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The new online copy request system is ready. Find it in the normal place on the Inside Augsburg Home page>Administrative tasks>Copy Request, or from the Central Services web page. You must be logged in with your Augsburg network login.
Use the site to order copy jobs from the copy center PLUS order general letterhead, general envelopes, and reams of colored or oversize paper you may use in your department.
New prices are in effect, you’ll note some of the color prices are lower, and we changed the pricing scheme – prices are the sum of the cost of the ink (black or color) and the cost of the paper you have chosen, plus any finishing. There continues to be volume based pricing on the ink charges.
We are eager for you to give it a try! Although the system is pretty intuitive, below is an instruction guide. Feel free to call the copy center x1054 for assistance (or if you discover a glitch – every new system has one!)