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Augsburg University News and Announcements
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Summer help is available for any writing task Augsburg students are assigned. The Augsburg Writing Lab is open and writing tutors are available through Summer Session II (through Wed, August 16). The Lab is located in Lindell Library, street level, just left of the circulation desk. Summer hours are Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 4 – 6:30. Online help is also available for students who can not be on campus during the lab hours. Questions? Contact K.Swanson, English Department.
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Augsburg University business cards and personalized letterhead are now ready to pre-order! You must place your order by 4 p.m. Monday, August 21, in order to receive them the last week in August. Prices will be cheaper if you order by the pre-order deadline. Prices will depend on the number of employees who participate in the pre-order. Based on aggressive projections, estimated prices are on this price chart:
The order site is where it always has been: Inside Augsburg, Central Services (note the user ID and password listed; they are NOT your Augsburg network login).
Business cards and personalized letterhead both come in two styles: general and athletics (very few departments use personalized letterhead). Note that general (non-personalized) letterhead is being ordered by Central Services and you will have the opportunity to requisition these next week via the upcoming NEW copy request and paper supplies storefront online order system.
Please encourage your co-workers to order their business cards by the pre-order deadline. Please, direct questions to the Copy Center at 612-330-1054.
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If you are one of the few departments that use personalized envelopes, the new Augsburg University envelopes are now ready to order! You must place your order by 4 PM Monday, August 21 in order to receive them the last week in August. Or, order them whenever you want thereafter.
The order site is where it always has been: Inside Augsburg, Central Services. Note, if you haven’t created a user name and login for this envelope site, you need to create one on your first visit. There is not a shared credential like the other order sites. Your own login enables you to reorder an exact item by going to your order history. If you have a login already, check your history to see if you have ordered your envelope before. If so, click reorder and the personalization will simply be transferred to the new University envelope.
Personalized envelopes come in many sizes, all with the general Augsburg University return address. There is room for up to two lines of personalization above the address. Personalized envelopes are significantly more expensive than general envelopes (because you would order a smaller quantity for your department than the larger order of general envelopes placed for the entire University), so if there is not a specific purpose for personalizing, the general envelopes should serve your mailing purposes well. Note that general (non-personalized) envelopes are being ordered by Central Services and you can requisition these next week via the upcoming NEW copy request and paper supplies storefront online order system.
Please, direct questions to the Copy Center at 612-330-1054.
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The Environmental Stewardship Committee will be repurposing Augsburg College paper (e.g., letterhead) into notepads this fall! When you’re ready to get rid of your extra paper, you can drop it off at the Copy Center. In September, notepads and scratch paper will be available. Recycling is great, but repurposing is even better!
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We’re getting so close to September 1 when we officially will be known as “Augsburg University!” With that in mind, now is the time to block time on your calendar to update your department’s Inside Augsburg pages, Engage Blogs, and department social media accounts.
To help with the transition of your department’s social media accounts, MarComm staff has developed some branded profile and cover photos designed for use on Facebook and Twitter, but also appropriate for other social media platforms, too.
We’re asking that official academic and staff departments, and chartered student organizations, select from among these profile and cover photos to launch your official social media accounts as Augsburg University. We hope to kick off the new academic year with a unified show of force around our branded images. Doing so will reinforce to our public audiences — prospective students and their families, alumni, corporate and foundation partners, and lawmakers — that we are a cohesive, unified community.
MarComm staff already converted top-tier, official social media accounts held by Augsburg. This work was done in advance of other departments to understand any kinks in the changes and so that if your department needs assistance, we are more readily available to help you.
Full details on on the Augsburg University Name Change blog.
Updating Department Inside Augsburg Pages, Social Media, and Engage Blogs
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Einsteins is open from 7:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. with a limited Summer Menu.
Nabo is open from 4:00-8:00 p.m., with Grab and Go sandwiches, salads, fruit, and beverages available.
The Commons is open for breakfast from 7:30am-8:45am, 11:30am-12:45pm for lunch, and 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. for dinner
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Our Mill City farmer’s Market gleaning team is in need of more paper/plastic bags to repackage and distribute produce each Saturday. If you have clean paper or plastic grocery bags to get rid of, please drop them off near the Campus Kitchen closet next to the elevator on the top floor of Christensen. Thanks!