submitted by
Oren Gateway 200
Wednesday July 26, 2017
4:15PM – 5:00PM
What do future Auggies expect from Augsburg when it comes to technology?
What do future Auggies expect from their courses, faculty and campus?
The Augsburg IT Department is sponsoring a future student panel to explore what technology future Auggies expect. Come see a moderated panel where three incoming first year students will talk about what they expect from Augsburg’s technology.
Teenagers have grown up in a world where technology is everywhere and how they learn is infused with technology. Many K-12 systems have laptop programs, smartboards, and use tools like moodle. This sets an expectation and shapes how they learn — we need to understand this digital reality so we can help students succeed in the college environment. Come and hear from this panel and engage with them on questions you have about their digital reality.