Business Cards and Personalized Letterhead Pre-order

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Augsburg University business cards and personalized letterhead are now ready to pre-order! You must place your order by 4 p.m. Monday, August 21, in order to receive them the last week in August. Prices will be cheaper if you order by the pre-order deadline. Prices will depend on the number of employees who participate in the pre-order. Based on aggressive projections, estimated prices are on this price chart:

The order site is where it always has been: Inside Augsburg, Central Services (note the user ID and password listed; they are NOT your Augsburg network login).

Business cards and personalized letterhead both come in two styles: general and athletics (very few departments use personalized letterhead). Note that general (non-personalized) letterhead is being ordered by Central Services and you will have the opportunity to requisition these next week via the upcoming NEW copy request and paper supplies storefront online order system.

Please encourage your co-workers to order their business cards by the pre-order deadline. Please, direct questions to the Copy Center at 612-330-1054.

order here