
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Due TODAY – Present Your Research at Zyzzogeton

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Augsburg’s annual Zyzzogeton Research Symposium showcases the work of over 50 undergraduate researchers in all academic disciplines and will take place on Tuesday, April 16, 2024. Students who have conducted research over the course of the last year and would like to present a poster should register using the link below by February 15.

You must have approval from your faculty mentor before registering for Zyzzogeton. If you do not have a formal abstract at this point, please provide a brief description of your research instead. You will have the opportunity to submit a final abstract/make final edits prior to the event. Abstracts will be published on the URGO website.

IMPORTANT: If you’re planning to co-present with another student(s), only one of you needs to register. Be sure to list their names and emails and indicate that they will be co-presenters where specified on the form. All presenters will be included in event correspondence.

Important Dates:
Registration opens: February 1
Registration closes: February 15
Poster making workshop: February 20
Deadline to submit final poster: March 29
Deadline to submit final abstract edits: April 5

If you have any questions, please contact Lara Crombie (

Register for Zyzzogeton

Fulbright Info Session: Get Funded to Teach, Study, or Research Abroad

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Learn about a life-changing opportunity!

URGO is hosting an online Fulbright Info session on Thursday, February 22nd at 5-6:15 PM

– Hear from Fulbright staff about fully funded opportunities for U.S. citizens to travel and pursue graduate or professional study, conduct research, or teach English.
– Learn about the types of Fulbright awards, application components and tips, and get your
questions answered.
– Join a special Augsburg breakout session with Dixie Shafer, our campus Fulbright Program Advisor, to learn more about the application process.

For more information about the program check out the Fulbright website:

If you have any questions or can’t attend the session, please contact

Register for Fulbright Info Session

Nominations Due March 1: Faculty Distinguished Contribution Awards

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Augsburg annually recognizes faculty that have made exemplary contributions to creating an engaging academic learning environment in one of three categories: Teaching, Scholarship, and Service. All full-time faculty who have been employed at Augsburg for at least three years are eligible for the awards. Additionally adjunct faculty who have taught at Augsburg for at least three years are eligible for a Distinguished Contribution in Teaching Award.

Any member of the Augsburg Community (faculty student, staff, etc.) may nominate a person for these awards. For more information on the process and requirements of nominators, please see the individual nomination forms on the page linked below.

Nominations are open until March 1, 2024 at 11:59 pm.

Faculty Distinguished Contribution Awards

Apply to Be an Interfaith Scholar

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We are now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 Interfaith Scholar cohort.

Interfaith Scholars is a yearlong student cohort that engages students as partners in ongoing interreligious dialogue and action by exploring methods and best practices for talking about religion/spirituality/worldview in a diverse democracy. Students will engage in community service learning and interfaith events as well as learn from guest speakers from religious communities, business professionals, and other leaders from across sectors. Students accepted into the Interfaith Scholars program receive a $2,000 scholarship.

The cohort meets for the full academic year as a credit based course on Thursday nights from 6:00-9:00 pm. Professor Najeeba Syeed is the primary instructor.

Students from every religious tradition and students without a connection to a religious tradition are encouraged to apply.

For more information and to apply, visit:

Applications are due Friday, March 1.

Ramadan Panel – February 22

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Join us for a student-led panel discussion on how to support student practices during Ramadan. Professor Najeeba Syeed will moderate the discussion. Faculty, staff and students are welcome to attend. Sponsored by the Interfaith Institute, the Muslim Student Association (MSA), Campus Ministry, Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), and the President’s Office.

Date: February 22, 2024
Time: 4-5 pm
Location: Science 123

CTL asks faculty/staff members to pre-register for Faculty Development events when possible. Day-of and on-site registration are still welcome.

Faculty/staff, please register here:
NOTE: Registration link has been corrected.

Come to the Writing Center

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The Writing Center is Open!

The Augsburg Writing Center offers both online and in-person tutoring. Skilled students will work with you one-on-one at whatever stage of writing you are in – the idea-development stage, the drafting stage, and the revision stage – and can show you how to choose an appropriate essay topic, how to develop a thesis statement and paragraphs, how to revise your essay, or assist with any other writing needs you may have. Tutors will be alert listeners and ask questions, and will not judge or evaluate the work in progress. For more information, please visit our website. We look forward to seeing you!

Located on the second floor (across from Advising) of the Lindell Library in person (drop-in only): Sunday 5-8pm and Monday- Thursday 2-8pm
Online (appointment needed): Sunday-Thursday 6-8pm

General Announcements

Undergrads: Chance for a $50 Gift Card – Take Our Survey

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My name is Dean Harris, and I am a doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology Department at Augsburg University. I am conducting this study as partial fulfillment of my doctoral degree, with Dr. Patricia Hopkins-Smith as my advisor.

You are being invited to participate in a research study on investigating influences of intrapersonal factors on the relationship between casual sex and mental health. Our study focuses on experiences of casual sex in individuals who identify as single or recently single (i.e., have not been in a relationship longer than one month). As such, if you indicated you were in a relationship for longer than one month, you do not meet our study eligibility criteria. We respect and appreciate individuals in various types of relationships, including open or ethically non-monogamous ones, but our current study’s scope is limited to investigating casual sex in those who identify as single (or recently single). If you agree to this study, I will ask you to complete a survey via Qualtrics. This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. After completing all the survey questions, you will be invited, if you wish, to provide contact information to enter in the raffle to win one of three $50 gift card prizes, and/or emailed the results at the end of the study’s conclusion.

If you have any questions now or later, you may contact me, Dean Harris at 612-239-2534 or You can also contact my advisor, Dr. Patricia Hopkins-Smith at 612-330-1567 or If you contact me or my advisor, understand that your anonymity cannot be guaranteed; however, if you decide to participate, your data will not be connected to your name. If you have questions about your rights as a research subject or want to discuss problems/complaints about the research study, send an email to

Dean Harris
Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology Department at Augsburg University

Survey Link

Study Room Repainting in Lindell 2/12 to 2/28

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Study rooms in Lindell Library will be repainted between 2/18 and 2/28. Each day during this period, two rooms at a time will be unavailable , but the other eight will be available. You can check availability and make reservations by visiting

Do You Have Speech & Debate Experience? Earn $55 Per Tournament Judging Middle Schoolers

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The Minnesota Urban Debate League, a program of Augsburg University, provides academic competitive debate program for middle and high school students in the Twin Cities Metro.

We’re seeking caring adults with speech & debate experience to serve as middle school debate judges! A tournament with no judges is just a scrimmage- and while practice is great, we know our students want the opportunity to compete with pride! That’s why we are paying judges with experience in forensics (speech or debate) $55 per tournament for the next 5 in-person, local meets:

• Thursday 02/15/2024: 4:15-7:15 PM at Como Park Senior HS
• Wednesday 02/21/2024: 3:15-7:15 PM at Central High School (*high need)
• Tuesday 03/05 from 3:15-7:15 PM*
• Wednesday 03/06 from 3:15-7:15 PM*
• Thurs 03/07 from 3:15-7:15 PM*
(*location unconfirmed, on UMN campus)

Want to just volunteer? No debate experience is needed. We will train you. Judges facilitate the debate round, listen to students speak, choose a winner, and provide feedback. By judging, you’ll help students grow in their confidence and academic skills!

Transportation is available for those who need it. Please reach out to if you need this accommodation.

We can’t wait to see you there! Sign up using our shift calendar:

Sign up to judge at the shifts where you’re available!

Event Announcements

Medica Benefits Presentation on 2/21

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We invite you to join the Human Resources team and Medica for an informative presentation on Wednesday, February 21 from 8-9am about some of the programs and benefits you may not be aware are included in our Medica plans. Our Medica account representative will lead the event and cover the many other value-added benefits that are available to plan participants in addition to our health coverage. We encourage you to attend for part or all of this informative and interactive session. For those unable to attend, the presentation will be recorded.

Join via Zoom here!

Medicare 101 Webinar on 2/27

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We invite you to join the Human Resources team on Tuesday, February 27 from 8-9 am for an informative presentation about the A, B, C, and D’s of Medicare by TLC Insurance Group. This live Medicare webinar will provide an overview of how Medicare works, when to enroll, Medicare options, penalties, the variety of plan types, 2024 updates and much more. General questions can be entered into the chat, and answered as time permits. Specific or personal situation questions will be answered privately by the host. Medicare beneficiary assistance, guidance, and evaluation is provided at no cost to our employees and their families.

Join via Zoom here!

Fosdick Lecture on Preaching, February 29 at 10 a.m.

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You are invited to the 7th Fosdick Lecture on Preaching where Rev. Barbara Lundblad will address the topic “Shall the Christian Nationalists Win?” Join us at 10:00 am in Hoversten Chapel (livestream is also available). One of Harry Emerson Fosdick’s most well-known sermons is “Shall the Fundamentalists Win?” He preached that sermon in 1922: would he preach it today? Would we? What are the loudest Christian voices in the United States? Let’s reclaim our voices for the sake of the Gospel!

Barbara Lundblad is the Joe R. Engle Professor of Preaching Emerita at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. She received a B.A. in English from Augustana College, an M.Div. from Yale Divinity School, and a D.D. from Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago. She is an ordained minister in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and served 17 years as a parish pastor in New York City. She has been a campus pastor at Lehman College and New York University and has taught homiletics at several schools, including Yale Divinity School, Princeton Theological Seminary, Hebrew Union College, and in the D.Min. program of the Association of Chicago Theological Schools. She also served as president of the Academy of Homiletics and in 2014 the Academy honored her with the Lifetime Achievement Award.

She is the author of two books, Transforming the Stone: Preaching through Resistance to Change (2001) and Marking Time: Preaching Biblical Stories in Present Tense (2007) which grew out of the Beecher Lectures she delivered at Yale Divinity School. In 2010 she received the YDS Alumni Award for Excellence in Theological Education. She is currently the editor of “Preaching Helps,” a regular feature of the journal Currents in Theology and Mission.
Following the lecture, please stay for chapel at 11:30 am to hear Rev. Lundblad preach.

Registration and more information

Build Your Advocacy Skills at Day at the Capitol (February 28)

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What: 2024 Day at the Capitol
Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Time: 9:15 a.m.–1:30 p.m. (plus travel time to St. Paul by light rail)

Join us for Day at the Capitol 2024, where you can advocate for increased funding for education and other issues that matter to you. Your legislators need to hear from you about the Minnesota State Grant program and other causes that you care about.

What happens during Day at the Capitol?

You’ll attend a Minnesota State Grant advocacy and lobbying training with student advocates from Augsburg and other Minnesota private colleges. Then you’ll meet with legislators (we’ll make appointments for you in advance) and have lunch at the Capitol. The Minnesota Private College Council will host a Q&A session with public policy experts and policymakers and will provide everything you need to be a successful advocate. We will take the light rail from campus to and from the Capitol together. Plus, free lunch!

Have questions or need help? Email

Learn more and register for Day at the Capitol (choose February 28).

Job Fair Ready? Win Lyft & Food with Prep Workshops

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Attend events for raffle entries to win: $10 gift card to dining services AND $20 Lyft gift card. One raffle entry/event. Two raffle entries max.

Session descriptions:

Pitch Perfect: Mastering Elevator Pitches for Career Fairs
Thursday, February 15th, 2024 — 3:30pm-5:15pm

Join us for a workshop in the Strommen Center to learn the structure of elevator pitches and the importance of making a good introduction. You’ll have the opportunity to craft your elevator pitch and practice with Augsburg Staff from MLife, Campus Life, and others! Attend this event for a raffle entry to win a $10 gift card to dining services AND a $20 Lyft gift card to get to the fair! Two raffle entries max/student.

Don’t Let Your Resume Go Stale: Freshen It Up With Donuts & Coffee
Friday February 16th, 2024 — 9am-12pm
Drop in the Strommen Center (across from Einstein) between 9am-12pm to freshen your morning and get your resume reviewed. Representative from US Bank and Strommen staff are ready to help you land that internship or job!

Special thanks to US Bank for sponsoring this session.

Gilman Scholarship Applications – Due March 7

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The Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad applications are due March 7th. This application cycle is for programs that start between May 1st 2024 to April 30th 2025 (Terms Accommodated: Summer 2024, , Fall 2024, Academic Year 2024-2025, and Spring 2025)

Plan ahead to give yourself time to submit a solid application.

To be eligible for the Gilman a student must be a U.S. Citizen or National and receiving a Federal Pell Grant during the time of application or during the term of the study abroad program or internship

Have questions? Get in touch: or

Gilman Scholarship information and application

Friday Concert: The Mirandola Ensemble Presents the Music of Jeffrey Van and John Dowland

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Join Minneapolis’s premier chamber singers

The Mirandola Ensemble

and students from

The Augsburg/Mirandola Chamber Collective

plus guitar phenom Maja Radovanlija

in a night of music featuring DEAD POETS,
a love balladeer from Queen Elizabeth’s time,
and one composer still alive and well in the Twin Cities.


Free with Augsburg ID.
General Public $25.
(Discounted pre-orders accessible at link provided.)

Debate Judges Needed for East African Debate League on Feb 29: Paying $55/Judge

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The Minnesota Urban Debate League is a program of Augsburg University. We provide academic competitive debate programming to Twin Cities middle and high school students. One of our programs is the East African Debate League, which provides a space for East African students to talk about community issues.

We’re looking for adults from the East African community to join us at Edison High School on Thursday, February 29th from 3:15-7:15 PM and serve as debate judges.

You’ll earn $55 for sharing your time as a debate judge.

No debate experience is needed- we will train you at the beginning of the tournament.

By participating, you’ll help youth from across the East African community in the Twin Cities Metro build academic skills, express themselves on community issues, and grow their confidence. Sign up today and share the opportunity widely:

Transportation provided if necessary; email for info.

Sign up for the February 29th shift

Interfaith Symposium: March 7

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Join Augsburg’s Interfaith Institute for our 2nd annual Interfaith Symposium. The Interfaith Symposium is an invitation to learn more about religious, spiritual, and worldview diversity. Keynote speaker Manu Meel will speak to this year’s theme of Building Trust in Divisive Times. As CEO of BridgeUSA, Manu is leading the largest and fastest growing student movement to bridge our differences.

Date: March 7, 2024
Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm*
Location: Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center
*class times will be adjusted so that students/faculty/staff can attend

The symposium will be livestreamed. To register for livestreaming and to learn more about the symposium, visit:

Keeping Track of Auggies

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