
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Transfer Visit Day next Monday (Lot D parking restrictions)

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The Admissions Department is thrilled to bring visitors to campus for Transfer Visit Day on Monday, November 11. Our visitors will have 35 spaces marked off for them; once the rest of the lot is filled, we ask that faculty and staff park in Lot L, Lot J, or in the 21st Ave Parking Ramp across Riverside (free day permits are available in the Admission Office this week). In addition, the Admission Office is also providing Metro passes for those who wish to park further away and commute onto campus.

Thank you for grace and your cooperation in helping us recruit another class of Auggies!

Teaching and Learning

URGO Academic-Year Research Application Available

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Each year URGO offers $1,000 research grants for undergraduates who wish to gain research experience with an Augsburg faculty member. These grants require 100 hours of research over the course of the academic year and are a great way to ease into research or to continue work on an existing project.

The application is available at the URGO website ( at the “on-campus research” page. Grants are awarded on a rolling basis, so student-faculty research teams are encouraged to submit proposals in the fall. The URGO Advisory Committee meets bi-monthly and will begin reviewing proposals September 23rd.

If you have any questions about undergraduate research opportunities, please contact Dixie Shafer at or x1447.

IT for the Higher Ed Student (Free Resource)

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Self-enroll in the Moodle site IT for the Higher Ed Student to learn about technologies that may enhance your student experience. These tools will not do your homework for you, however they provide options to help in doing the work.

This site is a resource devised from my own experience as an Auggie in an effort to help others. There are no assignments or activities to complete, just well-loved resources!

Self-enroll to gain access to IT for the Higher Ed Student resource site.

Experiential Education Workshop: CGEE Edition

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The Sabo Center and the Center for Global Education and Experience (CGEE) present a learning opportunity focused on CGEE’s distinct experiential education pedagogy. What are the approaches and values that CGEE uses in its experiential education settings, and how might its elements and values be applicable to on-campus teaching and learning? Learn with Joe Connelly, long-time CGEE Experiential Education Specialist.

Monday, November 18, 2019
Riverside Room

This session is part of Augsburg University’s International Education Week events.

International Education Week (IEW), November 18-22, 2019, is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education that celebrates the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide.

Co-sponsored by Augsburg’s Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship and Center for Global Education and Experience.

International Education Week

TODAY: Addressing Mental Health Stigma and Prejudice on Campus

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The goal of this session is to create greater awareness among faculty and staff about students with mental health conditions and to better equip faculty and staff with the skills to address prejudice and discrimination against students inside and outside of the classroom. This workshop will address the following points:
-What person-first language is and how it is used to describe people with mental health conditions as well as people in recovery.
-Best practices for addressing episodes of prejudice when they occur inside (and outside of) the classroom.
-Understanding intersectionality in regards to prejudice around mental health conditions.
-Exploring techniques that can help students deal with the stigma connected to discussing, seeking help for, etc., mental health within and outside of their communities.

Facilitated by Barbara Lehmann and Melissa Hensley

This event is a part of our 2019-2020 CTL Inclusion series focused on creating, maintaining, and/or growing environments that allow students to feel more connected to and supported by Augsburg.

Friday, November 8 | Addressing Mental Health Stigma and Prejudice on Campus | 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm, OGC 100

Center for Teaching and Learning

Wednesday: EDTalk with Melissa Hensley and Barbara Lehmann

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On Wednesday at 3:20, hear about “Classroom Success for Students with Mental Health Conditions”. This session will provide tips for faculty members in engaging students with mental health conditions and helping to ensure academic success.

This event is a part of our 2019-2020 CTL Inclusion series focused on creating, maintaining, and/or growing environments that allow students to feel more connected to and supported by Augsburg.

Find out more about pre-faculty meeting EDTalks and other programming on the CTL page linked below.

Wednesday, November 13 | EDTalk with Melissa Hensley and Barbara Lehmann | 3:20 pm – 3:35 pm, HC 151

Center for Teaching and Learning

Free Money and Research Assistants for Faculty

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All faculty members, regardless of experience, are invited to attend this next installment in the New Faculty Series, “How Can Augsburg Support Your Research?” You will hear from four staff members who will share how their programs intersect faculty work here at Augsburg: Dixie Shafer from Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity (URGO), Lauren Causey and Jay Peterson from the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs, and Tina Maria Tavera from the McNair Scholars Program.

Tuesday, November 12 | New Faculty Series: How Can Augsburg Support Your Research? | 3:45 pm – 4:45 pm, OGC 100

Center for Teaching and Learning

Summer Health Professions Education Program Workshop

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The Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) is a free summer enrichment program focused on improving access to information and resources for first-year college students and sophomores from underrepresented communities who are interested in the health professions. SHPEP’s goal is to strengthen the academic proficiency and career development of students underrepresented in the health professions and prepare them for a successful application and matriculation to health professions schools.

Isaac Tade, ’21 Biology, and Sandra Feahn, ’22 Biopsychology, will speak about their experiences at the SHPEP programs at Columbia University and the University of Nebraska.

Tuesday, November 12
Hagfors 150A
6 pm

Contact Catherina Kipper at to RSVP or if you have any questions.

URGO Summer Research Program

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The URGO Summer Research Program is an 11-week, on-campus program where undergraduate students are funded to conduct research or creative activities under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Student researchers gain important analytic, technical, and writing skills that are important for graduate school and professional careers. URGO Summer Research also includes a weekly speaker series and seminars focused on research skills and professional development. Students from all disciplines are invited to participate. Students are encouraged to contact members of the faculty to discuss research ideas.
URGO provides full-time summer researchers (400 hours) with a $4,400 stipend while half-time researchers (200 hours) receive a $2,200 stipend. Both receive a significant campus housing discount as well. The program runs from mid-May to the end of July and students must plan to be enrolled at Augsburg for Fall 2020 to be eligible.

URGO Summer Research Assistantships

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In addition to the URGO Summer Research Program, URGO also funds 100-hour summer research assistantships where an undergraduate student assists a faculty member with an ongoing research project. Research Assistants and mentors determine how to spread the 100 hours of work over the course of the summer and it is an excellent opportunity to try out research for the first time or focus on a specific aspect of a research project.

URGO Conference Travel Grants Available for Student Researchers

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URGO offers up to $850 in travel funding for Augsburg undergraduates who have been accepted to present research at a professional conference. These funds can mitigate the high costs of travel such as airfare and lodging, and can contribute to students’ professionalization.

The application is available at the URGO website ( at the “conference travel” page. Grants are awarded on a rolling basis, so students are encouraged to work with their research mentor to submit a travel application as soon as possible after receiving acceptance to a conference. The URGO Advisory Committee meets bi-monthly throughout the school year and will begin reviewing applications September 23rd.

If you have any questions about undergraduate conference travel opportunities, please contact Dixie Shafer at or x1447.

General Announcements

Religion Department Student Gathering

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The Religion Department is hosting a gathering for current or potential Religion and Theology and Public Leadership majors and minors as well as Interfaith and Christensen Scholars.

WHEN: Thursday, November 14th, 5:00-6:15

WHERE: The Religion “Home” Hagfors 165

WHAT: Great food and conversation with Religion faculty and other students interested in the discipline of Religion.

Stop by for a few minutes or stay for a while. All are welcome!

November 11 Veterans Day

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Veterans Day honors all of those who have served the country in war or peace, and especially thanks veterans for their sacrifices.

For faculty, staff and students veterans or current military, A’viands is very happy to provide $5.00 at Einstein’s on Monday, Nov. 11 – individuals would need to show their military ID.

Thanks to our veterans and current military for your service!

Apply for the Christensen Vocation Internship Program

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Current Students,

Are you wondering how you are called to work and serve in a community? Are you interested in exploring purpose, meaning, and vocation in a practical way? Do you want to take initiative and develop your gifts as you work with a Christian organization addressing community needs that are identified with their neighbors?

If so, we have a spring semester internship opportunity for you to consider: the Christensen Vocation Internship Program!
— Paid Internship with opportunity for a personalized role at a faith-based nonprofit or congregation in Minneapolis
— Ongoing communication and mentorship with knowledgeable site supervisors
— Reflect on your internship experiences, readings, and personalized assessments with a cohort of your peers

There are several sites available for the internship, with roles ranging from youth development to community organizing to emergency rental assistance with people experiencing homelessness.

Past Student Intern and Supervisor Testimonies:

Gain Leadership Skills: “I was able to help people affirm what direction they were going or instigate a need to change course” – Demery, 2019

Challenge your Comfort Zone: “My openness, beautiful and wonderfulness thrown into a foreign environment” – Amanda, 2018

Discover a New You: “The interfaith insight is that you’ll be changed wherever you go” – Pastor Jane, 2017

For more information –

Apply through Handshake,

Note: Priority deadline for applications due November 13. Following that date, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis as the positions are open.

Attend A Study Abroad and Away Info Session

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Interested in studying abroad? Attend one of our Study Abroad & Away information sessions!

We have the new option to watch an info session online you can watch at the link below

We also have daily in-person info sessions located in the Oyate Commons, Lower Level of Christensen Center, Suite 2.

Monday: 10:40 am
Tuesday: 3:45 pm
Wednesday: 1:45 pm
Thursday: 11:30 pm
Friday: 3:15 pm

Have any questions?
Email or visit our website

Watch the online info session now!

Get a scholarship to study abroad on spring break – Apps due TODAY

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Thinking about study abroad on SPRING BREAK!? Apply for a scholarship to help make it happen!

This scholarship applies to two programs:
Human Rights Voices in Post Conflict Guatemala


Palestinian Art of Resistance

Scholarship apps due this Friday, November 8!
Get your application results on Nov 13.
Finish the program application by November 18

To qualify for these two spring break study abroad programs, you must be a sophomore or higher, have a 2.0 GPA or higher, and not have a financial aid hold, or disciplinary or academic hold on your account.

Apply for the scholarship here

Spring break study abroad in Guatemala – apply by November 18

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Take a spring semester course that includes 10 days of travel to Guatemala on Spring break!

Human Rights Voices in post-conflict Guatemala, 4-credits

Course options: CCS/SPA 495, or POL 459

Faculty Leader: Professor Joseph Towle

Travel Dates: March 14-22, 2020 (spring break)

Course Description:
Many U.S. citizens know little of Guatemala and the struggles its people face although it is a nation that continuously finds its fortunes bound to the interests and intent of the United States.

This course invites you to hear Guatemalan people’s views of their country, to explore past and present US involvement, and learn from those who lived through and survived the civil war spanning four decades (1960-1996), as well as a new generation of writers and artists–all who creatively and peacefully counteract the culture of fear through art and literature.
This 4-credit course is part of the spring 2020 enrollment. It can be taken as part of, or in addition to, your usual course load, and overload fees incurred by this study abroad program will be waived.


Program cost $3,825
includes: international airfare, all meals, all lodging, all program activities and in-country transportation. There is no additional tuition fee for full-time undergrad students.

Scholarships are available! Apply for scholarships by November 8.

Visit the program page for program and scholarship information!

Event Announcements

“Naked Lunch” 60th Anniversary Celebration

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The 60th Anniversary of the publication of William Burroughs’s “Naked Lunch” has offered legendary baker-poet-MC Danny Klecko the opportunity to celebrate all things Beat. Augsburg’s own English Professor D. E. Green will have his 7 minutes of Beat fame along with several great presenters, this Sunday (10 Nov.), 6:30pm, downstairs at the Turf Club on University Ave at St. Paul. Check out the link below for more information–and join us!

Augsburg’s commitment to environment and equity

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Join us for a listening and action planning around how environmental equity shows up in our lives and on campus. Together we will collectively envision Augsburg’s commitment to environmental action beyond 2019.

Monday, November 11, 2019
4:30-6:30 p.m.
Marshall Room

In 2007, Augsburg affirmed its long-standing commitment to environmental stewardship, driven by students, faculty, and staff, by signing the Second Nature Presidents’ Climate Leadership Commitment. Since then, our campus has made some progress towards living out this commitment, including working towards being carbon neutral by 2019. However, we recognize we have not fully lived up to what this commitment requires, given the urgent realities of climate change, the remnants of an exclusive environmental narrative and movement built on white supremacy, and the clear demands for addressing inequitable systems that are interconnected. As an institution committed to its public mission and to educating students to be informed citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible leaders, how can we take action that directs our power and resources to join the existing momentum of an equity-based environmental movement working for the collective liberation of our common home and community?

Commitment to Environmental Equity and Action at Augsburg

Community Organizing Skills: Power Mapping

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Join the Sabo Center for our third community organizing skills workshop this semester: Power Mapping!

Tuesday, November 19
3:40-5 p.m.
OGC 114

People interested in promoting positive social change— through public work, civic action, advocacy and other vehicles—need to be aware of who else cares about their cause, and the political and social power structures in play. Social change agents need tools to access resources and to put their ideas into action. Power mapping gives participants a way to think about different kinds of power, and a set of tools to access the power needed to make things happen.

This workshop will be led by Dennis Donovan, national organizer for Public Achievement.

Power Mapping

Augsburg Theater presents Green: an elegy to summer

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green: an elegy to summer

By Carson Kreitzer

Directed by Taous Claire Khazem

In the near future a vibrant underground community of hackers, botanists and artists live off the grid. When a young inventor shows up looking for a place to hide from the government because she figured out how to circumvent water scarcity the entire community must decide if their desire to save lives is worth the risk of destroying their own…

Tjornhom-Nelson Theater, Foss Center
Friday, November 15 at 7:00PM
Saturday, November 16 at 7:00PM
Thursday, November 21 at 7:00PM
Friday, November 22 at 7:00PM
Saturday, November 23 at 7:00PM
Sunday, November 24 at 3:00PM

Ticket Prices:
General Public
Augsburg Faculty/Staff
Non-Augsburg Students
Augsburg Alumni

Get your tickets here!

Spring Break Abroad Info session – Pizza and Palestine – Monday 6pm

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Monday, November 11 at 6pm
Riverside Room, 3rd floor of Christensen

Learn more about the spring break study abroad program Palestinian Art of Resistance!

A student will share her experience in the area from this past spring break, and the Study Abroad Office will talk about the application and scholarships available.

This program is an ART or THR course in spring semester with travel to Palestine on spring break. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so come learn how you can participate.

Pizza and beverages provided!
email with any questions

Learn more about spring break study abroad

Workshop: Assisting Students who May be Suicidal November 13 at 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

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Wednesday, November 13 | Workshop on assisting students who may be suicidal | 9:00 am – 10:30 am, East Commons

Student Affairs welcomes all to attend this workshop on skill building and increasing awareness so we might better assist students who may be at risk for suicide – and connect them with resources.

Facilitated by Dr. Bev Long, PsyD, LP, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota.

If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to Ann Garvey.

Mission and Identity Vocation Lunch with Katie Clark

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Augsburg Faculty and Staff,

You are invited to attend this fall’s Mission & Identity Vocation Lunch “Who Gives You Light?” with Katie Clark, Assistant Professor and Director of Augsburg Central Health Commons, on Friday, November 22nd from 11:15 a.m. to 12:25 p.m.

Note: Spaces are limited so you must register in order to attend this event.

Learn More and Register at:

Guests are also invited (but not required) to bring a donation of socks or other items to the Health Commons as part of this event. Learn more about items needed (or consider making an online donation) at

The Mission & Identity Vocation Lunch is an event that strengthens the concept of vocation at Augsburg for faculty and staff by providing role models from within the community to share a presentation on their sense of call and life journey.

If you have any questions, please contact the Christensen Center for Vocation office at (612) 330-1403 or

We hope to see you there!

Register for Fall Vocation Lunch with Katie Clark

Spring break study abroad with a friend in Palestine – get $500 off the program fee

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Study Abroad on spring break 2020: Palestinian Art of Resistance


Choose ONE course:
THR 295 or ART 211: Palestinian Art of Resistance (4 credits)
fulfills Fine Arts requirement
This program also fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement

Art of Resistance will immerse you in contemporary Palestinian culture and invite you to learn directly from a wide range of artists in the region. A major component of the course will be ongoing cultural exchange with students from Dar al-Kalima University in Bethlehem. Throughout the course, you will interrogate what it means to create art under occupation, explore various definitions of the “art of resistance,” and learn tools to make creative work that defies and reimagines the status quo.

Click here to learn more about how to sign up with a friend!

Study abroad in the Netherlands in summer 2020

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Love to explore? Have a sense of adventure? Like to walk and take trains? Like to ride bike? See cities by boat? Enjoy gardens? Markets? Architecture? Parks? Ever been interested in how the people of the Netherlands live? Do you have the desire to learn about innovative and creative solutions to environmental challenges? Would you like to have new ideas and tools to make positive changes back here in the U.S.?

Join Allyson Green and Lars Christiansen on a two-week exploration of urban environmental sustainability in Amsterdam and Delft, Netherlands in May 2020! We begin with several course sessions in Minneapolis in early May, and then depart for the Netherlands on May 7. We return two weeks later. There is so much to see and discover! We hope you join us.


Program Leaders: Lars Christiansen and Allyson Green

This is a 6-credit program:

Students choose one SOC/URB course for 4 credits:
SOC/URB 111: City Life: Intro to Urban Sociology (fulfills Social Behavioral Sciences LAF), or
SOC/URB 295: Living Green in Amsterdam (elective)

All students also take INS 292 for 2 credits:
INS 292: Topics: Environmental Sustainability through an Intercultural Lens

This program also fulfills the Augsburg Experience requirement.

Program Leaders: Lars Christiansen and Allyson Green

Program Cost: $5,500
*This all-inclusive program fee covers: tuition for 6 credits, international round-trip airfare from Minneapolis, all lodging, all meals, all transportation during the program, and all program activities.

Financial Aid: Check with Student Financial Services in Sverdrup hall to learn about how your financial aid package might help cover the cost of this program.

Get more information and apply online

Holistic Student Support Series-Supporting Survivors and Navigating Title IX workshop

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Tuesday, November 12th, there will be a Supporting Survivors & Navigating Title IX workshop from 1-2:30 pm in the Marshall Room.

This workshop will give you the chance to learn and practice skills for supporting a survivor of gender-based violence on campus. Content covered will include the neurobiology of trauma, Title IX policy and procedure, and how to balance your role as a support person and a mandatory reporter.

Open invitation to all.

Sponsored by Equity & Inclusion Initiatives

Queering Career, Business Visits

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As a continuation of or Queering Career series, LGBTQIA+ Student Services is sponsoring visits to local queer-owned businesses.

Tuesday, November 19th we will visit Mossier
Thursday, December 5th we’re visiting Urban Growler

For each event, we will meet in the Auggies Nest at 2 pm, leave no later than 2:30 pm, and will be back on campus by 4 pm. Transportation will be provided.

For more information and to register for the business visits, please use this link

Queer Fitness

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Come move your body with other queer-identified folx at Solcana Fitness, a queer-friendly, social-justice minded, femint gym, designed for folx of all fitness levels and backgrounds.

Please come prepared to move your body in ways that may be new – but also feel safe and comfortable for you. Bring or wear clothing that allows you to move freely, including tennis shoes.

On Thursday, November 14th, we will meet in the Auggie’s Nest at 2 pm and walk/drive over. The workout will be 60 minutes long, with Q & A opportunity.

To RSVP use this link

Keeping Track of Auggies

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