? No debate experience is needed. We will train you. Judges facilitate the debate round, listen to students speak, choose a winner, and provide feedback. By judging, you’ll help students grow in their confidence and academic skills!

Transportation is available for those who need it. Please reach out to if you need this accommodation.

We can’t wait to see you there! Sign up using our shift calendar:

Undergrads: Chance for a $50 Gift Card – Take Our Survey

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My name is Dean Harris, and I am a doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology Department at Augsburg University. I am conducting this study as partial fulfillment of my doctoral degree, with Dr. Patricia Hopkins-Smith as my advisor.

You are being invited to participate in a research study on investigating influences of intrapersonal factors on the relationship between casual sex and mental health. Our study focuses on experiences of casual sex in individuals who identify as single or recently single (i.e., have not been in a relationship longer than one month). As such, if you indicated you were in a relationship for longer than one month, you do not meet our study eligibility criteria. We respect and appreciate individuals in various types of relationships, including open or ethically non-monogamous ones, but our current study’s scope is limited to investigating casual sex in those who identify as single (or recently single). If you agree to this study, I will ask you to complete a survey via Qualtrics. This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. After completing all the survey questions, you will be invited, if you wish, to provide contact information to enter in the raffle to win one of three $50 gift card prizes, and/or emailed the results at the end of the study’s conclusion.

If you have any questions now or later, you may contact me, Dean Harris at 612-239-2534 or You can also contact my advisor, Dr. Patricia Hopkins-Smith at 612-330-1567 or If you contact me or my advisor, understand that your anonymity cannot be guaranteed; however, if you decide to participate, your data will not be connected to your name. If you have questions about your rights as a research subject or want to discuss problems/complaints about the research study, send an email to

Dean Harris
Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology Department at Augsburg University

Survey Link

TODAY – Yoga Monday – Everything Is Provided

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Center for Counseling and Wellness, will offer a short reflection followed by mindfulness practice led by Tara Mader, Assistant Professor, Department of Health, Physical Education and Exercise Science, Center for Teaching and Learning Fellow.

Please come join us on Monday, February 19th

Breathing and Centering
Time: 10:40am-11:00am
Location: Foss Chapel

Yoga Practice –
Time: 5:30pm-6:30pm
Location: Grundale Chapel (Third floor of Hagfors)

OPEN TO ALL (Staff, Faculty, Students

CLASS Student Survey and Chance for $50 Gift Card

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If you’re a student who receives support from the CLASS office we’d like your feedback! Complete a brief online survey about the CLASS Office and your campus experiences relative to accessibility AND email a screenshot of the completion screen to for a chance to receive a $50 Amazon gift card.

Follow these steps:
1. Access and complete the survey at this link:
2. After you click “submit”, send a screenshot of your completion page to to be entered in a drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card.

For questions/to request an accommodation contact

CLASS Values Faculty Feedback — Take Our Survey

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The CLASS Office needs your feedback! CLASS in conjunction with the Association on Higher Education And Disability (AHEAD) is conducting a program evaluation. We are especially interested in your thoughts on how we could be a better resource for you and improve our effectiveness in serving students. Completion of the survey takes approximately 15 minutes.

Complete a brief online survey on your observations/experiences with our office at this link:

For questions/to request an accommodation contact

Event Announcements

Gilman Scholarship Applications – Due March 7

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The Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad applications are due March 7th. This application cycle is for programs that start between May 1st 2024 to April 30th 2025 (Terms Accommodated: Summer 2024, , Fall 2024, Academic Year 2024-2025, and Spring 2025)

Plan ahead to give yourself time to submit a solid application.

To be eligible for the Gilman a student must be a U.S. Citizen or National and receiving a Federal Pell Grant during the time of application or during the term of the study abroad program or internship

Have questions? Get in touch: or

Gilman Scholarship information and application

TOMORROW: Focused Conversation on Gen Ed Revisions

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All faculty and staff are invited to attend the February Focused Conversation on Tuesday, February 20. Professor Stacy Freiheit will provide an overview of the general education curriculum revision process and changes.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024
12:00 p.m.
Marshall Room and via Zoom

To view the Focused Conversation schedule and access the livestream link, visit the All Hands page.

All Hands | Inside Augsburg (login required)

Medica Benefits Presentation on 2/21

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We invite you to join the Human Resources team and Medica for an informative presentation on Wednesday, February 21 from 8-9am about some of the programs and benefits you may not be aware are included in our Medica plans. Our Medica account representative will lead the event and cover the many other value-added benefits that are available to plan participants in addition to our health coverage. We encourage you to attend for part or all of this informative and interactive session. For those unable to attend, the presentation will be recorded.

Join via Zoom here!

Medicare 101 Webinar on 2/27

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We invite you to join the Human Resources team on Tuesday, February 27 from 8-9 am for an informative presentation about the A, B, C, and D’s of Medicare by TLC Insurance Group. This live Medicare webinar will provide an overview of how Medicare works, when to enroll, Medicare options, penalties, the variety of plan types, 2024 updates and much more. General questions can be entered into the chat, and answered as time permits. Specific or personal situation questions will be answered privately by the host. Medicare beneficiary assistance, guidance, and evaluation is provided at no cost to our employees and their families.

Join via Zoom here!

Debate Judges Needed for East African Debate League on February 29: Paying $55/Judge

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The Minnesota Urban Debate League is a program of Augsburg University. We provide academic competitive debate programming to Twin Cities middle and high school students. One of our programs is the East African Debate League, which provides a space for East African students to talk about community issues.

We’re looking for adults & college students from the East African community to join us at Edison High School on Thursday, February 29th from 3:15-7:15 PM and serve as debate judges.

You’ll earn $55 for sharing your time as a debate judge.

No debate experience is needed- we will train you at the beginning of the tournament.

By participating, you’ll help youth from across the East African community in the Twin Cities Metro build academic skills, express themselves on community issues, and grow their confidence. Sign up today and share the opportunity widely:

Transportation provided if necessary; email for info.

Interfaith Symposium: March 7

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Join Augsburg’s Interfaith Institute for our 2nd annual Interfaith Symposium. The Interfaith Symposium is an invitation to learn more about religious, spiritual, and worldview diversity. Keynote speaker Manu Meel will speak to this year’s theme of Building Trust in Divisive Times. As CEO of BridgeUSA, Manu is leading the largest and fastest growing student movement to bridge our differences.

Date: March 7, 2024
Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm*
Location: Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center
*class times will be adjusted so that students/faculty/staff can attend

The symposium will be livestreamed. To register for livestreaming and to learn more about the symposium, visit:

Keeping Track of Auggies

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