Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
- Updates on Street Closures and Parking Lot Changes
- Parking Permit Sale Dates for 2017
- Underground Garage Lot Closures
Teaching and Learning
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Augsburg University News and Announcements
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Updates on street closures and parking lot changes:
21st Ave is scheduled to re-open for thru traffic on the morning of September 6th. Until it is opened that morning, the barricades will remain at the intersection of 21st Ave and 8th street. The area past the barricades is still a work zone until it re-opens. No unauthorized vehicles will be allowed in any area beyond the barricades.
Surface Lot A will be a Carpool ONLY lot beginning September 1st. To park in this lot, you must have a valid carpool permit. To obtain a carpool permit, you must meet all of the appropriate criteria. All of the details on this are listed on the Public Safety website.
For questions please email
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Parking Registration/Sale Dates for Fall 2017:
Faculty/Staff surface lot permits on sale July 31, at 8:30 a.m.
Faculty/Staff Transit and Bicycle Combo packs on sale July 31, at 8:30 a.m.
Faculty/Staff underground lot permits on sale August 31, 8:30 a.m.
AFA/ Grad parking permits on sale August 28, at 8:30 a.m.
Senior Commuter & Resident permits on sale August 28, at 8:30 a.m.
Junior Commuter & Resident permits on sale August 29, at 8:30 a.m.
Sophomore Commuter & Resident permits on sale August 30, at 8:30 a.m.
First Year Commuter permits on sale September 1, at 8:30 a.m.
For questions, please email
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Underground Garage CLOSURES:
Luther Underground garage will be closed completely on Tuesday August 8th for routine maintenance.
You will need to remove your vehicle from this space and keep it out of the garage from midnight (12:00 a.m.), on Tuesday, August 8, until 11:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 8.
OGC Underground garage will be closed completely on Thursday, August 10, for routine maintenance.
You will need to remove your vehicle from this space and keep it out of the garage from midnight (12:00 a.m.), on Thursday, August 10, until 11:00 p.m., Thursday, August 10.
We thank you for your cooperation. Please email with questions.
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Ever wondered how the library creates digital collections? Have you heard about our institutional repository and wondered “what the heck is that” or “why should I care”? Then mark your calendar and stop by Lindell Library this Friday, August 11, between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. Step inside our digitization lab and see how we preserve Auggie history through the ages. Learn all about Idun (ee-doon), Augsburg’s own institutional repository, and how you can use Idun to publish and disseminate everything from faculty books and articles to grad student theses to events such as convocations, theatrical productions, or musical performances. This is also your chance to meet the newest member of the library team, Stewart Van Cleve, Digital Archivist and Research Services Librarian.
Remember: that’s Friday, August 11, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Food and beverages will be served.
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MSP TechHire Scholars is a program funded by the City of Minneapolis which provides opportunities for underrepresented upperclassmen at Augsburg to pursue IT internships at Fairview Health Services and learn more about IT careers available in the healthcare industry.
This month, six Augsburg students will be selected to become MSP TechHire Scholars and receive a $2,310 scholarship as well as a paid fall semester internship ($20/hour) within IT at Fairview. Internships will run September-December and Scholars may choose to complete the internship for 0, 2, or 4 credits (Scholars may work a maximum of 170 hours at their internship placements.) In addition to completing their internship, Scholars will be expected to complete several unpaid professional development workshops on campus during the course of the semester.
As stipulated by the grant requirements, only students who meet the following criteria are eligible to be considered for this opportunity:
– Identify as a student of color, first generation in college (neither parent has a 4 year college degree) and/or Pell grant/MN Dream Act State Grant eligible
– Major or minor in MIS, Computer Science, Mathematics, or Business Management
– Rising Senior in good standing at Augsburg (anticipated graduation in Dec 2017 or May 2018)
– Interest in pursuing an IT career within healthcare
Unfortunately, international students are not eligible for this opportunity.
To apply for the MSP TechHire Scholars Program, please send your resume to by Monday, August 21st. Any questions regarding this opportunity can be directed to Janet Morales ( or 612-330-1792)
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New Augsburg University name badges are now ready to pre-order! You must place your order by 4 p.m., Friday, August 11, in order to receive it the last week in August. Badges ordered by August 11 will cost $5. If you miss this pre-order deadline, you can order anytime and your badge will cost $8 and be delivered the week following your order (in September or thereafter).
The order site is where it always has been: Inside Augsburg, Central Services. Please complete your order all the way through checkout – don’t leave items in the cart; we all share the same cart!
Badges come in magnet and pin back styles. There are one-line, two-line, and three-line options, plus a special three-line option for students and alumni who put their grad year on the badge (for example ’14). Don’t worry that on the proof your grad year seems too far to the right, it will print next to your name.
Please encourage your co-workers to order their badges by the pre-order deadline and order badges for your student workers. Please direct questions to the Copy Center at 612-330-1054.
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Augsburg University business cards and personalized letterhead are now ready to pre-order! You must place your order by 4 p.m. Monday, August 21, in order to receive them the last week in August. Prices will be cheaper if you order by the pre-order deadline. Prices will depend on the number of employees who participate in the pre-order. Based on aggressive projections, estimated prices are on this price chart:
The order site is where it always has been: Inside Augsburg, Central Services (note the user ID and password listed; they are NOT your Augsburg network login).
Business cards and personalized letterhead both come in two styles: general and athletics (very few departments use personalized letterhead). Note that general (non-personalized) letterhead is being ordered by Central Services and you will have the opportunity to requisition these later in August via the upcoming NEW copy request and paper supplies storefront online order system.
Please encourage your co-workers to order their business cards by the pre-order deadline. Please, direct questions to the Copy Center at 612-330-1054.
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New copiers will be installed around campus the week of August 14. If you have a Canon copier in your area, it will be replaced by a Sharp copier. I think you will like the pull-out keyboard (in addition to the touchscreen) if you scan to other e-mail addresses and add a subject or notes to your scan. I think you will also appreciate the ease of using your fob to access the copier rather than entering a code, and having a one-touch button to scan to your e-mail. Training will be provided at the machine as soon as it is installed. You can share that training with others in your area who are not available or call the Copy Center at x1054 afterward to schedule follow-up training.
Installation schedule:
Monday, August 14 – Christensen Center, Urness, Mortensen
Tuesday, August 15 – Lindell Library, Oren Gateway Center
Wednesday, August 16 – Anderson Hall, Memorial Hall
Thursday, August 17 – Science, Sverdrup
Friday, August 18 – Foss, Music, Si-Melby, Kennedy, Ice Arena, Luther Seminary, and Rochester
Note that the Copy Center will be getting new machines too, so there may be a time early in the week where response time to your copy requests may be delayed.
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Good Afternoon,
Just wanted to give everyone a friendly reminder that if you would like to purchase or rent academic regalia for Convocation, please let me know as soon as you are able. The information needed (where applicable) is:
1) Masters or Doctorate Robe
2) Robe Height and size (Reg. or XL)
3) Hood Color
4) Tam (yes or no)
Thank you very much and have a great day,
Barbara Hendricks
Store Manager
Augsburg College Bookstore
BN College
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We learned that Mark Daniel Lukitsch, sophomore, age 19, of Cottage Grove, MN, passed away unexpectedly on August 5, 2017. Mark is survived by parents, Dan and Lisa; beloved sister, Megan; service dog, Avery; grandparents, Chuck and Linda Kersten, Pat and Sue McFarlin, Carl and Sandy Lukitsch; aunts and uncles, Kelly (Bill) Benning, Todd (LeAnn) Kersten, Courtney Lukitsch; cousins, Kersten and Sydney Benning; best friends, Brichelle, Zach, Jack, and countless others. The funeral service will be held at 11 a.m., Friday, Aug. 11, at Rose of Sharon (6875 Jamaica Ave. Cottage Grove). The visitation will take place from 5-8 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 10, at Kok Funeral Home (7676 80th St. S. Cottage Grove) and one hour prior to service at the church.
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My name is April Johnson and I am a rising senior here at Augsburg.
I am selling an Amati’s Fine Instruments, full size, artisan model cello.
It is held in a red, light weight, molded case that can be locked. The case has wheels, backpack straps, and zips close.
The cello also comes with 2 bows, lightly used rosin, and a rubber rock stop.
The cello has four years of use and is in excellent condition.
Please contact with any questions! 701-552-1045