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May 8-11 CTL is hosting a large variety of experiential learning opportunities for both professional development and community building! Join us for a cup of coffee and stay for the workshop and engaging discussions to follow.
Join us May 8-11 for sessions on the following topics:
Tools to Foster CLEAN Design
Principles of Universal Design for Instruction
Faculty Learning Tech Showcase
Library Research Tools
Retaining Transfer students in STEM
Faculty and Staff Leadership
Food Education
Portfolio Workshop
Connections with Cedar Riverside Neighborhood
Creating and Inclusive Campus Conference (May 10th)
New Framework for Experiential Education at Augsburg
Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation
IRB Changes and Challenges
LGBTQIA+ Inclusion in the Classroom
Teaching and Learning Environmental Sustainability in your Courses
Stay-tuned, a complete itinerary will be available on the CTL website shortly after Spring Break.