University Name Change: Augsburg Logos, Mortensen Hall

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The new, official Augsburg University logos now are available to faculty and staff for download by visiting the Marketing and Communication area of the Inside Augsburg website. Several variations are available for use on all printed materials, department websites, University merchandise, and campus signage.

It is important that the new logos, variations, and symbols replace all previously used logos and symbols. Visit Marketing and Communication at for details on the proper uses of the Augsburg University symbol and variations, as well as information about Augsburg’s official school colors, typography, and more.

Questions about usage of the new logos should be directed to the Office of Marketing and Communication. Contact information for the department is at

HELP SESSION: The last of three help sessions that were scheduled this summer is being held tomorrow. Attend this session if you want help with social media or web updates, have any questions about your Department Name Change Checklist, or for any other name-change related queries. The remaining session is:

–August 23, 2017 at 1 p.m.—OGC 100

MORTENSEN HALL: The new signage on Mortensen Hall is being installed. Last week, the top of the building was repainted. This week, letters were being installed. The crane will be on campus today to remove old letters. If you haven’t looked up from the Quad in the past few days, be sure to do so! The lettering looks fantastic and is just more proof that in only 29 days, we will be Augsburg University!

Additional information about becoming Augsburg University is available on the University Name Change Updates page.

University Name Change Updates