Interfaith Scholars: Apply Today

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We are now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 Interfaith Scholar cohort.

Interfaith Scholars is a yearlong student cohort that engages students as partners in ongoing interreligious dialogue and action by exploring methods and best practices for talking about religion/spirituality/worldview in a diverse democracy. Students will engage in community service learning and interfaith events as well as learn from guest speakers from religious communities, business professionals, and other leaders from across sectors. Students accepted into the Interfaith Scholars program receive a $2,000 scholarship.

The cohort meets for the full academic year as a credit based course on Thursday nights from 6:00-9:00 pm. Professor Najeeba Syeed is the primary instructor.

Students from every religious tradition and students without a connection to a religious tradition are encouraged to apply.

For more information and to apply, visit:

Applications are due Friday, March 1.