
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Timely Alerts and Advisories

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The Augsburg University Department of Public Safety seeks to issue timely alerts and advisories as required by federal law in order to provide the Augsburg community with information to increase the safety of people and property. These timely notices provide information available to Public Safety at the time the alert or advisory is issued which may include limited suspect or other information. If you have information related to crimes on Augsburg’s campus, please contact the Department of Public Safety at 612-330-1717.

Crime Alerts and Advisories are distributed for incidents that occurred on, or in areas immediately adjacent to, university property. Alerts may be distributed to all students, staff, and faculty, or they may be distributed to a localized area of the University if it is determined that the threat is specific to that particular area. Alerts may be posted in 8×11″ frames near campus building entrances, sent by e-mail, posted in A-Mail, and posted in the News & Announcements page of our website.
Information that requires immediate notification and response will be sent through our E2Campus mass notification system. You can sign up or update your settings by logging into Augnet and clicking “Emergency Notification” in the “Augnet Services” menu.
Please visit for further info.

How you can help prevent crime at Augsburg

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You Can Help Prevent Crime at Augsburg!

-Trust Your Instincts – If you sense trouble, get away

-Be Observant and Aware – Remain alert, be aware of your surroundings, observe the other people around you. Know who is around you. Be alert for suspicious behavior (e.g. a person wearing a long coat in the middle of summer).

-Walk Confidently and Do Not Make Yourself a Target – Robbers are looking for an easy target. Keep your head up and eyes alert and walk at a steady pace. Do not walk while looking at your phone and avoid carrying lots of packages or other belongings. Walk in groups whenever possible.

-If You are Robbed – Do your best to stay calm and remember: safety first! Follow the robber’s directions, but do not volunteer more than asked for. If you have to move, tell the robber what you are doing and why. Try to get a good look at the robber so you can describe them later. Give the robber time to leave and note the direction they travel.

-After a Robbery – CALL DPS OR THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY. Try to recall as much as you can about the robber including physical description, clothing, speech and mannerisms.

-Notify DPS of any concerning or suspicious activity immediately.

For more information on crime prevention, please contact the department of Public Safety by emailing

Teaching and Learning

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General Announcements

Resume Writing Assistance-Drop In Hours

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Are you looking for an internship or summer job? Stop in for a 15 minute drop-in appointment (no need to schedule) at Strommen Career & Internship Services (located in Christensen across from Einstein’s) to have your resume reviewed by a Peer Adviser.

Mondays – Thursdays 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Fridays – 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. & 2:00 p.m – 4:00 p.m.

Make A Difference for Middle Schoolers (With Bonus Free Pizza)

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Do you want to earn service hours while making a difference for middle school students in the Twin Cities? Come judge debate rounds for the Minnesota Urban Debate League.

Middle school students will debate education reform, and we’re looking for caring students to judge them on their critical thinking, argumentation, and public speaking. No debate experience? No problem – we’ll train you. Judges also enjoy free pizza.

Volunteer shifts last from 3:15 – 7:30 PM.

We’re still looking for judges for the following tournaments (named for famous former debaters):

Thursday – 3/1: Rosalind Franklin Tournament
Thursday – 3/8: Rep. Patsy Takemoto Mink Tournament
Tues-Thurs 3/13-3/15: Justice Sotomayor Conference Championships
Tuesday – 3/20: Winona LaDuke Middle School City Championships

Please direct any questions to, or stop by our office in Foss 18.

Click the link below for more information and to sign up:

Volunteer With Us

Mexico: Summer study abroad program

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Earn language, Art, Keystone, or Internship credit in Mexico this summer:

CGEE in Mexico offers five 3 1/2 week sessions (blocks) focusing on Spanish language and Mexican culture in which students can take one course per session, and take up to five courses throughout the summer. This community-based program includes homestays, a trip to Mexico City, optional weekend excursions, and numerous guest speakers designed to help students learn about history, culture, and contemporary struggles for peace, justice, and human rights.

Spanish language courses at all levels beginning to advanced, as well as specialized Spanish courses in Business Spanish, Spanish for Ministry, and Spanish for Healthcare Professionals can be combined with internships in those fields to create a truly customized summer experience.

The summer is organized into five blocks, you may take anywhere from one to five blocks. Students who wish to take an internship must enroll for at least two blocks:
Block I: May 2-27
Block II: May 23-June 17 (KEY 490 offered only during Block II)
Block III: June 13-July 8
Block IV: July 5-29
Block V: July 25-August 19

Applications are due April 1st, 2018

Scholarships are available!

Students eligible for Summer Pell Grants, may apply the summer grant funds to this program if they attend at least two Blocks.

Email, or come and talk to the Study Abroad/Away Office for more details! We are located in Oyate Commons, in the lower level of Christensen Center.

Check here for program details, scholarship info, and application

Great Colleges to Work For Survey: Shared Voices

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Augsburg University is participating in the 2018 Great Colleges to Work For survey. The survey opened Monday, February 19 and will remain open until Monday, March 5. Eligible participants received an email from ModernThink which contained a survey invitation and link to the survey.

Important things to note:
– Survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
– Your responses to the survey will be completely confidential. ModernThink LLC, an independent survey firm, will not provide Augsburg with any information that would enable us to trace survey data back to any one individual.
– Your participation is very valuable and desired, but voluntary.
– Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on the HR Moodle site:

Should you have questions, please contact Lisa Stock ( or 612-330-1783) or Nicole Peterlin ( or 612-330-1602) in Human Resources. Thank you for sharing your voice!

Psych Study Looking for Participants

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My name is Owen Harrison, I am a Psychology student and I am completing a research project as part of an internship. I am researching gratitude, both how it works and why it works. I am looking for participants for my study. If you are interested in participating, please drop by Hagfors 275, the new Psychology lab, during any of the following times, Monday 2-4pm, Tuesday 4-7pm, Wednesday 3-6pm, Thursday 4-6pm . Participants must be Augsburg students.

Please feel free to reach out via email if you have any questions about the research or would like to set up a different time to complete the research.

Campus Cupboard Hours

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Campus Cuoboard is open for all students! It’s located in the Foss Lobby (same building Hoversten Chapel is in!). Come in to check out what grocery items we have stocked. Here are the hours for this week:

Monday- 10:30am-12:00pm and 3:30pm-4:30pm
Tuesday- 9am-1pm
Wednesday- 9:30- 12:15am and 1:45pm-3pm
Thursday- 1pm-3pm
Friday- 9:30am-11am and 12:30pm1:45pm and 2-3pm

Also, check out our Google Calendar. It will have the most current open hours for the Cupboard.

Interested in helping Campus Cupboard stay open during Spring Break? Volunteer to table!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at with questions or comments.

Google Calendar

Event Announcements

March 13th: What You Should Know About Social Security

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In a one-of-kind, special event: Rhonda Whiteneck, Public Affairs Specialist with the Social Security Administration will present a comprehensive look at Social Security benefits and the role they play in retirement. The presentation will include a look at how your age at retirement affects your benefits, who else is eligible to receive a benefit, and how you enroll. In addition, Rhonda will discuss Medicare Parts A, B, C and D, touching on penalties, creditable drug coverage and how Medicare affects HSA participation.

Not sure if you should attend? Are you planning to retire – soon or sometime in the future? Do you have parents, friends, etc. who will be retiring and could use a few pointers? Are you unsure how your and your spouse’s Medicare benefits coordinate? Do you have an HSA and wonder what will happen to it when you reach Medicare eligibility age? If you answered yes to any of these, this seminar is for you!​

When: March 13th from 12:00-1:00 pm
Where: Hagfors 150A

Vocation Lunch with Robert Tom – March 29th

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Faculty and Staff – you are invited to attend the Christensen Center for Vocation’s Spring Vocation Lunch with robert tom, Augsburg’s Ceramics and Sculpture Professor! This event will take place on Thursday, March 29th from 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM in East Commons, Christensen Center.

The Christensen Vocation Lunch is an event that strengthens the concept of vocation at Augsburg for faculty and staff by providing role models from within the community to share a presentation on their sense of call and life journey.

To learn more about robert tom and to register, please visit

Spaces are limited so please register soon. Note: upon completion of your registration, please be sure you receive a confirmation email and do not add the event to your calendar without completing the registration process.

If you have any questions, please contact the CCV office at (612) 330-1403 or email

We hope to see you there!

Candidate presentation: John N. Schwartz Professorship in Choral Leadership and Conducting

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Faculty and staff are invited to a presentation by Dr. Kristina Boerger, candidate for the Schwartz Endowed Professorship in Choral Leadership and Conducting, on Tuesday, March 6, at 10: 15 a.m. in Gundale Chapel in the Hagfors Center.

Focused Conversation on Strategic Facilities: Tomorrow and Wednesday

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The Focused Conversation topic this week is strategic facilities management. The conversation will be facilitated by Beth Reissenweber, vice president of Finance & Administration and chief financial officer, and Rebecca John, vice president of Marketing and Communication

Tomorrow’s session is at 2 p.m. in Oren 100. That session also will be available via remote access. The Wednesday session is at 12:30 p.m. in Oren 100.

To add a session to your calendar, click on the link on the Inside Augsburg calendar or the All Hands page (login required).

Keeping Track of Auggies

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